
  • 网络cellular neural network;cnn
  1. 对细胞神经网络的模板进行设计。

    Templates of CNN are designed .

  2. 根据细胞神经网络高速并行的特点,提出并设计了单层细胞神经网络负片模板用于灰度图像的负片处理,为细胞神经网络在图像处理领域中的应用提供了一种优良的算法。

    According to the high speed and parallel character of CNN , the negative template of CNN is presented and designed to process gray-scale images .

  3. 基于CD细胞神经网络的肝脏B超图像数据挖掘

    Data dig of liver B-ultrasound image based on counter detection cellular neural networks

  4. 基于细胞神经网络(CellularNeuralNetwork,CNN)的图像处理的研究和应用已取得了很大进展。

    The researches and applications of image processing based on the Cellular Neural Network ( CNN ) have made great progresses .

  5. 所有的CA规则都可以用细胞神经网络(CNN)实现。

    All the CA rules can be implemented with Cellular Neural Network ( CNN ) .

  6. 通过构造Lyapunov泛函并结合对Young不等式分析,研究了一类带时延的细胞神经网络的全局稳定性问题。

    The problem of global asymptotic stability is addressed by means of constructing suitable Lyapunov functional and combining with Young inequality analysis .

  7. 细胞神经网络CNN是一种模拟生物功能的数学模型。

    Cellular neural network is a mathematical model which simulate biological function .

  8. 实现CPG模型的细胞神经网络的分支分析方法

    Method of bifurcation analysis of cellular neural network for CPG models

  9. 基于LMI的时滞细胞神经网络的指数稳定性分析

    A Generalized LMI-Based Approach to the Global Asymptotic Stability of Cellular Neural Networks with Delay

  10. 1988年Chua和Yang提出了一类新颖的信息处理系统称为细胞神经网络。

    Chua and Yang proposed a novel class of information-processing systems called cellular neural networks in 1988 .

  11. 一类随机BAM细胞神经网络的指数稳定性

    Exponential stability of a Class stochastic BMA Cellular Neural Networks

  12. 基于APEX算法改进的图像复原算法基于细胞神经网络的图像复原新方法

    An Improved Image Restoration Method Based on APEX Method A Novel Image Restoration Algorithm Using Cellular Neural Networks

  13. 本文主要研究了随机时滞Hopfield神经网络和随机时滞细胞神经网络的指数稳定性。

    This paper investigates the stability of stochastic delyed Hopfield neural networks and stochastic delayed cellular neural networks .

  14. 本文用双层的细胞神经网络(CNN)进行盲信号分离。

    In this paper a two-layer cellular neural network ( CNN ) is used to separate blind signals .

  15. 然后利用PSO算法优化训练出细胞神经网络参数,最后对设计出的细胞神经网络的性能进行了评价。

    Then the template parameters of CNN are trained out by PSO algorithm . Lastly , the performance of designed CNN has been evaluated .

  16. 细胞神经网络(Cellularneuralnetworks,简称CNN)动力学是神经网络与动力学系统交叉结合的一门新型学科,它的理论和应用研究成了当前的研究热点。

    Cellular Neural Networks ( CNN ) dynamics is a new kind of interdisciplinary sciences combined with neural networks and dynamic system , the theory and application of CNN have become a new focus recently .

  17. 本文主要研究的是细胞神经网络(CNN)模板的设计及其在图像处理上的应用。

    In this paper , we lay primary emphasis on the template design and application in image processing of cellular neural networks ( CNN ) .

  18. 针对临床尿沉渣显微图像识别问题,提出了一种新的图像预处理方法和基于细胞神经网络(CNN)的分割算法。

    In view of urinary microscopic image recognition , a novel urinary sediment image segmentation approach based on cellular neural network ( CNN ) was presented .

  19. 细胞神经网络(CNN)是一种并行处理器,在图像处理上有很大的发展空间。

    Cellular Neural Network ( CNN ) is a parallel processor . In the erea of image processing , the CNN has a broad developing space .

  20. 用细胞神经网络(CNN)模拟中枢模式发生器(CPG)实现机器人运动控制是目前国际上机器人领域的一个研究热点。

    The study of the control strategy based on Central Pattern Generator ( CPG ) has been an international active field in robot 's locomotion control .

  21. 通过对细胞神经网络(CNN)动态特性的研究,把产生的超混沌应用到信号加密中,提出了一种新的混沌同步方案,理论分析和实验仿真结果表明,保密效果良好。

    Through analyzing the dynamical properties of cellular neural networks ( CNN ), hyper-chaos is generated . The . author proposes a novel synchronization scheme for encrypting plain signals .

  22. 本文利用细胞神经网络(CNN)的基本处理单元一细胞的分段线性饱和输出特性和相平面分析法实现了线性可分和线性不可分布尔函数。

    The piecewise linear saturation characteristics of cell in a cellular neural network ( CNN ) and phase plane analysis method are used to realize linear separable and nonseparable Boolean expressions .

  23. 作为一种局域连接网络,其优点是:不像Hopfield网络那样的全连接性,又不像细胞神经网络的死板性,是一种接近于人脑思维模式的局域连接问题。

    Its merits is neither similar to the connected Hopfield Neural Networks , nor the rigid of cell neural networks , is close to the human thinking method in local area connection problem .

  24. 细胞神经网络(CNNs)的理论和应用研究已经成为了新的研究热点。

    Theory and applications of the cellular neural networks ( CNNs ) have been a new focus recently .

  25. 细胞神经网络(CNN)是图像处理的有力工具.它已用于人工视觉,录像压缩,图像融合、运动和图形识别等领域。

    The cellular neural network ( CNN ) is a powerful tool for image processing and has been used for artificial vision , video compression , image fusion , motion and pattern recognition .

  26. 本文考虑了两类时滞细胞神经网络模型,在信号函数不具备全局的Lipschitz条件下,获得了这些模型反周期解存在性和稳定性及相关动力学行为。

    This dissertation is devoted to the existence , stability and involved dynamic behaviors of anti-periodic solutions to two classes of delayed cellular neural network models without Lipschitz conditions for signal transfer function .

  27. 我们在分析了RTD的基本特性的基础上,利用RTD完美的负差分电阻特性和忆阻器的自动记忆功能,构建了忆阻器/RTD混合结构细胞神经网络。

    The basic characteristics of resonant tunneling diode are analyzed and RTD cellular neural network based on memristor is built up by utilizing negative differential resistance property of RTD and auto-memory function .

  28. 图像处理应用研究主要是利用离散细胞神经网络来实现GVF场和光流场,实现图像分割的目的。

    For the image processing applications , the implementation of Gradient Vector Flow field and optical flow field by using multiplayer discrete-time CNNs are proposed for image segmentation .

  29. 主要针对图像的边缘检测进行CNN的模板设计,并用设计的模板进行计算机仿真。同时用FPGA构造虚拟的细胞神经网络对图像进行实时处理。

    Mainly we design template of CNN with something about edge detecting of image , with which we run simulations in PC. At the same time , the virtual CNN which is constructed by FPGA is used to process Real-time image .

  30. 第二章利用拓扑度理论和Liapunov泛函方法讨论了如下变时滞区间细胞神经网络的全局鲁棒稳定性。

    In the second chapter , we discuss the global robust stability of interval cellular neural networks with time-varying delays by the theory of topological degree and the method of Liapunov function .