
  1. 真正的狂野:Karen的蛋糕作品细节刻画十分到位,从狮子的牙齿到狮子的毛发和耳朵都显得“入木三分”。

    Really wild ! Karen 's creations include the tiniest of detail , from the teeth to the ' hair ' in the lion 's ears Scrumptious : Guests have been wowed at the realistic creations How does she do it ?

  2. 不要花过多精力在细节刻画上。

    Be aware of putting too much detail in at this stage .

  3. 凯伦的蛋糕作品细节刻画十分到位,从狮子的牙齿到其耳中的毛发都显得“入木三分”。

    Karen 's creations include the tiniest of detail , from the teeth to the'hair'in the lion 's ears .

  4. 作者在文学创作技法上实现了突破和创新,通过采取细致的外形刻画、内心刻画、细节刻画等方法,塑造了丰富饱满的商人形象。

    Authors in the literature on techniques to achieve a breakthrough and innovation , by taking detailed shape characterization , depicts the heart , details of characterization and other methods , create a rich businessman full image .

  5. 工笔画属中国传统的写实主义画派。其特点是画工精细,尤其注意细节的刻画。

    Gongbi is a traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail .

  6. 在裴注所引的这些杂传中,刻画了一系列栩栩如生的人物形象,其一,选取生活轶事,运用生动的细节描写刻画人物性格。

    Have depicted a series of visual personage image , one , have chosen the anecdote living in , apply vivid detail to depict depicting the personage character .

  7. 文人画的逸笔草草不求形似的思想,使得这一时期的园林题材绘画不是那么追求细节的刻画,而是注重画面意境的传达。

    Literati painting Yat document does not seek the shape of a rash idea , makes this period garden theme painting depicts is not so the pursuit of details , but focus on the screen artistic conception .

  8. 名利场作为萨克雷的代表作,辛辣地讽刺了买卖良心和荣誉的名利场中的各种丑恶现象,而且善于运用深刻的心理描写和生动的细节勾勒来刻画人物,是一部现实主义的杰作。

    Being the representative book of Thackeray , a pungent sarcasm to the kind of odiousness in society like selling conscience and honor , Vanity Fair , using deep psychological description and vivid detailed outlines to depict character , is a realistic masterpiece .

  9. 尽管特效不比前作夺目,但赛道上的细节以及场景的刻画令人著迷。

    What it lacks in dazzle it makes up for in detail , be that in the rubber marbles that skirt the track or the beauty of a setting sun .

  10. 本文通过对《祝福》中的细节描写进行分析,说明了文学作品的细节刻画是展示人物性格,表明作品主题的重要艺术手段。

    Through giving the analysis to the detail description in 《 Blessing 》, the article illustrates detail description is one of important artistic way to express characters and teil subjects of works .