
  • 网络be covered with snow all the year round
  1. HPLC测定不同产地和不同时间的积雪草中的积雪草苷和羟基积雪草苷雪原(终年积雪的大片地区,如高山上)。

    Determination of asiaticoside and madecassoside in Centella asiatica urban collected from different seasons and different habitats by HPLC snow-field ( permanent wide expanse of snow , eg on high mountains )

  2. 他们登上了一座终年积雪的高山。

    They climbed up a mountain covered with snow all the year round .

  3. 记得山上么?比这些高,终年积雪。

    Remember the mountains ? Higher than these and always snow on them .

  4. 这条河把终年积雪的群山上的融雪带走,蜿蜒1900英里长。

    Draining mountains of everlasting snow , the river twists for nineteen hundred miles .

  5. 雄伟的喜马拉雅山的终年积雪。

    The everlasting snows of the mighty himalayas .

  6. 在大山上终年积雪的最低线。

    The line on a mountain above which there is perpetual snow and ice .

  7. 公园中三分之一以上的地方都覆盖有一层终年积雪和冰川冰。

    More than one-third of the park has a blanket of permanent snow and glacial ice .

  8. 喜马拉雅山终年积雪,甚至在夏季也是如此,只是雪稍微少一点。

    The mountains in the Himalayas are nonstop & always covered with snow , even in summer , just less .

  9. 区内有终年积雪的山峰、翠繁茂的森林、静悠远的湖泊。

    In the reserve there are perennially snow-topped mountain peaks , verdant and lush forests and stretches of serene lakes .

  10. 他们飞快地滑雪下山。雪原(终年积雪的大片地区,如高山上)。

    They skied swiftly down the hill . snow-field ( permanent wide expanse of snow , eg on high mountains )

  11. 雪原(终年积雪的大片地区,如高山上).筑路工人长年奋战在风雪高原。

    Snow-field ( permanent wide expanse of snow , eg on high mountains ) The road builders brave the wind and snow on the plateaus all the year round .

  12. 这里终年积雪的山峰,苍翠茂繁的森林,宁静悠远的湖泊都是那么的神奇迷人,置身其中如同置身于世外桃源一般,令人流连忘返。

    With the charming sights of perennially snow-capped mountain peaks , verdant and lush forests , and serene lakes , you will feel in earthly paradise and reluctant to leave .

  13. 作为世界的制高点,珠穆朗玛峰顶终年积雪,在阳光的照耀下,纯净而绝美。

    As the supreme point of the world , the mountain top is covered with snow all the year round , and when the glaring sun comes out , the peak becomes very pure and beautiful .

  14. 雪线是降水的零平衡面,作为终年积雪区的下界,是与林线、冰缘线和土壤线等界线同等重要的自然地理区划线。

    As the zero-balanced surface of rainfall , the snowline can be defined as the lower limit of the perennially snow-covered area , and it is a geographic element as important as the tree line , the periglacial line and the soil line .

  15. 从那间屋子的阳台上能够看到终年被积雪覆盖的山峰。

    You can see peaks covered with snow all the year round from the balcony of that room .

  16. 这座山终年有积雪覆盖。

    The mountain is perpetually covered with snow .

  17. 山顶终年覆盖着积雪。

    The top part of the mountain is covered with snow all the year round .

  18. 从这儿你可以看到山上终年不化的积雪。

    From here you can see the perpetual snows of the mountaintops .

  19. 北极终年不化的积雪。

    The perpetual snow of the arctic .