
zhōnɡ shēn ɡù yōnɡ zhì
  • lifetime employment system
  1. 近十年来中国的日本企业终身雇佣制研究综述

    Summary of Chinese Research on Lifelong Employment Tenure of Japanese Enterprises in Recent Decade

  2. 实践中西方国家企业员工参与公司治理采取了集体谈判、员工参与共决制、终身雇佣制、职工持股计划等。

    In practice employees of western countries takes means such as Employee Stock Ownership Plans , co-determination .

  3. 日本兴盛一时的终身雇佣制曾经使忠诚的雇员不太可能拒绝晋升机会。

    Japan 's once widespread practice of lifetime employment used to make loyal workers unlikely to reject promotions .

  4. 文章运用隐性契约理论分析了日本的终身雇佣制和中国的固定工制度。

    This paper analyzes the contractual properties of Japanese life-employment and Chinese fixed-employment system in view of implicit contracts theory .

  5. 终身雇佣制文化的崩塌则更具冲击性,因为在当时,失业几乎是一种禁忌。

    It was even more devastating when the job for life culture crumbled : back then , unemployment was almost taboo .

  6. 日本的终身雇佣制是日本企业长期采用的劳动用工制度,在整个世界上都是独具特色的。

    The lifelong employment system has been used by Japanese enterprises for a long time and is unique in the world .

  7. 在眼下很多人都想要其他选择的情况下,存在将过去全职终身雇佣制及固定工作合同的好处浪漫化的风险。

    There is a danger of romanticising the past benefits of permanent full-time employment and fixed-job contracts when many now want alternatives .

  8. 日本劳动力市场广为宣扬的特点之一就是所谓的终身雇佣制。

    One of the most Widely publicized features of the Japanese labor market is the system of what had been called permanent commitment .