
  • 网络Shaoxing University;University of Shaoxing;zscas.edu.cn
  1. 单位:浙江省绍兴文理学院教育系。

    SETTING : Department of Education , Shaoxing University of Zhejiang Province .

  2. 关于提升绍兴文理学院办学层次的几点思考

    Reflection on the Promotion of the Level of Shaoxing University

  3. 从绍兴文理学院学生五项素质追踪研究看当代大学生的身体素质

    Research on the Contemporary College Five Qualities of the Students

  4. 《绍兴文理学院学报》2000-2003年载文分析

    Analysis of Published Papers from 2000 to 2003 in Journal of Shaoxing University

  5. 强化培训,提升层次;关于提升绍兴文理学院办学层次的几点思考

    Faculty training be strengthened ; Reflection on the Promotion of the Level of Shaoxing University

  6. 对地域文化的承传、凝炼和贡献&析绍兴文理学院的校园精神

    Inheritance , Condensation and Contribution to Local Culture & Analysis on Campus Culture of Shaoxing University

  7. 《绍兴文理学院学报》(自然科学)2000-2004年引文的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis of Citations Used in Journal of Shaoxing University ( Natural Science Edition ) Between 2000 and 2004

  8. 1999年度绍兴文理学院田径运动会计分方法进行了改进&增设了参赛成绩分(以下简称新方法)。

    The calculating method of score in sports meet of Shaoxing College of Arts and Sciences in 1999 is improved .

  9. 地方院校大学生就业的竞争分析&以绍兴文理学院大学生就业为例的实证研究

    Analysis on the Competition of Employment in Local Universities Research on the Employment of College Students in Shaoxing College of Arts and Sciences

  10. 以绍兴文理学院为例,说明地方大学校园文化与区域文化的互动效应。

    The present paper discusses the interactive effect between campus culture of local university and regional culture , taking Shaoxing University as an example .

  11. 对象:2001-01/2003-12绍兴文理学院医学院附属医院神经科住院脑卒中患者55例和健康体检者35例(对照组)。

    PARTICIPANTS : Totally 55 patients with stroke hospitalized in Neurology Department of Hospital Affiliated to Medical College of Shaoxing Art and Science College and 35 healthy people taking physical examination from January 2001 to December 2003 in the hospital as controls .