
jīng shāng
  • be in business;trading;go into business;engage in trade;engage in business deals
经商 [jīng shāng]
  • [engage in trade] 经营商业;做生意

经商[jīng shāng]
  1. 军队不再经商条件下的财经形势与理财策略

    The financial and economic situation and tactics of conducting finacial transactions on condition that the troops will no more engage in trade

  2. 她一身兼备经商技巧与个人魅力。

    She unites keen business skills with a charming personality .

  3. 他早在求学时期就表现出有经商的天赋。

    Even at school , he showed he had an instinct for business .

  4. 要是我父亲有一点点经商的头脑就好了。

    If only my father had possessed an ounce of business sense

  5. 事实上,他的经商生涯从初期就明显前景暗淡。

    In fact , his business career had distinctly unpromising beginnings

  6. 如果你经商,应该遵守商法。

    Obey the mercantile laws if you are engaged in business .

  7. 他们经商已多年。

    They have engaged in trade for many years .

  8. 公司经营理念:以客户为中心,诚信经商,创富济世,承担社会责任。

    Company business philosophy : customer-centric , integrity in business world , wealth , social responsibility .

  9. 那个修理工辞掉了他的固定工作去自担风险地经商了。

    The repairman left his regular job and has gone into business on his own account .

  10. 他经商失败。

    He failed in business .

  11. 它们沿着埃及人的经商路线移动,驱赶了老鼠,也一直与人类一起生活。

    They moved along Egyptian business roads keeping away mice and keeping people around them .

  12. 他的钱财主要来自经商。

    His money comes mainly from business .

  13. 我拍了一部电视剧——《温州一家人》,讲述了上世纪八十年代浙江一家子走南闯北、经商创业的故事,最终将事业扩展到了欧洲。

    I created a TV drama , One Family from Wenzhou , which tells the story of how a family from Zhejiang province made a living by doing business across the country in the 1980s and finally expanded their business to Europe .

  14. 媒体将这种现象称之为“衙内经济”。衙内经济指政府官员子女利用其父母的权势和影响力进行经商活动的一种反常的经济形态。

    Media have called this phenomenon " the economy of high ranking officials ' children " , which refers to the abnormal2 economic pattern in which the sons and daughters of high-ranking officials take advantage of their parents ' power and influence to do business .

  15. 世界银行(TheWorldBank)2014年《营商环境报告》(DoingBusiness,对全球经济体经商便利度的最新年度评估)又一次将索马里“忽略”。

    The world bank 2014 doing business report the latest annual assessment of the ease of doing business in economies around the world once again skips Somalia entirely .

  16. 建议在国境口岸进一步加强对来自非洲的入境者和出国劳务、经商的归国人员实施AIDS监测。

    The surveillance of AIDS in port is emphasized on the entrants from African and the returned Chinese people which engaged in physical labour and did business abroad .

  17. 在卡茨基尔避暑胜地与其妻子劳里(laurie)相识后,佩尔穆特就走上了经商之路,并最终收购了惊奇。

    After meeting his wife Laurie at a Catskills resort , he started on a path that would lead him to marvel .

  18. 汇丰中国(hsbcchina)行政总裁翁富泽(richardyorke)认为,一些外国商界人士的不满,可能只是反映了这样一个现实:中国正成为一个竞争日益激烈的经商地点。

    Richard Yorke , chief executive of HSBC China , thinks dissatisfaction among some foreign businesspeople could merely reflect the reality that China is becoming an increasingly competitive place to do business .

  19. StevenTepp:“这些流氓网站损害了美国的就业市场,偷走了美国人的工作岗位,损害了美国消费者,我们不许他们在网上经商。”

    STEVEN TEPP : " These rogue sites are hurting American jobs , stealing American jobs , they 're harming American consumers and they have no business being on the Internet . "

  20. 它将宣传在伦敦金融城经商的益处,突出具有专业知识的各领域,以及单一监管机构(即英国金融服务管理局,fsa)带来的益处。

    It will market the benefits of doing business in the city , highlighting its areas of expertise and the benefits of having a single regulator in the financial services authority .

  21. 英国工商业联合会(cbi)驻中国首席代表刚毅(guydrudrury)表示,在这类城市经商,要比在北京和上海等成熟的中心城市成本低廉得多。

    It can be much cheaper to do business in such centres than in well-established cities such as Beijing and Shanghai , according to guy dru Drury , chief representative in China for the CBI .

  22. 该剧一开场,一名英国顾问给剧中主人公美国商人丹尼尔卡瓦诺(DanielCavanaugh)提供了一些建议,这样他就能避开普遍存在的蹩脚翻译问题:在中国经商,要永远带着自己的翻译。

    It begins with a British consultant giving the main character , American businessman Daniel Cavanaugh , some advice so he can get around the widespread problem of poor interpreting : When doing business in China , always bring your own translator .

  23. 该剧一开场,一名英国顾问给剧中主人公美国商人丹尼尔•卡瓦诺(DanielCavanaugh)提供了一些建议,这样他就能避开普遍存在的蹩脚翻译问题:“在中国经商,要永远带着自己的翻译。”

    It begins with a British consultant giving the main character , American businessman Daniel Cavanaugh , some advice so he can get around the widespread problem of poor interpreting : " When doing business in China , always bring your own translator . "

  24. 她通过这次事件证明了她经商的天赋。

    She demonstrates her talent of conducting business through this event .

  25. 对女性经商者来说,在新兴市场生存也有不少优势。

    Living in emerging markets offers many advantages for female professionals .

  26. 好的经商策略是做一个好的中间人。

    The art of good business is being a good middleman .

  27. 运作的:在日常经商过程中采取的风险

    Operational : Risk assumed in the course of doing day-to-day business

  28. 科尔斯顿说,他们发展出一种独特的经商方式。

    Kirstein says they are a unique way of doing business .

  29. 是的,我是根据我在中国的经商经历来说的。

    Yes , I am talking from my china biz experience .

  30. 经商失败以后,他很快就重新振作了起来。

    He picked up himself soon after his failure in business .