
jīnɡ yínɡ zī jīn
  • operation funds;floating capital
  1. 企业多种经营资金分配的研究

    Research on the Allocation of Capital in Business Group

  2. 他们似乎热衷于全盘收购现有投资者的股权,注入一些经营资金以及提高负债。

    They seem to be wired to buy out existing investors , put in some working capital , and raise debt .

  3. 编制资金需求计划,寻找资金,调配资金满足公司投资和经营资金需求。

    Making the fund need plan , search fund resource , translate the Fund meeting the investment and operating fund requirement .

  4. 上市商业银行是经营资金的特殊公司,它业务的特殊性决定了它风险性高、敏感性高的特点。

    Listed commercial banks are the special companies for operating funds , which have the characteristics of high risks of adventures and sensitivity .

  5. 由于民航业平均利润率不超过4%,单靠行业自身经营资金的积累远不足以满足未来飞机引进的资金需求。

    But the average profit rate of the industry is less than 4 % , the own capital accumulation could not meet the requirement of future aircrafts purchase .

  6. 分别从规范和实证研究的角度对影响新一轮林改之后商品林经营资金筹集的主要因素进行分析论证。

    From the perspective of norms and empirical research , analyzes the major factors of commercial forest fund raising after the newest round of forestry rights ' reform .

  7. 以江西省宜春市农户调查数据为基础,分析农户林业经营资金投入的现状与问题。

    Based on data obtained from questionnaires on farming households in Yichun City , Jiangxi Province , the paper analyzes the reality and problems on farmers'capital investment in forest operation .

  8. 中小企业目前的竞争程度较为激烈,大多数中小企业的净资产利润率低,利润的积累无法满足其快速发展的需求,从而使银行信贷资金成为中小企业经营资金的主要来源。

    The competition amongst SMEs is very fierce . Because the profit margin of SMEs ' net asset is low and their profit accumulation cannot meet the needs of its rapid development , bank credit funds become the main source of finance for SMEs in China .

  9. 最后,本文借助于DYNAMO语言对深圳市烟草公司多种经营的资金分配进行了详细的案例研究。

    Lastly , case study of Shenzhen Tobacco Company is presented by means of DYNAMO language .

  10. 风险衡量是风险管理的基础,VaR作为一种独具优势的风险衡量工具,可以对保险公司经营中资金运用风险进行衡量,进而进行风险管理。

    Risk measurement is the basis of risk management . As an unique tool for risk measurement , VaR can measure risks in the use of funds .

  11. 关于乡镇企业负债经营与资金结构优化的财务思考

    Ideas for township enterprise operation under debt and optimization of its capital structure

  12. 乡镇企业的发展还可以为农业产业化经营提供资金保证。

    The development of village and town enterprises can also provide capital for the agricultural industrialization .

  13. 美国农民都严重地依赖借款作为给农场经营筹措资金的手段。

    The American farmer has depended heavily on debt as a means of financing farm operations .

  14. 文中的第六章是对大庆油田跨国经营短期资金的存量管理进行了研究。

    The sixth chapter concerns the stock control of the short period capital of Daqing Oilfield international operation .

  15. 商业银行是经营货币资金的特殊金融企业,其显著特点之一就是高风险性。

    Commercial bank is special financial company which supports currency . High operational risk is one of its features .

  16. 农场除个别采取雇佣劳动外,绝大部分将土地出租给农户经营,资金也以国家财政支持为主。

    Financed by the government , most of the farms recruited tenant peasants for cultivation , while some specific one adopted employment .

  17. 在信贷市场上,贷款企业在经营和资金运用方面都比银行拥有更多的信息优势,容易出现逆向选择和道德风险问题,损害银行利益。

    In the credit market , the enterprises have more advantages than banks in the aspects of business running and using capital .

  18. 文章在分析论述经营性资金特点和运营过程中存在的问题的基础上,详细阐述了加强资金管理的着眼点。

    This paper describes in detail the starting points to strengthen capital management based on the analysis of the characteristics of capital operation and the problems existed .

  19. 随着商务活动的范围跨出国界,银行和金融机构接踵而至,以满足其为世界性的投资和经营提供资金的需要。

    As business has expanded across national borders , banks and financial institutions have followed it to meet its need for capital for investment and operations around the world .

  20. 证券公司作为经营货币资金和有价证券的特殊企业,其一切经营活动必须严控合规风险,否则随时都有可能遭受不可预计的风险损失。

    Specialized in running monetary fund and negotiable securities , securities companies must exercising strict control over all operating activities ; otherwise they may suffer unexpected losses at any time .

  21. 商业银行不是一般的企业,而是经营货币资金的金融企业,它所开展的业务活动决定了其在国民经济中扮演重要的角色。

    Commercial banks are not normal enterprises but financial enterprises which take cash capital as their input and output . Their business activities make their role played in the national economy .

  22. 控股股东及其他关联方与上市公司发生的经营性资金往来中,应当严格限制占用上市公司资金。

    Among the operational funds flowing between a controlling shareholder or any other associated party and a listed company , the possession of the listed company 's funds shall be strictly restricted .

  23. 尽管现在的小额贷款公司试点情况良好,未发生明显的风险事件,但作为经营货币资金的公司,风险还是不容忽视。

    Although the pilot micro-credit companies in good condition , there is no obvious risk event , but as the currency capital of the company , or the risk can not be ignored .

  24. 银行也是企业,它具有企业的共性,但它是经营货币资金的特殊企业,它具有特殊的投入产出、具有较强的外部性等特征。

    Banks is also a business , it has a common enterprise , but it is carrying on money funds to the special business , which has a special input-output , a strong external sexual characteristics .

  25. 本文认为,目前地勘单位发展多种经营面临资金不足的困难,在一定程度上也与生产成本的补偿(特别是从价值上对设备磨损的补偿)不足有关。

    The author deems insufficient compensation to the cost of production ( especially compensation to decreased value of worn equipment ) constitute a part of the financial difficulties encountered by the geological prospecting units in developing diversified business .

  26. 鉴于西部民族地区农村经济落后,贫困人口较多,农户缺乏生产经营性资金的现实,大力开展农村小额信贷并保证其可持续性发展具有重大的现实意义。

    As the fact that rural economy is backward , proportion of the impoverished population is higher , and the peasants lack the fund for production , to promote small credit in rural area and maintain sustainable development have practical significance .

  27. 随着一系列由内部控制失效暴露出的公司经营、资金链断裂、舞弊等问题的出现,2002年,美国出台了《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》规范内部控制制度的建立。

    As a series of internal control failure due to exposure of the company management , cash chain rupture and financial fraud arise , 2002 , the United States launched the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to regulate the establishment of internal control system .

  28. 他拒绝仿效其它全球超级明星厨师开设连锁餐厅,或让自己为无数的超市品牌产品冠名,这意味着,他多半通过他的美食书籍和其它个人宣传为餐厅的经营筹集资金。

    His refusal to follow other global superstar chefs into opening chains of restaurants , or lend his name to endless branded supermarket products , meant that Mr Adri à mostly funded the restaurant through his cook books and other personal promotions .

  29. 近几年来,大量的调查研究表明了一个事实,农户经营急需资金,资金短缺严重制约着农业经济的发展、农村社会的进步和农民收入的增加,农户融资遭遇重重困难。

    In recent years , a lot of investigation and research show that peasant household need funds urgently . Shortage of funds constraints the development of the agricultural economy , progress of rural social , and increase of the farmers ' income seriously .

  30. 通过搭建资金管理平台完成经营活动资金的集中;通过制定内部管理制度,实现投资资金集中管理;通过筹资资金的集中管理,降低筹资成本,从实施成效验证,中国石油集团资金集中管理方案。

    Relying on funds management platform , business activities funds can be centralized . Relying on the internal management system , the investment capital management can be centralized . Raising funds at a lower financing cost proves CNPC centralized management plan is effective .