
jīnɡ jì xìn xī
  • economic information
  1. 这种行为在中国简直就是引火烧身。中国对国家机密的定义十分严格,尤其是在商业或经济信息方面。

    This is asking for trouble in China where the definition of what constitutes a state secret is particularly strict , especially when it comes to business or economic information .

  2. Internet上经济信息资源获取途径初探

    A Probe into the Accesses to Internet Economic Information Resources

  3. 集成GIS的人口&经济信息管理系统

    Population - Economy Information Management System integrated with GIS

  4. 随着Internet的迅速发展和广泛运用,越来越多的商务活动得以在网上运行,大量经济信息在网上传递。

    With the rapid development and extensive application of Internet , more and more business activities are running on internet and a great deal of economic information is transferring on internet as well .

  5. 本文在江苏省经济信息中心的血站综合管理信息系统项目资助下,对基于UML的面向对象建模方法进行了深入研究,对其建模环境进行扩展,并应用于南京市红十字血液中心的血站管理系统。

    In this thesis , we do much research on Object-Oriented Modeling Method based on UML , and extend the modeling environment , and finally applied to a blood station management system for Nanjing Red Cross Blood Center .

  6. 应用当今先进的地理信息系统技术、遥感技术、GPS技术和网络通讯技术,建立了以防汛业务为主体,以地理空间数据为基础,集土地资源、人口和社会经济信息于一体的防汛指挥系统。

    Dongping lake flood preventing and management system here applied nowadays advanced geographic information system , RS , GPS and the network communication technique . It established a flood preventing and management system with geography space data , land resources , population and social economic information .

  7. 中美经济信息决策支持系统(S-UEIDSS)

    Sino-USA Economic Information Decision-making Support System ( S-UEIDSS )

  8. 以国土资源环境与区域经济信息系统信息共享元数据内容标准草案(NREDIS)为依据,结合ASP。

    Based the content standard draft of Metadata for national resource environment and regional economy information system ( NREDIS ), combined ASP .

  9. 收入、学历、捐款经历、环境态度等社会经济信息变量对支付意愿具有显著的影响水平,符合经济学理论,CVM的可靠性得到较好的验证。

    Socio-economic variables of the respondents such as income , education degree , donation experience and environmental attitude significantly influence the values of the WTP of the respondents and this is consistent with the economic theory and verifies the reliability of the CVM .

  10. SGIS构建在计算机的软硬件平台上,将经济信息与空间信息结合起来,实现了空间地理数据和经济属性数据的相关查询和分析。

    SGIS is constructed and built on software and hardware platform of the computer . It combines economic information and spatial information together and realizes the relevant inquiry and analysis of the geographical data and economic attribute data .

  11. 企业计划管理与经济信息的收集、传递与利用

    Business Planning Management and Collection Transmission and Use of Economic Information

  12. 传统的经济信息(指“企业的统计报表和会计资料”所提供的信息)的生产主要基于个体进行。

    Traditionally , the economic information production depends on the individual .

  13. 第二部分为农村经济信息体系综合评价。

    The second part is the comprehensive evaluation of the system .

  14. 关于经济信息结构综合方法的研究

    A study on the synthesis methods of economical information structure

  15. 装备经济信息数据库系统的设计与开发

    Design and Development of Economic Information Database System for Equipment

  16. 论经济信息学体系结构

    On the Structure about the System of Economic Information Science

  17. 转型与经济信息生产方式的演化创新

    Evolution and Innovation of Transformation and Economic Information Production Method

  18. 经济信息在宏观经济管理中的应用研究

    Study on the Application of Economic Information in the Management of Macro-Economics

  19. 加强业务联系,沟通经济信息,相互提供服务。

    Strengthening business contacts , communication economic information , mutual provision of services .

  20. 基于知识库的中文网络检索工具&经济信息智能搜索引擎研究

    Research on Intelligent Search Engine Based on Knowledge Database

  21. 宏观经济信息影响汇率波动的微观传导机制

    Research on the Transmission System of Macro-news ' Effect on Exchange Rate Volatility

  22. 长江三角洲气候与社会经济信息管理系统

    A management system of climate and social economic information in the Yangtze Delta

  23. 高校经济信息教育刍议

    Some Thoughts on the Economic Information Education in Colleges

  24. 省厅级经济信息系统建设及开发策略

    Construction and Development Tactics of TEIS on provincial level

  25. 知识经济信息时代创新教育

    Intellectual Economy , Information times , Innovative Education

  26. 经济信息的作用浅析

    An Analyse To The Effect Of Economical Information

  27. 网上经济信息分析与决策支持系统IEIA-DSS

    Internet Economical Information Analysis and Decision Supporting System

  28. 热带作物经济信息数据库系统的设计与构建

    The Design and Construct of Database System for the Economic Information of Tropical Crop

  29. 经济信息网络建设与企业决策

    Economic information network developments and enterprise decision

  30. 文章提出,自由信息是相对的,经济信息是绝对的;

    The paper points out that free information is relative while economic information is absolute .