
  • Financing expenses;【财】cost of procuring money
  1. 从构成上看,债务成本包括筹资费用和用资费用。

    Constitute a point of view , the cost of debt financing costs and charges .

  2. 提出了可转换债券融资的资金成本是由筹资费用、票面利息和隐性成本三项构成,并给出了成本计量的方法;

    This paper suggests that the financing cost of the convertible bond financing consists of fund raising cost , face interest and conceal cost .

  3. 从而环境绩效差的企业获得金融机构贷款的难度增加,这些企业为获得金融机构贷款不得不增加债务筹资费用。

    Thus poor environmental performance of enterprises to obtain loans from financial institutions to increase the difficulty of these enterprises to obtain loans from financial institutions had to increase the cost of debt financing .

  4. 历史经验证明,建立农村合作医疗并使其可持续健康的发展,关键是制定合理的筹资标准和费用补偿方案。

    Historical experiences proved that the essential approach for establishing and keeping a sustainable healthy development of the CMS is to make a reasonable fund-raising standard and the subsidy project .

  5. 在EVA与营运管理的融合上,论文分别从EVA与营运资本投资管理、营运资本筹资管理和成本费用管理三方面论述了融合过程,重点介绍了作业成本法与EVA的融合。

    On the integration of EVA into operation management , the paper introduces the integration from three aspects : EVA and the working capital investment management , working capital financing management and cost & expense management , and focuses on the integration of EVA into Activities Based Cost .

  6. 年度数据显示,今年以来,创纪录的债券发行和激增的股权筹资活动带来巨额费用收入,已大大抵消并购交易收入锐减对华尔街银行的影响。

    Record fees from debt issuance and a big jump in capital raisings this year have more than offset plunging deal revenues at Wall Street banks , annual figures show .

  7. 结论:2004&2008年参合率、人均筹资标准和住院费用是影响云南省某县新农合实际住院补偿比的三个关键因素。

    Conclusion : The three key factors , as such actual inpatient reimbursement rate of NRCMS in a county of Yunnan , are enrollment rate , funding criteria and inpatient expenditure between in2004 and2008 .

  8. 摘要针对企业筹资过程中所涉及的筹资渠道、筹资方式、筹资费用和用资费用的不同,提出了企业纳税筹划的方法。

    This paper has proposed the method to prepare that enterprise pay taxes through the way of fund-raising channel , fund-raising involved in the course , raise funds expenses and spend money difference of expense to enterprise .