
chóu mǎ
  • chip;counter;bank
筹码 [chóu mǎ]
  • [counter;chip] 古代投壶计算胜负的用具。旧称货币或能代替货币的票据。也作筹马

筹码[chóu mǎ]
  1. 释放战俘被用作讨价还价的筹码。

    The release of prisoners was used as a bargaining chip .

  2. 鲁比奥建议把石油当作所有贸易谈判的筹码。

    Rubio suggests that oil be used as a bargaining chip in any trade talks .

  3. 这个情报可以当作筹码,从英国人那里换取等价的消息。

    The information could be used as a bargaining chip to extract some parallel information from Britain

  4. 他将一堆筹码堆在桌子中间,抽了一张牌。

    He put the pile of chips in the center of the table and drew a card .

  5. 估计他不会被释放,因为他是这场较量中的一个重要筹码。

    He was not expected to be released because he was considered a valuable chip in this game .

  6. 激进的好战派想要继续利用人质作筹码来换取西方的让步。

    Radical , militant factions want to continue using the hostages as a lever to gain concessions from the west .

  7. 如果你敢压上毕生赢取的所有筹码

    If you can make one heap of all your winnings

  8. 应对气候变化是全人类的共同事业,不应该成为地缘政治的筹码、攻击他国的靶子、贸易壁垒的借口。

    Climate change is the common cause of all humanity . It should not be a bargaining chip for geopolitics , a target for attacking other countries , or an excuse for trade barriers .

  9. 我们的龙部长知道进入WTO一个非常重要的谈判筹码就是能否获准进入电信行业。

    Our dragon minister knows WTO into an important bargaining chip is whether are allowed to enter the telecommunications industry .

  10. n.筹码释放战俘被用作讨价还价的筹码。

    chip The release of prisoners was used as a bargaining chip .

  11. 我想现在Louis和我的谈判筹码是等重的。

    I think Louis and I have equal bargaining power right now .

  12. 赌局上的筹码也是很高,因为据国际数据公司(InternationalDataCorporation)的数据显示,到2015年,全球游戏机硬件和软件市场将增长到397亿美元。

    And the stakes are high : the global console hardware and software market is expected to grow to $ 39.7 billion by 2015 , according to International Data Corporation .

  13. 这厢Drew和Tanya争论赌注筹码

    While Drew and Tanya were putting their bets down

  14. 把G20想象成一个舞会,舞者们带着他们的希望和筹码。

    Imagine the G20 as a dance , where the partners come with their hopes and wares .

  15. 她的新职责为她在2014年接替CEO艾克森的职位增加了新的筹码,而这将成为底特律女性创造历史的第一次。

    Her new responsibilities boosted her standing as a favorite to succeed CEO Dan akerson in 2014 & an historic first for a woman in Detroit .

  16. 可是,以“顽强生活”(LiveStrong)的口号著称的阿姆斯特朗先生并未在仲裁庭对抗指控,而是认为自己这边的筹码太少,难以赢得仲裁,于是选择退出他自己造就的这个耻辱领骑阵营。

    But instead of fighting the allegations in arbitration , Mr. " live strong " Armstrong decided that the chips were invariably stacked against him and chose to veer out of the peloton of shame he had created .

  17. 也不是为了增加我申请JP摩根大通职位的筹码。

    Still less do I seek to enhance the status of my application for employment with JPMorgan Chase .

  18. 46岁的达尔文穆恩将全部赌注押在一对同花色的J,Q上,之后卡德亮出手中的一对9。按桌上的筹码总计,他们二人几乎是打成平手。

    Cada turned over a pair of nines after 46-year old Darvin Moon called his all-in wager with a suited queen-jack , setting up a nearly-even race for all the chips on the table .

  19. 在一个studpoker游戏中,你可以向壶中投入一对筹码并得到两张牌,一个被隐藏的一个暴露出的。

    In a stud poker game , you can put a couple of chips in the pot and receive two cards , one hidden and one exposed .

  20. 印度政府希望,在12月份的哥本哈根气候变化会谈即将来临之际,上述预测能够增加自己手中的筹码各国政府希望能够在这次大会上,制定出一个接替《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)的新协议。

    The Indian government is hoping these projections will strengthen its hand in the run-up to climate change talks in Copenhagen in December , at which governments hope to forge a successor to the Kyoto protocol .

  21. 假如你和一些没有学位的人竞争,学位会成为你打破僵局的决定性筹码。可要是有些人虽然没有MBA学位,却具备雇主需要的某些稀缺技能,他们就会战胜你,赢得工作机会。

    It breaks a tie if you 're competing with someone who doesn 't have the degree , but people who have scarce skills an employer needs will get the job over you .

  22. FDI是国际经济关系中最为敏感的部分,因而是各国经济政策的主要筹码,同时也是发展中国家外部资金最重要的来源。

    FDI is the most sensitive part in international economy relations , and thus is the main chip of various countries ' economic policies , simultaneously also is the most important source of foreign capital in developing countries .

  23. G20还应该承诺同意支持自由贸易&如果领导人们重启多哈会合世贸谈判的话,这个承诺会给谈判的成功增加筹码。

    The G20 should also pledge its unequivocal support for free trade & a pledge that would gain credence if the leaders made a commitment to complete the Doha round of trade talks .

  24. 消息人士告诉《洛杉矶时报》记者TaniaGanguli和BradTurner,湖人一直试图把库兹马放在交易筹码之外。

    Sources tell Tania Ganguli and Brad Turner of the Los Angeles Times that the Lakers are attempting to keep Kyle Kuzma out of trade talks .

  25. 格里芬相信,凭借Betable公司在申请监管批准方面的领先地位,Betable现在至少已经有了足够的筹码在赌桌上玩下去。

    At the very least , betable has wagered its regulatory head start will be enough chips to stay at the table .

  26. 集阅览、存储、检索于一身的电子图书(e-book),以方便、简捷、大容量、低价格等特点,成为各出版商在图书市场竞争舞台上的一个新的重要筹码。

    The electronic books , which collecting reading , storing and searching into a whole , become a new important chip that publishers held in the competitive books market for the characters of convenient , direct , large capacity and low price , etc.

  27. 台湾正启动法律程序,保证它能在今年年底前生产仿制的达菲(tamiflu),从而增加岛内政府在与瑞士制药商罗氏(roche)就这种禽流感药物展开谈判时的筹码。

    Taiwan is initiating legal procedures which could see it producing a generic version of Tamiflu before the end of the year , raising the stakes as the island state begins negotiations with Swiss manufacturer Roche over the bird flu drug .

  28. 伊朗昨日宣布成功试射一枚“流星-3”(shahab-3)型中程导弹,从而在本周与美国和其它大国在日内瓦举行重要会谈之前加大了筹码。

    Iran announced yesterday it successfully test-fired a medium-range Shahab-3 missile , raising the stakes ahead of crucial talks with the US and other world powers in Geneva this week .

  29. 非接触式智能筹码发售模块机构设计

    The mechanical structure design of the contactless smart token vending module

  30. 第四个可以用来议价的筹码是改变交货地点。

    A fourth bargaining chip is altering the point of delivery .