
  • 网络funding costs;cost of funds;financing cost
  1. 在社会主义市场经济下,应当根据企业的不同情况、不同资金来源和不同的筹资成本来确定用以评价投资项目的基准贴现率。

    This paper discussed the determination of basic discount rate for evaluation of investment project according to different sources of funds and different cost of funds .

  2. 三是要树立资金时间价值观念,努力降低筹资成本,科学配置资金,提高资金使用效率。

    Establish the idea of fund 's time value , work hard to lower the cost of funds raising , dispose the funds scientifically and improve the efficiency of funds .

  3. 投资者与IPO公司之间的信息不对称影响公司的IPO筹资成本。

    Information asymmetry between IPO firms and investors influences greatly on the costs of gong public for firms .

  4. 自欧洲央行(ECB)宣布量化宽松计划以来,欧债筹资成本不断下跌。欧元区的量宽计划定于今日启动。

    Funding costs for euro debt have been tumbling since the European Central Bank announced plans for a programme of quantitative easing , which is due to begin today .

  5. 商业银行筹资成本和筹资策略探析

    An Analysis of Funding Cost and Funding Tactics for Commercial Banks

  6. 施工企业筹资成本与工程造价的关系

    The relationship between financing cost and engineering cost of construction enterprises

  7. 中国企业资本结构之非显性筹资成本分析

    Analysis of Capital Structures and Implicit - Cost of Financing of Chinese Enterprises

  8. 筹资成本构成对银行筹资策略选择具有影响。

    Funding cost composition is of impact on bank 's choice for funding tactics .

  9. 主要有筹资成本高,筹资机制还不够稳定和健全;

    The main financing for the high cost funding mechanism is not enough stability and integrity ;

  10. 负债管理用于降低银行筹资成本的银行负债管理。

    Liability Management Management of the bank 's liabilities to reduce the cost of funding to the bank .

  11. 利率互换是一种常用的债务保值工具,用于规避利率风险,降低筹资成本。

    Interest rate swaps is a commonly used tool for preserving and increasing debt to avoid interest rate risk .

  12. 融资渠道和方式的正确选择,有利于企业合理确定资本结构,降低筹资成本和风险。

    The right choice reasonable to make sure the capital construction , lowering the money raising cost and the risk .

  13. 在新农合的筹资成本中,人员经费占据相当大的比重,基本上占到了50%以上。

    The personnel funds hold quite great proportion of the fund raising cost , basically accounted for above 50 % .

  14. 亚洲不断提高的筹资成本正打击着亚洲企业&即便是信用评级很高的企业也不例外。

    Asian companies are being hit with rising costs for raising money in the region – even those with strong credit ratings .

  15. 但由于筹资成本高昂,银行仍然在大幅缩减借贷。

    But banks remain in the midst of a huge push to cut back on lending while still dealing with expensive funding costs .

  16. 资本结构对企业边际税率的影响与企业权益投资成本、负债筹资成本、投资收益有关。

    The tax effect of corporate capital structure is relevant with the cost of equity investment , debt financing costs and investment income .

  17. 分析客观存在的同业间筹资成本构成的差异和与债权人的利益差异,提出旨在主动利用这些差异的筹资策略。

    It also puts forward the funding tactics aiming at making use of the differences between interbank funding cost compositions and creditor 's interest .

  18. 采用什么方式融资不仅要考虑筹资成本,也要考虑风险、税收等因素。

    Which financing channels to choose , we should not only consider the financing costs , but also the risks , tax and other factors .

  19. 各种融资方式有不同特点,如银行贷款程序简单、筹资成本低,但还息压力大;

    Each method has its characteristics , for example , the bank loan has simple procedures , low costs for financing but overload with interest ;

  20. 然后,对中国企业海外上市的动因,从筹资成本、市场承受能力、商业收益以及企业选择自我绑定还是逃避等方面进行分析。

    Then , the motivation of oversea-listing is analyzed from the respects of financing cost , bearing capacity , business effects , and regulation avoiding or bonding .

  21. 分析各类筹资成本的可控性和可核算性,提出银行筹资策略选择准则和成本控制的重点;

    This paper analyzes the controllability and accountability of different funding costs and presents some principles for choosing funding tactics and several crucial points of cost control .

  22. 然而,由于银行高昂的筹资成本已全面波及,放贷紧缩,利率上涨,欧元区内企业和房主也将很快受到冲击。

    But businesses and householders at home will also soon be hurt by scarcer credit and rising interest rates , as the banks'higher funding costs are passed on .

  23. 现如今,很多银行的筹资成本高于企业,这使得银行很难再向企业放贷,里斯表示。

    Nowadays , a lot of banks have a higher cost of funding than corporates – that makes it very difficult to be a lender to corporates , says Mr Riese .

  24. 然而,我们又看到了这样的现实状况:一些实施了股权融资的公司,其股权融资成本远高于债权融资成本;认为从内部来讲偏小的经营规模、过高的筹资成本、市场定位的偏离;

    On the one hand we consider that the small scale , the higher cost of financing , the wrong orientation in the financial market are reasons that bring the risk .

  25. 长期以来,从事财务实务工作的人员一直认为,企业发行可转换债务的主要动机是可转换债务相比直接债务或普通权益,其筹资成本更为低廉。

    The general consensus concerning the motivation to issue convertible debt among financial practitioners for a long time is that convertible debt is a cheaper form of financing compared to straight debt or common equity .

  26. 利率互换交易之所以能获得如此迅猛的发展,主要原因在于它具有降低筹资成本,减少融资风险,简便灵活,易于操作等特点。研究这一创新工具,对我国银行业具有重要意义。

    Mutual Interest Rate Exchange Has a Long Way to Go The main reason for so quick development in IRS transaction is the characteristics of lowering financing risk , that is flexible and easy to operate .

  27. 公司为了降低筹资成本以及满足投资者日益增长的信息需求,除了向投资者披露各种法律、法规所强制性要求披露的信息之外,越来越倾向于自愿性地披露一些信息。

    The company in order to reduce financing costs and to meet the growing information requirements of investors , in addition to disclose the information required by the investors , it increasingly tends to voluntary disclosure of some information .

  28. 结果2003年至2009年,武陟县新农合筹资成本总体下降了近60万元,其中经济状况较好地区和经济状况一般地区6年间均下降了近2/3,经济状况较差地区下降了近1/2。

    The fund raising cost of the financial circumstance good area and the financial circumstance general area have been dropped nearly 2 / 3 during 6 years , the financial circumstance poor area has been dropped nearly 1 / 2 .

  29. 与其他融资方式相比,资产证券化具有筹资成本较低、真实出售和破产隔离、信用级别高、风险分散化、保护国家对资产的所有权益等优势。

    Contrasting with the other ways of financing , the asset securitization has the advantages of the lower expenses cost , " True Sale " and " Bankruptcy Segregation ", the higher credit level , risk decentralization , safeguarding the country rights and interests .

  30. 处于初创时期的中小民营企业,其内源融资渠道单一,且筹资成本较低,而到了发展时期,其外源融资渠道增多,但融资成本较高。

    For the newly established medium and small-sized privately managed enterprises , the channel of raising funds is single and the cost for fund raising is low , while in the period of development , the channel for rais-ing funds is increasing , but the cost is high .