
zuì yōu zhí
  • optimal value
  1. 此方案充分考虑CDMA系统的软容量特性,通过设立预留资源来达到优先级控制,自适应的调整预留资源的大小,使其始终处于最优值状态。

    Therefore , this scheme takes CDMA system 's soft capacity characteristic into consideration . This scheme gets priority control through resource reservation , and adaptively adjusts its quantity to optimal value .

  2. 针对流域实时防洪调度群决策需要,研究了基于最优值模型的多方案评价技术,引进了基于AHP、GEM和模糊区间映射法等权重确定方法;

    For the demand of river basin real-time flood control multi-person decision making , it was investigated evaluation technique of multi-plan based on optimal value model and introduced the determination method of multi-index weight based on AHP , GEM and fuzzy interval reflection method .

  3. 传统K均值算法对初始聚类中心敏感,聚类结果随不同的初始输入而波动,容易陷入局部最优值。

    Traditional K-Means algorithm is sensitive to the initial centers and easy to get stuck at locally optimal value .

  4. EM算法是参数估计的重要方法,其算法核心是根据已有的数据来迭代计算似然函数,使之收敛于某个最优值。

    EM algorithm is an important method of parameter estimation .

  5. 仿真结果表明,ILL的配置过高或过低都不合适,而应存在一个最优值。

    Simulation results show that either too high or too low configuration of ILL is unsuitable and an optimal configuration should exist .

  6. 论文提出了一种基于粒子群的多目标优化算法,该算法采用Pareto支配关系来更新粒子的个体最优值和局部最优值,用存储池保存搜索过程中发现的非支配解;

    This article presents a Particle Swarm Optimization ( PSO ) algorithm for multiobjective optimization problems .

  7. 本论文运用满意控制理论进行PID控制设计研究。在实际控制工程设计中,往往要求系统的多个性能指标在一个允许的范围内,而不是唯一的最优值。

    This dissertation mainly deals with the problem of Satisfactory control for PID control design that develops one synthesis design method with constraints of multi-performance indices .

  8. 基于测高精度最优值的星载分布式InSAR编队构形设计方法

    A Formation Design Approach of the Distributed Spaceborne InSAR Based on Height-measure Optimal Accuracy Value

  9. 而拟牛顿算法,可在一个校验集上最小化一个经验误差估计来优化SVM的超参数,使超参数在分类任务中达到最优值,从而取得理想的分类结果。

    For optimizing SVM hyper-parameters , this optimization scheme minimizes an empirical error estimate using a quasi-Newton optimization method on the validation set .

  10. 利用ADS仿真软件对所设计的滤波器进行优化,得出滤波器中元件的最优值。

    ADS simulation software to optimize the design of filter , and concludes that the filter element in the most optimal value .

  11. 优化的BP神经网络可以较好地克服BP网络的缺陷,在滚动轴承故障训练和诊断时,可以找到全局最优值。

    The optimized BP neural network can overcome the defects of BP network better . It can find the global optimal value when train and diagnose the rolling bearing fault .

  12. 将其与DFP算法相结合,研制出能够较好收敛到最优值的算法。

    Associating with DFP algorithm the optimum point can easily be reached .

  13. 在仿真计算中,首次将压缩映射遗传算法应用到了搜索TH神经网络的平衡点(二次型的最优值)上。

    Finally the paper applies the contractive mapping genetic algorithm to search the equilibrium point of TH neural network in a quadratic programming computing for the first time .

  14. 此外,SVM等价于解线性凸二次规划问题,这样SVM的解总能获取全局唯一最优值。

    In addition , SVM will be equivalent to solving a linear constrained quadratic programming problem so that the solution of SVM is always unique and globally optimal .

  15. 在保障网络中目标节点数量的情况下,对某一特定拓扑结构进行目标节点分布设计,使得网络K终端可靠性达到最优值。

    Under the condition of guaranteeing the number of target node , we design the distribution of the target node in a certain topology structure , making K-terminal reliability of network achieve the optimal value .

  16. 用解动力减振器最优值的方法求得了具有最大减振效果时LR外部电路的最佳值。

    Optimal values of LR external circuit with maximum absorbing effect are studied with a method similar to optimum solution of dynamic vibration absorber .

  17. 用遗传算法和样条回归得到了拟合的最优值目标函数的Lipschitz常数。

    The genetic algorithm and the spline regression were adopted to obtain the Lipschitz constant of the fitted optimum objective function .

  18. 车间调度是一类典型的NP-hard问题,已被证明在多项式时间内得不到最优值。

    Shop scheduling problem is typically NP-hard , which means that it is impossible to find the global optimum in polynomial complexity .

  19. 未知最优值线性规划的修正Karmarkar算法

    A Modified Karmarkar Algorithm for Linear Programming with Unknow Optimal Objective Value

  20. 提出了HVDC系统采用CCC(CapacitorCommutatedConverter)技术时,换相电容最优值的选取原则及具体实现方法。

    ( 5 ) The principle for commutation capacitance optimization and its realization are proposed for an HVDC system applying CCC ( Capacitor Commutated Converter ) technology .

  21. 该控制器首先采用实数编码的遗传算法优化PID控制器的参数,得到一组参数的最优值。

    Using genetic algorithm with real number coding , a group of optimal parameters of this intelligent PID controller were obtained , which are used as the original values for the real-time tuning of PID parameters .

  22. 对保留的前景目标求取最小外接矩,形心,面积等特征并利用kalman滤波器建立预估计模型,使特征和搜索框达到最优值。

    Second extract the minimum enclosing rectangle , centroid , area and other features and then estimate these use kalman filter , so that the features and search box could be optimum value .

  23. 对于FCM类算法而言,种子的初始化是保证算法不陷入局部最优值和减少计算时间的关键。

    For FCM kinds of algorithms , initialization of seed is a key factor to reduce the computation time and to guarantee avoid ance of the local minimum .

  24. 给出了一个具体的RTS门限自适应调整算法,使终端能自动调整其RTS门限以达到或接近最优值。

    An adaptive RTS threshold adjustment algorithm is presented . It enables the nodes to adjust RTS threshold to the optimal value .

  25. Newton-PCG算法是解决无约束问题的有效方法,在该算法中需要求解一个一维整数最优化问题,并且算法的效率也依赖于它的最优值。

    Newton-PCG algorithm is very efficient for solving the unconstrained optimization problems .

  26. 在选择训练样本时,利用混沌算法,找出训练样本的最优值,使得训练出的HMM模型具有全局最优特性。

    In the selection of training samples , using chaos algorithm to find the best training samples can make the HMM model is trained have the global optimal characteristics .

  27. 首先将该问题模型化为一个最优化问题,然后提出了一个分布式多播路由时延的最小化(DistributedMinimizingDelayMulticastRouting,DMDMR)算法,并且证明了该算法能够取得最优值。

    Firstly , this problem is formulated as an optimization problem . Moreover , a Distributed Minimizing Delay Multicast Routing ( DMDMR ) algorithm is present and proved to be an optimal algorithm .

  28. 对不同流速、不同厚度冷却液的作用效果进行对比,并运用ANSYS优化设计功能得到冷却液流速和厚度的最优值。

    The refrigerant effects of liquid with different speeds and different thicknesses have been compared . And the velocity and the thickness of the cooling water also have been optimized depending on the use of ANSYS software .

  29. 利用拉格朗日松弛和投影次梯度方法来确定问题(QP)最优值的下界。

    The lower bound of the optimal value of the problem ( QP ) is determined by Lagrangian slack and projection subgradient method .

  30. 无等待问题是流水车间调度中的一种,是一类典型的NP完全问题,已被证明在多项式时间内得不到最优值。

    No-wait flow shop problem is one of flow shop problems , and is a typically NP-complete problem , which means that it is impossible to find the global optimum in polynomial complexity .