
  • 网络best practice;good practice;best practise
  1. 最佳实践:分隔驱动程序机器和Trade集群

    Best practice : Separating the driver machines from the Trade cluster

  2. 这种最佳实践实现了这种Web应用程序特性。

    This best practice addresses this Web application feature .

  3. 使用Web服务的最佳实践就是与外部的业务伙伴通信。

    Use of web services is a best practice when communicating with external business partners .

  4. Web服务编程构件的自由应用程序逻辑:最佳实践设计模式

    Free application logic from the burden of Web services programming artifacts : Best practice design patterns

  5. 您将找到关于交付跨平台Web及面向服务的应用程序的技术资源和最佳实践。

    You will find technical resources and best practices for delivering cross-platform Web and service-oriented applications .

  6. 大学可以利用EclipseProcessFramework在他们的课程中教授当前的最佳实践。

    Universities can leverage the Eclipse Process Framework to teach current best practices in their curriculums .

  7. Java™数据访问层的创建,基于最佳实践和“指向-点击”开发方法。

    Java ™ data access layers are created with best practices-based point-and-click development .

  8. 作为一项最佳实践,在创建一个新的数据库之后,应立即撤销这些被授给PUBLIC的隐式特权。

    As a best practice , immediately revoke the implicit privileges granted to PUBLIC after the creation of a new database .

  9. DB2pureScaleFeature根据最佳实践预定义配置自动部署和配置这些技术。

    The DB2 pureScale Feature automatically deploys and configures these technologies according to a best practice pre-defined configuration .

  10. 这是形成Rational统一过程核心的业界证明过的最佳实践的知识基础。

    This is the knowledge base of industry-proven best practices that forms the heart of RUP .

  11. 最佳实践是使用CA证书。

    The best practice is to use the CA certificate .

  12. 本文介绍了CodeReview(检测Java和J2EE最佳实践中不符规范代码)。

    This article introduced Code Review , which detects violations of Java and J2EE best practices .

  13. 最佳实践内容描述了如何使用Rational及第三方工具来开发一个产品或系统。

    The practice content describes how to develop a product or system using Rational and third-party tools .

  14. RationalSOMA2.9提供了具体的最佳实践开发流程指南,用于成功实现IT服务解决方案设计。

    Rational SOMA 2.9 provides detailed best practices development process guidance for successful IT service solution design .

  15. 这当然不是说我已经停止了提倡仔细的XML设计和最佳实践。

    This certainly does not mean that I have stopped advocating careful XML design and best practices .

  16. 这是IBM服务解决方案设计的商业化最佳实践内容。

    This is IBM 's commercially-available best practices content for service solution design .

  17. 从MessageBroker的角度确定的数据库最佳实践

    Database best practices from a message broker perspective

  18. 通过工具和最佳实践,在SOA生命周期中,引起对质量管理的关注

    Enabling through tools and best practices a quality management focus throughout the SOA lifecycle

  19. 一般来说,普通DB2最佳实践也适用。

    In general , common DB2 best practices apply .

  20. 最佳实践:使用Hosts文件管理多个映像

    Best practices : Using the Hosts file to manage multiple images

  21. 在过去的数年间,Rational员工以及咨询员收集并发布了程序交付团队已被行业证明的最佳实践。

    Over the years , Rational staff and consultants have collected and published industry-proven best practices for application delivery teams .

  22. 软件开发生命周期中的最佳实践和过程改进已经成为IBMRational的核心能力。

    Best practices and process improvement throughout the software development lifecycle has always been IBM Rational 's core competency .

  23. 正如前面提到的,创建Web服务的最佳实践是自顶向下方法,即根据WSDL和模式创建Web服务。

    As discussed , a best practice for creating a Web service is a top-down approach , starting from WSDLs and schemas .

  24. 存在一组IBM强烈建议用于任何SOA采用的最佳实践。

    There are a set of best practices that are strongly recommended by IBM for any SOA adoption .

  25. 开发人员需要遵循最佳实践和标准来正确地开发、发布和使用API。

    Developers need to follow best practices and standards to correctly develop , publish , and consume APIs .

  26. J2EE最佳实践代码审查

    J2EE best practices code review

  27. 最佳实践:增加代理控制器上的JVM堆大小

    Best practice : Increasing JVM heap size on agent controllers

  28. 最佳实践是让中央或对话实例处于同样的DB2级别。

    It is considered best practice to keep the central and dialog instances on the same DB2 level .

  29. RUP是基于已证实了的最佳实践的软件开发流程框架。

    RUP is a software development process framework based on proven best practices .

  30. 为了使用ManualTester更容易地组织测试内容,我们将查看一个最佳实践方案。

    We will walk through a best practice scenario for using Manual Tester to more naturally organize test content .