
xiànɡ mù zhōu qī
  • project cycle
  1. 世行项目周期和我国利用世行贷款程序

    The World Bank 's Project Cycle and the Procedures of Using The World Bank Loans

  2. 按照电厂工程项目周期归纳出各个阶段的影响因素。

    Impact factors of the various stages are summed up in accordance with the power plant project cycle .

  3. 资产生命周期,项目周期和RUP

    The asset lifecycle , the project lifecycle , and RUP

  4. 在敏捷方法中,全速前进(sprint)就是指非常短暂的项目周期(通常为两个星期),而日常的讨论(scrums)就是指用来在团队之间沟通变化和展开协作的会议。

    In agile methodology , sprints are the short duration ( usually two weeks ) goals of the project , and daily scrums are meetings used to communicate the changes and collaborate among the teams .

  5. 此外,为节省工程时间,预配置CEMAT软件模块和界面在帮助缩短产品上市时间和项目周期的同时,可以降低成本,提高工厂产量。

    In addition to cutting engineering time , the pre-engineered CEMAT modules and interfaces help shorten time to market and project cycles while reducing costs and increasing plant output .

  6. R&D项目周期和费用的随机网络模拟

    Stochastic Network Simulation for Duration and Cost of R & D Projects

  7. 项目周期的每一个状态都将被记录在文档中。

    Documented . I 'll have coverage at every stage of the project lifecycle .

  8. 建设现代化的居住社区,需要科学的规划、建设和管理,有必要将声环境评价引入到居住社区建设项目周期中。

    Modern community construction need scientific layout and management , acoustic environment assessment is essential .

  9. 成本和盈利值:为了维护对整个项目周期开销的控制。

    Cost and earned value : To maintain control over expenditures throughout the project lifecycle .

  10. 需求不再需要一开始就定义清楚,相反,需求的识别和具体描述贯穿于整个项目周期。

    Requirements are no longer frozen early on but instead are discovered and detailed throughout the entire project .

  11. 风险管理是一个广被接受的最佳实践,它包括在项目周期中尽早的识别和分析风险。

    Risk management is a widely accepted best practice that involves identifying and analyzing risks early in a project 's lifecycle .

  12. 敏捷开发强调尽早将可用功能交付使用,并在项目周期中持续改善增强。

    Agile stresses available functions to be delivered as soon as possible , with continuous improvement and enhancement in project cycle .

  13. 根据项目周期理论将项目分为启动、计划、实施与监控和结束四个阶段。

    Project is divided into initiation , planning , the implementation and monitoring of project and ending according to the project cycle theory .

  14. 由于这个原因,很难在项目周期中确定特定的点来说明模式工作的进展。

    For that reason , it is difficult to identify specific points within a project cycle where progress on patterns can be demonstrated .

  15. 软件测试应该是一个反复的过程,在整个项目周期的早期生成有价值的测试工件和工作。

    Software testing should be an iterative process , one that produces valuable testing artifacts and results early on in the overall project lifecycle .

  16. 论文通过实例说明了该模型可以有效地缩短项目周期,为项目进度管理提供了新的思路。

    By cases , this paper explains that this model can effectively shorten the project cycle and provide project schedule management with new thinkings .

  17. 结果是,他们缩短了项目周期,从而更好地满足了其住户需求。

    As a result , they have shortened their turnaround time for projects , enabling them to better serve the needs of their residents .

  18. 在慈善基金项目周期中,项目后评价是其中的一个重要阶段,同时也是项目管理的重要内容之一。

    Post-project evaluation is an important stage within the charitable foundation projects cycle , meanwhile , it is also the important content of project management .

  19. 电网建设项目周期长,涉及的因素众多,而系统动力学通过对评价对象的仿真建模,可以全面、动态地考虑与评价对象相关的各种影响因素。

    But through the simulation modeling of the evaluation objects , the system dynamics can consider and evaluate various factors of the objects comprehensively and dynamic .

  20. 而软件测试是一个复杂的过程,它贯穿了整个的项目周期,需要耗费巨大的人力、物力和时间。

    The software testing is a complex process , which runs through the entire project cycle and requires a large human source , material and time .

  21. 即使是微小的改进也能够对性能和可维护性产生积极的影响,并在某些异常的项目周期中使您保持理智。

    But even small improvements can provide a positive impact on performance , maintainability , and on you keeping your sanity during some very crazy project cycles .

  22. 社会评价工作应该贯穿于项目周期的全过程,但项目周期各阶段的社会评价工作侧重点应有所不同。

    Social assessment of the project cycle should be run through the whole process , but the project cycle stages of social assessment focus should be different .

  23. 国债发行以中长期国债为主,扭转了国债中短期化的趋势,以适应基础设施项目周期较长的需要。

    Government bonds issue take medium and long-term national debt as the main type , in order to meet longer requirement in project cycle of the infrastructure .

  24. 因此缩短新产品试制项目周期,提高项目的成功率和客户满意度等,都是企业长期以来一直追求的目标。

    Therefore , shortening the circle of producing NPI products , improving the success rate and customs satisfaction level , are what the company aiming at for a very long time .

  25. 区别之一就是您能够断言,例如计划驱动的方法将把您的项目周期从十二周扩展到十四周,增加了两周的时间。

    One difference is that you can assert , for instance , that the plan-driven approach will extend our project duration from twelve to fourteen weeks , an increase of two weeks .

  26. 用全项目周期的观点和全方位的视角来分析奥运场馆外电源建设质量保证、工期推进和安全治理题目,对项目治理在电力部分的应用作进一步的探讨。

    With practical survey of the project , this thesis is to study the current project management performance and identify the areas that may be further improved regarding to progress , quality and safety .

  27. 为将此理念付诸运作,我们将支持世行集团内外的团队开发工具、制定方法,开启解决方案周期,而非项目周期。

    To operationalize this , we will support teams , from within our organization and beyond , to develop the tools and the methods to embark on a solution cycle rather than a project cycle .

  28. 随后,研究了随机网络模型的模拟求解问题,通过编制专用软件,对所建立的模型进行了模拟求解,获得了项目周期和费用的概率分布和各种统计特征值;

    Then the issue on seeking for results of stochastic network model is discussed , and through the special software developed the probability distribution and statistical eigenvalues of duration and cost of the project are obtained .

  29. 本文将成本管理方法与IT项目周期相对应,针对IT项目的不同阶段,采用不同的成本管理方法,结果显示,这种成本管理方法具有一定的实用性。

    This article will cost management methods and IT corresponds to the project cycle , for different stages of IT projects , using different methods of cost management , shows that this method of cost management has a certain relevance .

  30. 该项目周期短、见效快,以树木资源下脚料枝桠材为原料,是一项利国利民兴企的多赢工程。

    This project cycle short , effective is quick , take the trees resources branch material as a raw material , is an item iss beneficial to the country , beneficial to the people is popular business to win much the project .