
  1. 另外,Hb含量的变化存在项目差异,变化幅度为:100/200米项目>400米栏>三级跳项目;

    Otherwise , The change ranges of the plasma Hb content had differences in the different projects : 100 / 200 meter > 400 meter hurdle > broad jump ;

  2. 不同的矫治器类型(除上下尖牙宽度P0.05外)、错牙合类型(除上牙弓长P0.01外)和保持时间组间牙弓测量项目差异无显著性(P0.05);

    There was no significant differences in the dental arch measurement between the various malocclusion classes ( except upper dental arch length P 0.01 ), the various appliances ( except intercanine width in both jaws P 0.05 ), and the various length of retention .

  3. 在知识和技能方面:选修后学生对循证医学相关专业术语的理解有显著提高(75%项目差异有统计学意义),特别是对绝对危险度、系统评价、Meta分析和发表偏倚(P<0.01);

    Terms in EBM after the training courses ( 75 % of the items showed a statistically significant improvement ) . This was especially marked for absolute risk , systematic ? review , meta-analysis and publication bias ( P < 0.01 ) .

  4. 3.100M、200M和400M运动员无氧代谢的特征呈现出显著的项目差异,100M运动员表现出更为优秀的磷酸原系统供能能力,而200M和400M运动员则是乳酸能系统供能占据优势。

    100M and 200M and 400M athletes show significant project differences of characteristics of anaerobic metabolism , 100M athletes appears to own more excellent ability of the original system phosphate fuel ability while 200M and 400M athletes have greater advantage over power-supply of lactic acid power system . 4 .

  5. 雌性白头叶猴仅单核细胞显著低于雌性黑叶猴,其他项目差异不显著;

    Between female white headed langur and female tonkin langur , all values excepting the monocyte percentage had no significant difference .

  6. 研究发现球场观众助威行为具有倾向性、项目差异性和互动性等特点。

    The results showed that there were some features in the field spectator cheering behavior , such as bias , differences in sport items , interaction and so on .

  7. 结果表明:我国会展业市场集中度低、规模效应差;会展项目差异化优势不明显;

    The result shows that the concentration degree of market of exhibition industry is low , the scale effect bad , and the project difference advantage of the convention and exhibition is not obvious .

  8. 结果:运动性胃肠综合征的发病率存在有明显的项目差异,以中长跑项目最高(62.2%),且专业运动员和体育专业学生组之间没有明显区别(P>0.05);

    RESULTS : The incidence rate of exercise induced gastrointestinal syndrome had obvious difference in athletes engaged in different items , which is the highest in middle distance racers ( 62.2 % ), and there was no obvious difference between professional and amateur players ( P > 0.05 ) .

  9. 多等级试题项目功能差异(DIF)参数方法的检测研究

    The Exploration and Research of Parametric Polytomous Differential Item Functioning Detection Method

  10. 检验项目功能差异的两类方法&CFA和IRT的比较

    Differential Item Functioning : A Comparison of Methods Based on CFA and IRT

  11. 项目功能差异(DIF)检验是保证测验公平性的需要,也是判别测验题目是否有偏差的重要步骤。

    The detection of differential item functioning ( DIF ) is crucial to ensuring the fairness of tests , which is an important approach to test if the item is biased or not .

  12. 结果存活组与死亡组有无SIRS及符合SIRS诊断标准项目数差异均有显著性;存活患者中轻型组与重型组有无SIRS及符合SIRS诊断标准项目数患者差异也有显著性。

    Results There was significant difference between the survival group and non-survival group not only in the incidence of patients who developed SIRS , but also in the number of patients fulfilling or not fulfilling the diagnostic criteria of SIRS between severe group and mild group .

  13. 利用IRT的等级模型调查了中日两组被试关于SHIBA简易人格量表中环境敏感性的项目功能差异(DIF)的现状。

    Item response theory graded model was used to study Differential Item Function ( DIF ) between Chinese and Japanese samples on a measure of " environment sensitivity ", which is a subscale of Shiba 's simple personality inventory .

  14. 本研究旨在从一维和多维的角度检测国际教育成效评价协会(IEA)儿童认知发展状况测验中中译英考题的项目功能差异(DIF)。

    In this study , we examine the validity equivalence between the Chinese and English versions of the IEA ( International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement ) Child Cognitive Developmental Status Test , through unidimensional and multidimensional analysis of differential item functioning ( DIF ) .

  15. 目的探讨项目功能差异(DIF)在研究大学新生情绪适应性性别差异中的作用。

    Objective To detect the differential item functioning ( DIF ) using Item Response Theory graded model between the gender of college freshmen on a measure of emotion adaptation , witch is a subscale of Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire , and then discuss the impact of DIF .

  16. 统计分析显示,所有项目性别差异显著。

    Statistical analysis shows that all measurements have significant sex differences .

  17. 大型房地产综合项目的差异化营销策略研究

    Study of Differentiated Marketing Strategy on the Complex Real Estate Project

  18. 统计意义上的项目功能差异和主观判断的项目功能差异是否一致?

    Whether is the statistic DIF same with judgmental bias ?

  19. 介绍项目功能差异的常用分析方法;

    The common method of DIF has also be introduced .

  20. 中韩两国的功能项目的差异较大,共同项目不太多。

    They are very different in terms of functional items .

  21. 本研究对项目功能差异的相关概念进行解释;

    This study explains the related conceptions of DIF .

  22. 运用均数与协方差结构模型侦查项目功能差异

    Detection of Differential Item Functioning Using the Mean and Covariance Structure Analysis Model

  23. 多久对项目的差异性评审一次?

    How often will project variance be reviewed ?

  24. 铁路建设项目类别差异为项目融资提供了施展舞台。

    The variety of the railroad constructive projects supplies a platform for the project funding .

  25. 项目功能差异在跨文化人格问卷分析中的应用

    A cross - cultural comparative study of personality : using differential item functioning of IRT

  26. 简介国内外有关项目功能差异在跨文化临床问卷分析中的应用。

    At last , the application of Differential item functioning in Clinical questionnaire at home and abroad is discussed .

  27. 与经典测量理论相比,在测查项目功能差异时,运用项目反应理论有较强的前提假设和优越性。

    Item response theory is considered as one of the best hypothesis to detect the DIF compared with the classical measurement theory .

  28. 利用国内外案例,对生态系统服务付费研究的主要维度进行了梳理和总结,对比分析了使用者付费与政府付费生态系统服务付费项目的差异。

    Using the cases of foreign countries , the authors conduct an in-depth analysis on the main dimensions and compare the differences between the user-financed program and the government-financed program .

  29. 有效地控制和管理工程费用,争取制造成本差异控制在零或节余.国际教育成效评价协会儿童认知发展状况测验项目功能差异分析

    To effectively control and manage engineering expense to contribute favorable or zero manufacturing variations . Validity Equivalence between the Chinese and English Versions of the IEA Child Cognitive Developmental Status Test

  30. 全国有色人种协进会与美国公立教育中种族隔离的取消国际教育成效评价协会儿童认知发展状况测验项目功能差异分析

    The National Promotion Association of the Colored People and the Abolition of Apartheid in American Public Education Validity Equivalence between the Chinese and English Versions of the IEA Child Cognitive Developmental Status Test