
  1. 项目市场分析及企业战略通过对行业市场的分析,运用SWOT确定了公司战略,并使用波特的五力理论作了竞争分析,从而获得了对整个市场全面的认识,明确了目标市场、竞争战略。

    Project Marketing Analysis and Company strategy : analyzing the industry market , developing the company strategy by use of SWOT , making the competitive analysis on the bases of Michael Porte 's theory , identifying the whole market , especially the targeted niche market .

  2. 再从经营目标入手,锁定目标市场,对项目市场进行分析,研究该项目地块的自然环境,交通条件配套设施,分析竞争区域市场特征,项目SWOT分析及发展竞争战略。

    Chapter three probes into the geographical environment and traffic associated facilities of the item , Moreover ; it makes an analysis on the features of the competitive market , SWOT and development strategies .

  3. 浅析石油化工项目产品市场分析

    Preliminary Discussion on Product Market Analysis of Petrochemical Project

  4. 为此,在进行具体项目的市场分析时,需要进行大量的手工操作才能得到有关分析结果。

    To this end , during the market analysis of specific projects , the need for a large number of manual operations in order to get the results of the analysis .

  5. 它包括房地产投资项目的市场分析与预测,营销策划,融资策划,开发过程策划,物业管理策划,以及投资风险分析等。

    Systematic strategy planning of real estate investment include market analysis and forecast , marketing strategy planning , financing strategy planning , exploitation process strategy planning , real estate management strategy planning , and investment risk analysis .

  6. 北京中关村酒店式公寓项目市场调研及分析

    The Marketing Research and Analysis to the Zhongguancun Hotel Apartment Project in Beijing

  7. 研究分析分为三大部分:即项目概况、市场分析和项目财务分析。

    Research and analysis is divided into three parts : the project profile , the market analysis and project analysis .

  8. 并通过对《大战转基因之闽南游》游戏项目进市场需求分析包括游戏的角色、场景、故事情节需求分析,为项目可行性提供一些相关的事实依据。

    By means of the analysis of the market demand of the game " Minnan Tour of Fighting against Transgenosis ", including the roles , the scenes and the plot , it provides some relevant facts to support the feasibility of the project .

  9. 本文特别阐述了BOT项目的市场与经济分析方法,对BOT模式的财务评估与国民经济评价进行对比分析,并对财务上不可行方案提出了调整方法。

    This paper presents the method of market and financial analysis , the difference between financial assessment and social value assessment , the way that can adjust the financing structure which is not feasible to get through the financial assessment .

  10. 第二部分为定位分析,该部分主要从终端客户和项目市场形象方面进行分析。

    Second , the position analysis , it mainly analyzes through the ultimate clients and the marketing image of the item .

  11. 本文第一章首先对房地产住宅项目市场现状做出了分析,接着讨论了房地产住宅项目营销战略的意义;

    Chapter one analyzed the status of the real estate markets , discussed the significance of the selling and planning stratagem .

  12. 在可行性研究阶段,调研主要考虑了整体区域城市分析、候选城市市场现状及其趋势判断、选址及其用地周边环境分析、项目市场定位、均价分析预测、开发节奏建议等。

    The former includes the entire regional research , the candidate cities ' market status quo and development trends , location of the project and environments , project positioning , price forecasting , project development schedule , etc.

  13. 对承贷项目的评估主要从项目的市场分析、项目投资成本收益分析、项目的风险和项目投资效益等方面进行测算;最终得出项目是否可行的评估结论。

    The other is the evaluation on loan commitment project with the focus of project market analysis , cost-revenue analysis of project investment , project risk analysis , and benefit analysis of project investment .

  14. 包括投资项目的开发经营环境分析、项目市场位分析、项目技术可行性分析、项目经济可行性分析、项目开发经营风险分析及对策分析。

    Investment projects including the development of business environment analysis , item analysis of the market place , the project technical feasibility analysis , project economic feasibility analysis , project development and operation of risk analysis and countermeasures .

  15. 进而,构建论文的框架结构;二是分析本项目的基本概况;三是进行项目市场分析;四是进行项目建设条件分析。

    Thus , to construct the framework of the thesis node ; the second is the analysis of the project basic survey ; the third is to undertake the project market analysis ; the fourth is the construction condition analysis .

  16. 本文以路劲·长清大学城项目为研究对象,进行房地产项目市场调研与定位分析。

    Changqing University City project as the research object , analyzes the market investigation and positioning of real estate development projects .

  17. 在对都江堰啤酒广场项目的整体情况、项目定位、项目进度、市场调查等作简要的介绍的基础上,对该项目进行了市场分析和竞争分析。

    In the second part of this dissertation , I will use the Beer Square project at the City of DuJiangYan as a case study to demonstrate the application of the above methods in practice .