
  1. Internet上经济信息资源获取途径初探

    A Probe into the Accesses to Internet Economic Information Resources

  2. Internet上经济信息资源检索

    Economic Information Resources Retrieval on the Internet

  3. 开发利用经济信息资源发展农村信息经济

    Exploiting the Resources of Economic Information , Developing the Rural Information Economy

  4. 农业经济信息资源开发利用模式研究

    The study on exploitation and utilization mode of agriculture economy information resources

  5. 军事经济信息资源的特点和作用

    Characteristics and function of information resources

  6. 经过几年的努力,我国网上信息资源贫乏的状况得到极大的改变,经济信息资源体系已初具规模。

    The status of Chinese information resource has been improved greatly in the past few years and the economic information recourse system has reached a fairly high level .

  7. 税务信息化就是指在税务工作的各个方面运用现代信息技术,深入开发、广泛利用税收与经济信息资源,加速税务现代化的进程。

    Tax Information refers to the use of modern information technology in various tax work , in-depth development , extensive use of tax revenue and economic information resources speed up the modernization of tax .

  8. 项目资源分析,主要讨论了价值链、资源效用、资源控制、市场能力、人力资源和经济信息资源的重要性。

    Analyses the confirm of market competitors and item reasonable size . Project resource analyses mainly discusses the importance of merit chain 、 resource avail 、 resource control 、 market capability 、 human resource and economic information resource .

  9. 市场经济与信息资源共享有着密切联系。

    Market economy has close relationship with information resource sharing .

  10. 网络经济与信息资源管理研究生教育的培养目标

    Aim of Network Economy Information Resources Management for Postgraduate Education

  11. 然后,为了行文的方便,介绍了与信息资源研究相关的基本范畴,包括信息经济、信息资源和经济信息;

    After that , in order to facilitate the writing , the chapter explains several basic concepts related with information , such as information economy , information resource and economic information .

  12. 信息经济时代信息资源已成为与材料和能源同等重要的战略资源,是企业从事日常事务处理、生产控制和生产决策的依据。

    In information economy era information has become an important strategic resource just like material and energy . It has become the basis for daily business processing , production controlling and production decision-making .

  13. 知识经济时代档案信息资源管理模式初探

    Mode of Archives Information Resource Management in the Knowledge Economy Time

  14. 知识经济与文献信息资源共建共享

    The Public Construction and Enjoyment of Knowledge Economy and Document Information Resources

  15. 市场经济体制下信息资源的共享与建设

    On the Sharing and Building of Information Resources under Market Economy System

  16. 在网络经济中,信息资源占有着重要的地位。

    Nowadays , information resources plays an important part in the internet economy .

  17. 信息经济时代新闻信息资源开发研究

    Research and Development on the Information Resources of News in Information Economy Epoch

  18. 加强城建档案的收集工作为经济建设储备信息资源

    Strengthening the Urban Construction File Collection Work to Reserve Information Resources for Economic Development

  19. 在网络经济时代,信息资源已成为国家经济实力的核心战略资源。

    In network economy times , information resource is becoming the core of nation economy .

  20. 背景因素主要是经济资源、信息资源和消费者的偏好状态。

    Factors of decision-making background aspect are economic resources , information resources and preferred state of the consumers ' .

  21. 知识经济时代,信息资源是一种极为重要的战略资源。

    In the current age of knowledge-based economy , information resources are ranked among the fundamental and essential strategic resources .

  22. 在知识经济时代,信息资源作为国家的重要战略资源是实现经济可持续发展和社会可持续发展的基础条件。

    Information resources is an important national strategic resources in the era of knowledge economy , the basic conditions to achieve sustainable economic and social development .

  23. 知识经济时代文献信息资源是知识创新的源泉,信息服务业成为知识经济的先导产业。

    The document and information content is the source of the trail blazing of the knowledge in the knowledge economy age and the information service industry is the guiding one of the knowledge economy .

  24. 但其间,信息资源的开发利用却相对薄弱,信息服务行业远远落后于发达国家,经济活动中信息资源供需失衡状况较为严重,成为我国信息化进程的瓶颈。

    However , the exploitation and use of information grows slowly , and our information service level is far behind the developed countries , supply and demand of economic information is unbalanced , information resource has been a bolt in our information process .

  25. 长株潭经济一体化的文献信息资源共享体系建设

    The Construction of Document Resource Sharing System under Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Economic Integration

  26. 论市场经济条件下专利信息资源的开发利用

    Exploitation of the Patent Information Resources under the Conditions of Market Economy

  27. 经济全球化下的信息资源与知识服务

    Information Resources and Knowledge Services under Economic Globalization

  28. 论中国社会转型期的经济特征与文献信息资源的共建共享

    Economic Characteristics of China in the Period of Social Transformation and the Public Construction and Sharing of Document Information Resources

  29. 市场经济条件下,信息资源共享与商业秘密保护都对企业的生存发展具有重要意义。

    Under the market economy condition , information resources sharing and trade secret protection both are very important for enterprises ' survival and development .

  30. 知识经济给高校体育信息资源建设带来了难得的机遇,但也面临着严峻的挑战。

    Knowledge economy brings not only rare opportunities to the construction of information resources of physical education at colleges and universities , but also challenges .