
jīnɡ jì tè qū
  • special economic zone
经济特区 [jīng jì tè qū]
  • [special economic region] 我国设置的实行特殊的经济政策、经济管理体制的地区,如深圳、珠海、汕头、厦门特区

  1. 经济特区的建设没有国内其他地区作依托是不行的。

    The construction of special economic zones would have been impossible without .

  2. 朝鲜努力使经济特区得以运作,这可以缓解朝鲜半岛的紧张局势,同时也是在试探性地缓和平壤和华盛顿间的关系。

    The north 's push to make the zones work coincides with an easing in tensions on the divided peninsula and tentative signs of detente between Pyongyang and washington .

  3. 今年,我们隆重庆祝深圳等经济特区建立40周年、上海浦东开发开放30周年。

    This year , we celebrated33 the 40th anniversary of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone , among others , and 30 years of the development and opening-up of Pudong in Shanghai .

  4. 深圳等经济特区40年改革开放实践,创造了伟大奇迹,积累了宝贵经验,深化了我们对中国特色社会主义经济特区建设规律的认识。

    Forty years of reform and opening up of Shenzhen and other Chinese SEZs have created great miracles , accumulated valuable experience and deepened the understanding of the laws of building SEZs of socialism with Chinese characteristics .

  5. ,new(?)深圳经济特区的未来取向

    On New Orientations of Shenzhen SEZ for Future

  6. 公司简介CompanyProfile长实行五金公司,座落于广东省深圳经济特区。

    Long to implement hardware company located in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone , Guangdong Province .

  7. WTO机制下的中国经济特区

    On Special Economic Zones in China under the WTO Mechanism

  8. 加入WTO后过渡期经济特区金融法律制度的创新

    Observations on the Innovation in Legal Systems in the Special Economic Zone in the Transitional Period After China 's Entry to the WTO

  9. 随着入世,国内法与WTO规则的接轨在即。中国经济特区要发挥授权立法试验优势为全局立法导航。

    To join WTO , China 's special economic zone is bound to be a link-up between WTO regulations and China 's law through the advantage of delegated legislation .

  10. 比较研究表明:中国经济特区的设立、特殊优惠政策及其措施,同WTO的机制并不矛盾;

    In this paper the result of the comparative study shows that there exists no contradiction between the establishment of special economic zones , preferential policies as well as measures offered and WTO mechanism .

  11. WTO成员国多数都设立经济特区,中国加入WTO后,经济特区要发展,就应继续发挥特殊政策优势,并不断调整和完善优惠政策。

    In many member countries of WTO , there are many special economic zones . After China joins WTO , the superiority of the preferential policies should be kept on and improved if the special economic zones are expected to be developed .

  12. 大量拟建的经济特区面积都很小:摩根士丹利(morganstanley)估计,在267个经济特区中,有133个占地不足1平方公里。

    A large number of the proposed SEZs are tiny : out of the total of 267 , Morgan Stanley has calculated that 133 are less than 1 sq km in size .

  13. 2000年,在研究生的最后一年,攻读MBA学位的克拉克选择深圳经济特区发展作为论文主题。

    When he was in his final year at university in2000 , Clark chose to write a thesis on the development of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone ( SEZ ) for his Master of Business Administration degree .

  14. Candy的工厂明亮而通风,坐落在首都基加利一个政府支持的新成立的经济特区里,那里有稳定的电力、水和土地供应,交通便利。

    Ms Ma 's light and airy factory , in Kigali , the capital , is located in a new government-backed special economic zone , which offers reliable power and water , good road links and land .

  15. 在原来的计划中,在经济特区的企业可免缴账面利润的最低替代税(MAT),开发商则可免缴股息分配税(DDT)。

    Under the original scheme , businesses in SEZs were exempted from the minimum alternate tax ( MAT ) on book profits and developers were exempted from payment of the dividend distribution tax ( DDT ) .

  16. 一些人呼吁,在授予小规模项目经济特区地位时,应采取更谨慎的做法。印度总理曼莫汉•辛格(MAnmohanSingh)在周四的一次演讲中似乎也加入了他们的阵营。

    In a speech on Thursday , Manmohan Singh , the prime minister , appeared to join the ranks of those calling for a more cautious approach to the granting of SEZ-status to sub-scale projects .

  17. 在深圳经济特区的开发初期,为了制定其首个城市规划,曾向梁振英(LeungChun-ying)等香港专业服务领域的从业者征求建议。

    Early in its development , the Shenzhen special economic zone sought the advice of Leung Chun-ying and other Hong Kong professional service practitioners as it developed its first town plan .

  18. 中国第五大汽车制造商北汽集团(简称BAIC)正在南非伊丽莎白港库哈经济特区建设汽车制造厂。

    Beijing Automobile International Corporation or BAIC , China 's fifth largest car maker , is building a vehicle manufacturing plant in the Coega Special Economic Zone in Port Elizabeth .

  19. 不论怎样,Mehra说经济特区政策将继续关系到印度的发展前景,但是为了促进它们继续下去,几个政策的必须争取。

    However , Mehra says the SEZ policy continues to be relevant from a Make in India perspective but several policy initiatives are necessary to get those going .

  20. 许多颇有争议的经济特区可能仅仅是房地产交易。

    Many of the SEZs mooted may simply be property deals .

  21. 经济特区有什么优惠政策?

    What 's your preferential policies in your Special Economic Zones ?

  22. 解释建立类似深圳的经济特区的目标。

    Explain the goal of a special economic zone like Shenzhen .

  23. 充分发挥厦门经济特区的龙头作用

    Letting the Leading Role of Xiamen Economic Zone in Full Swing

  24. 深圳经济特区文化创新功能的生成与发展

    The Generation and Development of the Innovating Function of Shenzhen SEZ

  25. 城市交通分析地图集的选题设计&以珠海经济特区为例

    A design on the content selection of city traffic analysis atlases

  26. 从港厂北迁看经济特区劳动密集型产业的梯度转移

    On the gradient shift or labor-intensive industry in economic special zones

  27. 经济特区村级图书馆的可持续发展

    Sustainable Development of the Village-level Libraries in the Economic Special Zone

  28. 论深圳经济特区所有制结构

    On Structure of Ownership System in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone

  29. 经济特区与自主创新综合配套改革试验区的比较

    Special economy zone and independent innovative comprehensive reform experimental zone 's comparison

  30. 经济特区适用的特殊优惠关税政策已经取消。

    The special preferential tariff policies applied to SEZs had been eliminated .