
  • 网络economic analysis;economicanalysis
  1. 传统的经济分析是以多多益善的设想为依据的。

    Traditional economic analysis is premised on the assumption that more is better .

  2. 山地开发经济分析的GIS软件实现方法

    Researches on Applying GIS Technique to Economic Analysis of Forest Area Development

  3. HCC工艺技术经济分析

    Technical and Economical Analysis of HCC Process

  4. 农产品供给告别短缺,两重市场困难,迫使农业经济分析由过去的侧重生产的单一分析,即F函数分析,发展到生产和需求相结合的综合分析。

    The end of the shortage of agricultural products and double-fold marketing difficulties are the causes of the transformation of agricultural economic analysis from the single analysis solely focused on production , or the analysis of function F , to the synthetic analysis combining production and demand ;

  5. 甲醇蛋白的技术经济分析与发展前景

    Techno - Economic Analysis and Prospect of Methanol Single Cell Protein

  6. 山东省羊产业发展的技术经济分析

    A technical analysis for the sheep raising industry in Shandong province

  7. 冷藏库采用封闭式月台的技术经济分析

    Technique & Economy Analysis of the Refrigerated Docks for Cold Storages

  8. 建筑幕墙门窗的节能及其经济分析

    Energy-saving of the Building Glass Curtain Wall and Its Economic Analysis

  9. 医院执行总量控制结构调整政策的三年动态经济分析

    Dynamic Analysis of Total Amount Control and Structural Readjustment of Income

  10. 内蒙古自治区玉米市场预测与经济分析

    Forecasting and Analyzing the Corn Market of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

  11. 矿产品供需关系经济分析

    Economic Analysis on the relationship of mining product supply and demand

  12. 内蒙古农业投入与效益的数量经济分析

    Quantitative Economics Analysis on Agricultural Input and Profit in Inner Mongolia

  13. 热力站能量控制系统技术经济分析

    Economic and technological analysis of energy management system in heating station

  14. 现行科技税收政策的经济分析及其选择

    Analysis and choice of current tax policy on science and technology

  15. 港口布局层次性的形成机理及经济分析

    Economic Analysis and Formation Mechanism on the Hierarchy of Port Layout

  16. 现代经济分析需要建立社会价值论

    Modern Economic Analysis Requires the Establishment of Social Value Theory

  17. 从制度法律经济学到经济分析法学

    From Institutional Law and Economics to Economic Analysis of Law

  18. 甘肃省城镇居民收入差距扩大的经济分析

    Economic Analysis of the Widening Income Gap between Urban Dwellers of Gansu

  19. 逃税避税及影响因素的经济分析

    The Economic Analysis of Tax Evasion , Tax Avoidance And Their Effects

  20. 我国蚕茧生产成本的经济分析

    Economic Analyses on the Cost of Cocoon Production in China

  21. 化工系统可靠性在企业经济分析中的应用

    Application of Reliability in the Economic Analysis of Chemical System

  22. 新公有制企业性质的经济分析

    An Economic Analysis of the Nature of New Public-owner Enterprise

  23. 国有商业银行信贷管理体制的经济分析

    Economic Analysis of the Credit Management System of the State-owned Commercial Bank

  24. 潜流人工湿地设计与经济分析

    The Design and Economic Analysis of Constructed Subsurface Flow Wetland

  25. 冷储备可修系统的一个模型及其经济分析

    A model of cold standby redundant repairable systems and its benefit analysis

  26. 稀有稀土资源的地质&经济分析

    Analysis in geology economy of rare metal and REE resources

  27. 生产函数在企业经济分析中的应用

    An Application of Product Function in Economic Analysis of Enterprises

  28. 独占交易的经济分析与反垄断政策

    The Economic Analysis of Exclusive Dealing and Its Antitrust Policy

  29. 传统人口行为的经济分析:理论及实证

    Economic Analysis on Traditional Demographic Behavior : Theories and Empirics

  30. 矿产资源利用的循环经济分析

    Analysis on Recycling Economy in Exploiting and Utilizing Mineral Resources