
jīnɡ jì hòu ɡuǒ
  • economic consequence
  1. 试论独立审计准入管制的经济后果

    The Economic Consequence of the Independent Audit Market Access Regulation

  2. 三是拓展了资本结构调整的经济后果实证研究。

    Thirdly is to extend the economic consequence of capital structure adjustment .

  3. 税收,政府借贷还有货币膨胀只能带来消极的经济后果。

    Taxation , government borrowing , and monetary inflation all produce negative economic consequences .

  4. 传统上,指导方针对医学实践的影响很大,尽管医生没有义务遵循这些指导方针,但是新的指导方针还是会使医生意识到他们的决定所带来的经济后果,。

    Traditionally , guidelines have heavily influenced the practice of medicine , and the latest ones are expected to make doctors more conscious of the economic consequences of their decisions , even though there 's no obligation to follow them .

  5. CPA审计报告难以发挥应有的作用,需要对之加以改进,以产生良好的经济后果。

    We should improve the auditing report , to bring better economic effect on resource allocation .

  6. 本文根据对SolowSwan模型和Ramsey模型的修订,把金融腐败引入生产函数和效用函数,研究金融腐败的宏观经济后果,提出四个基本结论。

    This paper revised Solow-Swan and Ramsey growth models to show the macroeconomic effects of financial corruption .

  7. 人口增长率过高已造成多方面的不良社会经济后果,其突出表现就是人均GDP和人均食物产量多年停滞不前,甚至有所下降。

    Rapid population growth brought about a lot of negative social and economic results , the most outstanding being a standstill and even a decrease in GDP and food production per capita .

  8. 而且如果推行力度过大,这些法规可能会扰乱法国与欧洲央行(theEuropeanCentralBank)之间精心策划的有关防止欧元崩溃的协议,从而引发一系列连锁反应,在世界范围内导致严重的经济后果。

    And if he pushes hard enough , he could disturb the carefully crafted agreement with the European central bank that is keeping the euro on life support , setting off a chain of events that could have dire worldwide economic consequences .

  9. 欧盟和七国集团(G7)的财长们正以一种平衡而适当的方式来筹备和实施一些措施,让俄罗斯明白实实在在的经济后果。

    EU and Group of Seven finance ministers are preparing and implementing measures that demonstrate real economic consequences to Russia , while doing so in a balanced and proportionate manner .

  10. 匈牙利总理奥班(ViktorOrban)宣布了这次逮捕行动,他表示,该公司将暂时收归国有,相关的责任人将承担经济后果。

    The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced the arrest and said that the company would be temporarily nationalised , and those responsible should bear the financial consequences .

  11. 自1958年Modigliani和Miller提出著名的MM理论以来,关于资本结构研究的文献层出不穷,研究也越来也细化,部分学者开始研究债务结构的影响因素和经济后果。

    Since Modigliani and Miller proposed the famous MM theory in 1958 , literatures on capital structure has been mounted , and studies on it has been more and more detailed , some scholars moved to the influencing factors of debt structure and its economic consequences .

  12. 但在他们的新书《气候休克:全球变暖的经济后果》(普林斯顿大学出版社,2015年)中,保护环境基金会的日尔诺特·瓦格纳和哈佛大学经济学家马丁·L·魏茨曼对这个理论提出了质疑。

    But in a new book , " Climate Shock : The Economic Consequences of a Hotter Planet " ( Princeton 2015 ) , Gernot Wagner of the Environmental Defense Fund and Martin L. Weitzman , a Harvard economist , question that assumption .

  13. 市场信息非对称的社会经济后果及对策研究

    Research on the Social Economic Effects of Information Asymmetry and Countermeasures

  14. 我国会计准则国际化经济后果研究

    Study on Economic Consequences for Accounting Standards ' Internationalism in China

  15. 最后对审计失败的经济后果进行了分析。

    Chapter 2 : Analysis of the reason for audit failure .

  16. 此外,对人口老龄化的双重经济后果进行了评价。

    Besides , the dissertation appraises the dual economic consequence of population .

  17. 所得税改革、盈余管理及其经济后果

    Reform of Enterprise Income Tax , Earnings Management and Its Economic Consequences

  18. 经济后果学说对会计准则制定理论的影响

    The Impact of Economic Consequences on the Theory of Accounting Standard Setting

  19. 会计规则的制定目标:信息中立还是经济后果

    Objective of Accounting Rule Setting : Neutrality or Economic Consequences

  20. 低生育率水平下人口发展的经济后果分析

    An Analysis of the Economic Effects of Population Development Under Low Fertility

  21. 医疗市场价格结构性缺陷的表现及经济后果

    Appearance and Economic Influence of Structural Defect on Medical Market

  22. 造假的方式和手段越来越高明和隐蔽,产生的经济后果也越来越恶劣。

    On Crime of Laundering Economic consequences become more and more abominable .

  23. 企业合并会计的经济后果分析&兼论我国会计准则体系中计量属性的整合

    An Analysis of Economic Consequences of Accounting for Business Combination

  24. 会计国际化策略及经济后果研究

    Researching about the Strategy of Accounting Internationalization and Economy Impact

  25. 经济后果观对我国会计准则制定的启示

    Enlightenments of Economic Consequences on the Constitution of Accounting Standards

  26. 然而,货币的膨胀将会导致另一些负面的经济后果。

    Monetary inflation produces another set of negative economic consequences .

  27. 尤其是此轮信贷危机,将产生糟糕的短期经济后果。

    The credit crisis in particular will have nasty short-term economic consequences .

  28. 不过,精神疾病还会产生巨大的经济后果。

    But mental illness also has huge economic consequences .

  29. 城市化滞后的经济后果分析

    An Analysis of the Economic Consequences of Lagged Urbanization

  30. 中国人口老龄化的宏观经济后果&应用一般均衡分析

    Macroeconomic Consequences of Population Ageing in China : A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis