
  • 网络Economic interest subjects;profit entity
  1. 在外商直接投资过程中,东道国和投资国、跨国公司分别属于不同的经济利益主体。

    During the foreign direct investment process , host country and the invest country , multinational company , belong to different economic corpus respectively .

  2. 资产评估包括动力和压力这两个方面的机制,二者源于产权主体或其经营主体与其他经济利益主体之间及其相互间的经济利益关系。

    Assets estimated includes the motive and pressure mechanism These mechanisms originate from the economic relations of the owner of property and the other interest group .

  3. 销售渠道的各个环节,包括生产商、分销商和零售商,作为单个经济利益主体,无疑都在相互博弈,追求各自利益的最大化。

    All members , including manufacturers , distributors and retailers , as a single economic interests , are undoubtedly in each game , to pursue their greatest interests .

  4. 在环境问题中,研究经济利益主体的出发点和动机,有利于寻求经济利益主体行为的协调机制。

    In the issue of environment , a study of the start-point and motivation of economic interest participants will be of gnat help in finding a coordination mechanism among them .

  5. 而下级地方政府作为独立的经济利益主体,为谋求自己独立的地方利益,往往采取策略性行为,从而形成上下级政府之间的博弈。

    And as an independent economic interest body , the local government usually takes strategy behavior to seek its local interest , which forms the game between the upper and lower governments .

  6. 进而提出,在市场经济利益主体多元化的条件下,城市规划工作要有清晰的财产权益意识并关注景观眺望权的经济意义,同时还要改进和完善规划的编制和管理方法。

    Then the paper argues that , under market economy with multi-interests entities , urban planners must have the sense of property rights including view-rights , and the approaches of plan making and development control must to be improved accordingly .

  7. 摘要在当代社会文化多元、政治多极和经济利益主体多样化的背景之下,哈贝马斯的商谈伦理学为克服现实伦理冲突和传统伦理危机应运而生。

    In the context of multidimensional culture , multi-polar politics and variety-type subjects of economic interests in our contemporary society , habermas 's theory of negotiation ethics has come into being for doing away with ethical conflicts and tiding over the traditional ethical crises .

  8. 运用经济学的机制设计理论,从内在机理上探讨政府在技术引进中的协调与管理,从宏观层次上讨论技术引进经济利益主体间的内在联系。

    His thesis applies the economic theory of mechanism design to probe into the managing and coordinating the factions of government in the Technique Acquisition from the internal point of view and discusses the internal relations among the bodies of the Technique Acquisition on the macroscopical level .

  9. 国民经济利益主体与交通运输系统之间的利益联系主要体现在与交通运输系统结构相关的国民经济产业的价值运动上,论文对此作了定性的分析。

    The interrelations between the national economic gainer and the traffic transportation system are mainly shown in the value movements of the national economic industries related to the structure of the traffic transportation system , and some qualitative analysis about this has been done in the paper .

  10. 地方政府成为经济利益的主体,相对拥有较多的财力,经济上日趋独立,所以地方利益和地方观念得以强化,并成为诱发地方政府行为的主要动机。

    Relatively , they have more financial resources and increasingly relied on the economy . Therefore , the local interest and localism as the main motives strengthen the local governments ' behaviors .

  11. 寻租是对既得的社会经济利益在不同主体之间的重新分割与转移,造成了社会经济资源的极大耗费进而导致社会福利的损失。

    Rent-seeking is vested in different socio-economic interests of the re-partition between the main and transfer , resulting in significant cost social and economic resources which led to loss of social welfare .

  12. 两者的结合,一方面要以市场经济的经济利益主体多元,独立和有差别的本质,改革现实社会主义社会的生产关系结构和公有制形式;

    The integration depends , on the one hand , on multiple , independent and differential nature of economic interests subject of market economy which can reform production relations structure and public ownership of practical socialism ;

  13. 社会转型导致社会阶层急剧分化,带来了经济成分和利益主体的多样化,以及社会阶层之间矛盾的复杂化和激烈化。

    Class society in transition led to a sharp differentiation of society which has brought about the main economic sectors and the diversification benefits , as well as the conflict between social classes and the intense and complicated .

  14. 其次,现代市场经济中各利益主体为谋求利益最大化,竞争日趋加剧,正当竞争与不公平竞争并存,市场交易风险急骤上升,利益主体的正当利益难以得到有效的维护。

    Secondly , in modern market economy , the benefit body strives for maximum profit in the fierce rivalry , proper and unfair competition coexists , the market transaction is full of hazard , it is hard to defend the proper profits of the benefit body .

  15. 房地产经济中三类利益主体关系研究

    Research of the Relationship among the Three Interest Groups in Real Estate Economy

  16. 如何处理临床研究中研究者的经济利益冲突?&主体、原则与方法

    How to Deal with Investigators ' Financial Conflict of Interest in Clinical Research : Subject , Principles and Strategies

  17. 在市场经济体制转轨和利益主体趋于多元化,主体意识不断增强的背景下,利益冲突和利益享有差异不可避免,是客观存在。

    During the transition to market economy interest subjects are getting increasingly pluralistic , and subject consciousness is also gaining ground .

  18. 摘要我国正处于体制转轨与社会急剧转型时期,经济成分多样化、利益主体多元化,对人们的思想道德、生活方式、价值取向等产生了多方面影响。

    In the period of transitions of systems and society , multiple econemic factors and benefiting subjects influence in many ways people 's thought and morals , life-styles and values .

  19. 市场经济是以不同利益主体之问的交换为基础,是建立在各种各样的、错综复杂的信用关系上的经济,交换双方的诚实可靠可以降低交易费用,减少风险,活跃国民经济。

    The market economics is based on transactions among different stakeholders , which is many kinds of complex credit relationship , honest and reliable is one way to reduce costs and risk .

  20. 当然,我们并不否认经济利益是国际法主体作出决策的重要依据之一,成本和收益也是推动个人或国家选择某项战略的重要驱动力。

    Of course , we would not deny that economic interests are important basis for making decision , costs and interests could be important driving force which can promote an individual or country to make a choice .

  21. 收入分配问题与经济发展相生相伴,各种经济利益主体间的关系被它们所揭示,而且利益关系背后的各种决定因素也被它们所反映。

    Income distribution and economic development go hand in hand , a variety of economic relations between stakeholders revealed by them , and interest factors behind the various decisions reflected by them .

  22. 区域经济利益现象趋于强化,区域经济利益主体多元化,促成了我国区际经济关系的重组。

    The strengthening of regional economic interest and the appearance of multiple subject of regional economy help to bring about the reconstruction of inter-regional economic relation .

  23. 公平纳税的税收环境是完善市场经济体制的重要基础,倍受各经济利益主体关注并追求。

    The environment of fair taxation is an important foundation to perfect market economic system , which is pursued and concerned greatly by many enterprises .

  24. 随着社会主义市场经济体制的确立和加入WTO,我国的经济结构呈现出利益主体多元化。

    When China establishes socialist market economy and joins WTO , economic identity becomes more diversified .

  25. 收入分配问题是与经济的产生、发展相生相伴的,它不仅能够揭示各种经济利益主体间的利益关系,而且能反映这种利益关系背后的各种决定因素。

    The income distribution is the outgrowth of economic development , which not only reflects the relationship among various beneficial bodies , but also the background decisive factors .

  26. 会计作为调配社会经济资源的重要制度装置之一,其运行具有直接的经济后果,会计寻租成为上市公司各经济利益主体进行非生产性寻利的直接手段。

    Accounting , as a means of allocating socio-economic resources , has its own operational features of directing economic consequences , accounting rent-seeking becomes a direct method to develop non-productive profit-seeking for different economic interests of the listed companies .