
  1. 较发达县域要利用大企业产业裂变和中小企业蚂蚁经济协同效应实现动态比较优势;积极承接转移的产业;加大对支撑产业转型升级的财政支持力度。

    The more developed county need make use of large enterprises " industrial fissile " and small and medium-sized " ant economy " synergy to achieve the dynamic comparative advantage ; actively undertake the transfer of the property ; increased support for industry transformation and upgrading of financial support .

  2. 金融控股公司通过从事综合性的金融业务,实现了规模经济和协同效应,提高了竞争力。

    Through its Multi-financial business , it realizes scale merit and Synergy and raises its Competitiveness .

  3. 然后分析了我国钢铁行业上市公司并购的动因,主要是基于规模经济、协同效应以及政府因素等原因,钢铁企业展开了大规模并购。

    Then it analyses the M & A factors of the listed steel companies which is based on the scale effects , synergy effects and government factors .

  4. 第二章从经济学角度分析了横向并购所产生的效率,主要有规模经济,协同效应,降低时间成本三个方面的效率产生。

    Chapter 2 Economic Analysis of the efficiency of horizontal mergers and acquisitions generated , there are economies of scale , synergies , reduce time and cost efficiency .

  5. 按照大集团的战略,交通企业集团在实践规模经济和协同效应的同时,财务风险亦不容忽视。

    According to the strategy of a group company , the financial risk cannot be neglected while a transportation enterprise group is pursuing scale economy and cooperative effect .

  6. 重组可以有效地提高汽车产业集中度,发挥规模经济和协同效应,也是中国汽车产业政策的要求。

    The restructuring can increase concentration degree of automobile industry and play scale economy and synergistic effect , which is a requirement of Chinese automobile industry in policy .

  7. 对于商业银行进行投行业务的研究成果有许多,这一领域的研究理论基础包括范围经济、协同效应、市场竞争、资产专用性理论、规模经济、投资组合、交易成本等。

    The theoretical basis of research in this area include economies of scope , synergies , market competition , asset specificity theory , economies of scale , portfolio , transaction costs .

  8. 株水公司应充分利用优势,把握机遇,实施给排水一体化战略,通过资本战略,加快产业整合的步伐,扩大生产规模,实现规模经济及协同效应。

    Zhuzhou Waterworks Company should fully use the superiority to implement the drainage integration strategy , and then realize economies of scale and synergy effect by speeding up the industrial conformity and expanding production scale through the capital strategy .

  9. 首先总结了范围经济、协同效应、风险分散、利用市场机会和政府偏好等企业多元化的传统驱动因素,并分析了经济全球化对这些驱动因素的负面影响和企业进行多元化经营难度的增加。

    First summarize the scope , synergies , risk diversification , the use of market opportunities and government preferences , the traditional drivers of diversification , and analysis of economic globalization on the negative impact of these drivers and companies to increase diversification difficult .

  10. 银行全能化发展是源于其规模经济和集团协同效应。

    Comprehensive banks stem from the economy of scale and combining conspiracy effect .

  11. 并以交易成本论、代理理论、规模不经济和负协同效应等理论为基础,分析了企业收缩的内在动因在于其价值增加,最后指出分析企业收缩动因的意义所在。

    On the basis of the theory of transaction cost , agency , uneconomics of scale and negative effect of coordination , it also analyses internal motive of enterprises ' contraction , and discusses the problems about these motives .

  12. 然后从管理协同效应理论、范围经济理论、财务协同效应理论、多样化经营理论、价值低估理论、交易费用理论、经理扩张理论、企业竞争战略理论等角度分别论述了企业混合并购的理论基础;

    In the second place , the chapter discussed its academic foundation from manage-cooperation effect theory , scope economy theory , finance cooperation effect theory , verification management theory , value underestimation theory , transactional cost theory , manager expanding theory and company competition strategy theory ;

  13. 担保集团的产生是基于对规模经济、范围经济和协同效应的追求。

    Security group is based on the pursuit of scale economies , scope economies and synergies .

  14. 摘要作为金融混业经营的重要组织形式,金融控股公司具有规模经济、范围经济和协同效应。

    As an important type of mixed operation of finance industry , the financial holding company has scale and scope economy and synergy effect .

  15. 金融控股公司作为综合经营的一种有效组织形式,无论在规模经济、范围经济、协同效应以及分散风险等方面,都具有其他金融组织形式无可比拟的优势。

    In terms of economies of scale and scope of business area , as well as synergies effect such as risk diversification , Financial Holding Company has unbeatable advantages compared with other forms of financial institutions .

  16. 一般认为,银行并购可以产生规模经济效应,范围经济效应,管理协同效应,财务协同效应等正面的经济效益。

    It is believed that the banking M & A can bring economies scale and scope economic effects , management and financial synergy effects , and other positive economic benefits .

  17. 欧盟金融集团监管与借鉴接着本章分析了金融集团存在的经济理论基础:规模经济、范围经济、协同效应和分散风险四个方面。

    Then , this chapter analyses economic theoretical foundations in the existence of the financial conglomerates : large-scale production , range economy , coordination effect and risk dispersion .

  18. 进而利用生产收入法和投入产出法等对长江流域经济贡献度进行定量分析和预测,深入分析长江航运发展与区域经济的协同效应。

    Based on the production and income approach , and input-output approach , it discusses and forecasts the economic contribution of the Yangtze River .