
  1. 其一是Lucas(1988)关于人力资本投资(以学校教育投资为代表)对经济增长贡献率的经典模型,该模型使得人们重新认识了人力资本投资的重要意义。

    One is the Lucas ( 1988 ) model , which is about the contribution of human capital investment to economic growth , and this model makes people renew their views on human capital investment .

  2. 水能资源投入对国民经济增长贡献率的定量研究

    Study on Quantitive Contribution Rate of Hydropower Resource to National Economic Growth

  3. 要素投入对经济增长贡献率的区域差异十分显著。

    Regional differences in factor contributions to economic growth were very significant .

  4. 中国科学研究支出对经济增长贡献率研究

    On China 's Science Research Expenditure and Economic Growth

  5. 劳动力投人对于经济增长贡献率大于投资对于经济增长的贡献率的为一个层次;

    For those contribution rate of labor is higher to investment as one layer ;

  6. 关于提高区域物流业对经济增长贡献率的宏观思考

    The Macro-thinking of the Logistics Industry to Enhance Regional Economic Growth Rate of Contribution

  7. 基于时变参数的中国教育投入对经济增长贡献率估计

    Estimating the Contribution Rate of Education Investment in the Economic Growth Based on Time-varying Parameter

  8. 本文研究的问题是江西财政教育投入对经济增长贡献率。

    This research is about contribution to economic growth of education input on jiangxi financial .

  9. 武汉市科技进步对经济增长贡献率的测算与分析

    Calculation and Analysis on the Contribution Rate of the Scientific and Technological Progress to the Economic Growth in Wuhan

  10. 就农业机械化对农业和经济增长贡献率测算方法按照分类进行了评析。

    This paper analyses the calculation method of the agricultural mechanization on agriculture and economic growth based on the classification .

  11. 本文对经济增长贡献率分解的现有方法进行了细致地比较分析。

    This article made a careful comparative analysis of the present methods of resolution of rate of contribute to economic growth .

  12. 我国教育支出对经济增长贡献率的实证研究&基于省际面板数据时空差异的分析

    An Empirical Study on the Contribution Rate of China 's Educational Expenditure to the Economic Growth : Based on the Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Difference in Cross-Provincial Panel Data

  13. 接下来,结合河北省农村人力资本的现状,论文剖析了造成人力资本对经济增长贡献率低下的原因。

    Then , with the status of Hebei ' human capital , the paper anatomy the reason why the contribution rate of human capital to economic growth is low .

  14. 教育对经济增长贡献率测度模型是教育经济学的重要研究内容,也是综合定量衡量一国教育与经济协调发展的重要方法。

    The model to measure the educational contribute-ratio on national economic growth is the important content of educational economics and a basilica method to synthetically evaluate the harmonious degree of education and national economy .

  15. 消费金融市场未来发展倾向,消费金融产品开发创新倾向,如何最大限度提高消费金融对经济增长贡献率是我国消费金融市场发展而临的最大问题。

    But there are some problems : future development tendency of consumer financial market ; the development innovation tendency of consumer financial product and how to maximum improve consumer finance contribution to the economic growth in China .

  16. 迄今,国内外不少学者已经提出了多种测算方法,但这些方法由于种种原因基本上都不适用于中国教育对经济增长贡献率的测算。

    Hitherto , many foreign and domestic scholars have put forward a few calculation methods , but because of some reasons these methods are not basically applicable to the calculation of the contributive rate of Chinese education to economic growth .

  17. 成都作为西部地区的中心城市,2007年工业增加值占GDP比重为35.3%,工业对经济增长的贡献率占49%。

    As the center of western region , the industrial added value accounted for 35.3 % share of GDP in Chengdu in 2007 , it has a rate of 49 % in economic growth .

  18. 三个地区教育因子的年均增速分别为3.82%、2.66%、2.81%,对经济增长的贡献率分别为7.91%、2.52%、4.47%,随经济增速的地区排列呈U形分布。

    It has found out that the employment level of education contributes to economic growth rates in three regions are 7.91 % , 2.52 % and 4.47 % , with a U-shaped distribution in different economic growth region . 4 .

  19. 笔者利用C-D型生产函数模型分析表明,劳动力增长对经济增长的贡献率最小,而资本的贡献率较小,其投入存在严重的不足制约了经济的增长。

    C-D production function is utilized in this article which reveals that labour growth has the lowest contribution to the growth , technology is the main reason for the growth , and the adequacy of capital input restricts economy growing .

  20. 然而,麦肯锡全球研究所(MGI)周三发布的一份报告声称,如果未来十年中国想实现5.5%至6.5%的普遍增长率预测值,那么创新对中国经济增长的贡献率需要达到一半。

    However , a report published on Wednesday by the McKinsey Global Institute claims innovation will need to account for as much as half of China 's economic growth if Beijing is to hit consensus growth forecasts of 5.5 to 6.5 per cent a year in the coming decade .

  21. 中国对亚洲经济增长的贡献率已超过50%。

    China accounts for over 50 % of Asias economic growth .

  22. 文化产业对国民经济增长的贡献率不断上升。

    Cultural industries contribute to national economic growth rate has been rising .

  23. 知识对经济增长的贡献率占绝对优势;

    Knowledge owns absolute superiority in the economic growth ;

  24. 中国科技投入对经济增长的贡献率研究:1953-2001

    The Contribution Rate of Science Technology to the Economic Growth from 1953 to 2001

  25. 河北省扩大内需对经济增长的贡献率的实证分析&直接启动消费需求是我省下一步扩大内需政策的基本取向

    A Positive Analysis of Domestic Demand Expansion Rate Contributing to Economic Growth in Hebei Province

  26. 劳动力和投资对于经济增长的贡献率都为负的为一个层次。

    And for those contribution rate of labor and investment are minus as one layer .

  27. 技术进步对煤炭产业经济增长的贡献率研究

    Study on the Contribution Rate of Technological Progress to the Economic Growth of Coal Industry

  28. 非差分法测算我国建材工业经济增长因素贡献率

    Using Non-difference Method to Measure Contribution Rate of Economic Growth Elements of Chinese Building Materials Industry

  29. 在经济增长因素贡献率测算中,常用的方法有时存在比较大的误差。

    In factor contribution ratio measure of economic growth , generic method sometimes have big error .

  30. 尤其在京郊地域,民间投资现在对经济增长的贡献率已经超过国有经济,成为拉动北京经济增长的主要力量,农业银行北京分行在支持京郊民间投资发展方面也形成了自己的特色。

    Especially in Beijing suburb , private investment contributes to economy development more than state-owned investment .