
  1. 我国改革开放初期,外债作为我国利用外资弥补经济缺口,推动我国产品结构升级7,快速扩大出口、促进就业等方面做出了很大的贡献。

    During the initial period of Reform and opening-up , external debts had make a great contribution in terms of utilizing foreign capital to make up for our economical gap , promoting product structure upgrades , rapidly expanding the export , promoting employment and so forth .

  2. 中国需要更大的开支力度,才能填补出口走软、建设乏力造成的经济增长缺口。

    More spending is needed to make up for the gaps left by weak exports and sluggish construction .

  3. 旨在考察民营经济金融缺口的制度性根源,并为该问题的解决提供一种可能的视角。

    The purpose of this article is to analyze the endogenous root of the financial gap in private economy , and to provide a possible method to solve the problem .

  4. 但美国接下来出台的8000亿美元刺激计划,就基本上可以说是在白白浪费钱了,此举急剧扩大了如今拖累美国经济的财政缺口。

    However , the subsequent $ 800bn American stimulus package was largely a waste of money that sharply enlarged the fiscal hole now facing our economy .

  5. 接着通过测算农村金融理论融量与实际融量,计算农村金融相对于农村经济的金融缺口,反映了我国农村存在较大的金融缺口。

    Then calculates the rural financial demand of theory in conformity with rural economy development , the rural fund that really can be obtained at present , calculates the size of shortfall of the rural finance and reflects the variation tendency of this breach .

  6. 随着经济下滑,预算缺口预计还将进一步扩大。

    As the economy contracts , that budget gap is projected to grow .

  7. 然而,由于民间借贷是游离于官方监督之外的,因此在有效解决农村经济发展的资金缺口的同时,也有其负面效应。

    However , because it was beyond official supervision , folk debit and credit also exerts negative effect .

  8. 但是,公共文化服务特别是面向农村的公共文化服务较之经济发展而言,缺口仍然很大。

    However , public cultural services in particular for public cultural services in rural areas than economic development , the gap remained wide .

  9. 因此,他们的重要性不能很好的在国家统计数据中显现出来,而这被认为是中国经济的一个缺口。

    As a result , their significance cannot be well tracked by the state-generated statistics that serve as a flawed window into China 's economy .

  10. 外债规模过小,又不足以填补经济发展的资本缺口,只有适度的外债规模,才可以增加就业,促进一国经济发展。

    Foreign loan scale over small , is not enough to fill up the capital gap for economy development . Only have the temperate foreign loan scale , can just increase the employment , promote the national economy development .

  11. 另一方面,对呼包鄂区域经济结构存在的问题及其原因进行说明,指出区域经济结构存在缺口和断层。

    On the other hand , describes the problems and the reasons of regional structure , points out there existing gaps and the faults .