
  • 网络Economic Strike
  1. 在世界大部分国家,政治性罢工是被禁止的,而经济罢工则由国家通过立法予以规范和保护。

    In most countries , the political strikes are prohibited while the economical strikes are protected by the state legislation .

  2. 实际上,罢工行为既包括政治性罢工,也包括经济性罢工。

    In fact , the strike action includes the political strikes and the economical strikes .

  3. 经济性罢工有利于促进资方改善劳动者的劳动条件,与劳动者的生存环境和生存利益密切相关。

    The economical strike , what is related to the living of workers , is also good to make the employer change the condition of the workers .