
jiě pìn
  • dismiss an employee;non-reappointment;dismiss on employee;letting go
解聘 [jiě pìn]
  • [dismiss on employee] 解除聘任的职务,不再聘用

解聘[jiě pìn]
  1. 俱乐部正在解聘一些老队员。

    The club is releasing some of its older players .

  2. 有一名雇员起诉她非法解聘。

    One of her employees sued her for wrongful dismissal .

  3. 他将负责公共房产管理局所有人员的雇用和解聘事务。

    He will be in charge of all hiring and firing at PHA .

  4. 我被威尔士队解聘时,既失望又错愕。

    I was both disappointed and amazed when I got the chop from the Wales team .

  5. 只有董事会知道那名经理是因专业方面不称职而被解聘的。

    Only the board knew that the manager was dismissed for professional incompetence .

  6. 职场“回头客”还可以指被解聘,之后又重新被雇佣为顾问或者合同工的人。

    Boomerang is an employee who is laid off and then rehired as a consultant1 or contract worker .

  7. 更替成本约束下的CEO最优解聘时机模型

    Model on Optimal Dismissing Time to CEO Based on Switching Cost

  8. 马拉多纳早先曾执教阿根廷国家队,但是由于该球队在2010年世界杯(WorldCup)中表现不佳而被解聘。

    Maradona had earlier coached the Argentinian national team but was fired after a weak performance in the 2010 World Cup .

  9. 格里芬在被解聘之后对《克瑞恩芝加哥商业报》(Crain'sChicagoBusiness)说,他以为自己肩负着改革时代公司的使命。

    Mr. Griffin assumed he had a mandate to change Time , he told Crain 's Chicago Business after his ouster .

  10. 理论上,股东总是可以解聘CEO,但这几乎从未发生过。

    In theory , shareholders could always fire the CEO , but it almost never happened .

  11. 我担心,董事们替换上任相对不久的CEO过于迅速,而解聘任职时间较长的CEO的速度则过于缓慢。

    I worry that directors are too quick to axe relatively new chief executives and too slow to call time on long-servers .

  12. 据NPR新闻的吉姆·扎罗里报道,被解聘人员包括4名总经理。

    NPR 's Jim Zarroli says those fires include 4 manager directors .

  13. 奥赛尔表示,瑞银已解聘了18名参与libor操纵案的员工。

    Mr orcel said 18 UBS employees involved in the LIBOR scandal had been sacked .

  14. 鲁珀特•默多克(RupertMurdoch)的21世纪福克斯(21stCenturyFox)上周在内部调查之后解聘了艾尔斯——福克斯新闻隶属21世纪福克斯旗下。

    Rupert Murdoch 's 21st Century Fox , which owns Fox News , parted company with Mr Ailes last week after an internal investigation .

  15. 创业者基金(FoundersFund)在100多家公司投资约10亿美元,却从未解聘过一名创始人。

    The founders fund , which includes Peter Thiel as co-founder , has invested $ 1 billion in more than 100 companies without ever firing a founder .

  16. 然杨致远(JerryYang)已经计划在雅虎(Yahoo)裁员10%,他也许可以考虑再多节约点钱,解聘自己的投资银行顾问。

    Now that Jerry Yang is planning to cut10 % of Yahoo 's work force , he might want to contemplate saving a bit more money by firing his investment-banking advisers .

  17. 青岛啤酒表示,解聘境外审计师罗兵咸永道会计师事务所(pwc)将“有助提高效率及降低披露成本”。

    The brewery said the proposed dismissal of its overseas auditor , PwC , would " improve the efficiency and reduce the costs of disclosure " .

  18. 截止到今年年底之前,Adobe将关闭在华公司,400名员工的绝大部分也将遭到解聘,这是公司向财新网传来的消息。

    Adobe will shutter its offices in China and fire most of its 400 employees by the end of this year , sources in the company have told Caixin .

  19. 这项调查与金沙中国前行政总裁翟国成(stevenjacobs)提出的一宗不当解聘诉讼有关,金沙中国负责管理金沙集团在澳门的投资事宜。

    The investigation is connected to a wrongful termination lawsuit filed by Steven Jacobs , the former chief executive of sands China Limited , which oversees LVS investments in Macau .

  20. 毕马威业绩与技术业务主管斯科特帕克(ScottParker)表示,市场一直起伏不定,一些经济部门在雇用管理顾问,另一些经济部门则在继续解聘管理顾问。

    Scott Parker , head of performance and technology at KPMG , says the market has been a rollercoaster , with some sectors of the economy hiring management consultants , as others continue to axe them .

  21. 实施MBO必然会导致一定的法律后果:若收购不成功,公司管理层就有可能被公司解聘,且再次收购也会受到限制;

    Several legal consequence will be caused certainly by the implementation of MBO : If it does not succeed , the administration and supervision authorities of the company will be discharged probably and it 's limited to buy-out again ;

  22. 西蒙斯2012年出任迪奥创意总监,当时正逢其前任创意总监约翰加里亚诺(JohnGalliano)因在巴黎某酒吧酒后失态大放种族歧视厥词而遭解聘、从而掀起轩然大波之际。

    Appointed in 2012 , Mr Simons arrived at Dior amid the chaos of John Galliano 's dismissal after the celebrated designer was filmed embarking on an alcohol-fuelled racist outburst in a Paris bar .

  23. 2011年,约翰·加利亚诺(JohnGalliano)因反犹太言论被迪奥(Dior)解聘时称,自己做出那样的行为是因为同时负责两个品牌(他自己的品牌和迪奥)压力太大。

    When John Galliano was fired from Dior in 2011 over anti-Semitic remarks , he attributed his behavior to the pressure of being responsible for two brands ( his own as well as Dior ) .

  24. 劫犯被确认为是55岁的遭解聘的菲律宾警察,门多萨,他带有杀伤力极强的M-16步枪。

    The gunman was the55-year-old police captain Rolando Mendoza who was dismissed , and he was armed with an M-16 assault rifle .

  25. 2月份,在前任经理突然被解聘后,切尔西俱乐部的俄罗斯老板罗曼•阿布拉莫维奇(RomanAbramovich)聘请了古斯•希丁克(GuusHiddink)担任临时经理。

    Guus Hiddink , Chelsea 's temporary boss , was brought in by Roman Abramovich , the club 's Russian owner , in February , after the sudden dismissal of his predecessor .

  26. 亚足联称,33岁的郑智在亚冠联赛中发挥出色,而且在国足前教练卡马乔(JoseAntonioCamacho)被解聘后,他帮助稳定了球队的军心。今年6月份卡马乔因中国国家队1-5惨败泰国队而被解聘。

    The AFC said Zheng , 33 years old , put in assured performances throughout the Champions League and also helped China regain consistency after coach Jose Antonio Camacho was fired following a 1-5 defeat to Thailand in June .

  27. 基于解聘补偿的双边道德风险缓解机制

    Mechanism to Relieve Double Moral Hazard Based on Compensate for Dismiss

  28. 劳动争议仲裁委员会应当将其解聘。

    A labor dispute arbitration commission shall dismiss such an arbitrator .

  29. 我们解聘了那个厨师,因为她的技术太差了。

    We A.dismissed the cook because her cooking was so poor .

  30. 他因为在报告里捏造证据而被解聘。

    He was fired for providing false evidence in his report .