
jiě pōu xué
  • anatomy;anatomia
解剖学 [jiě pōu xué]
  • [anatomy] 研究动物或植物的结构的一支形态学分支

解剖学[jiě pōu xué]
  1. 那时,他正好在看医书《格雷氏解剖学》。

    He happened to be looking through the medical book ' Gray 's Anatomy ' at the time .

  2. 解剖学知识有助于提高对艺术作品的鉴赏力。

    A knowledge of anatomy adds to the appreciation of works of art .

  3. 解剖学知识增加了对艺术的欣赏。

    A knowledge of anatomy added to the appreciation of art .

  4. 这被认为是人体解剖学的最精准的一手资料。

    They are considered the first accurate pictures of human anatomy .

  5. 生理学和解剖学是医学的基础。

    Physiology and anatomy are basic to medical science .

  6. 手部A2滑车的解剖学及Ⅱc亚区内肌腱的滑动

    Anatomy of the A_2 pulley and tendon gliding in zone ⅱ c

  7. 输尿管解剖学观测及其盆段CT解剖学研究

    The Observation of Ureteral Anatomy and the Anatomic Study of Pelvis CT

  8. 目的:为左肺下叶支气管的CT显示提供应用解剖学基础。

    Objective : To provide the applied anatomic basis for CT demonstration in left lower lobar bronchus .

  9. 在颈部动态MRI正中矢状扫描图像上对环状软骨进行运动断层影像解剖学观测。

    Observing the lamina of cricoid on median longitudinal MRI of the neck moving .

  10. 螺旋CT增强扫描显示肝静脉和门静脉及其解剖学形态的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of hepatic and portal veins associated with its anatomic confirmations as demonstrated by enhanced spiral CT scanning

  11. 视神经、眼运动神经和后组颅神经的MRI与解剖学对照研究

    MR imaging of optic nerves , ophthalmic motion nerves and posterior group of cranial nerves : imaging anatomic study

  12. 《系统解剖学》CAI的设计

    Design of CAI for systematic anatomy

  13. 目的探讨胰源性脾静脉阻塞所致侧支循环的通路和相应侧支血管螺旋CT表现及其解剖学基础。

    Objective To investigate the spiral CT manifestations of the collateral circulation pathways resulting from splenic vein occlusion ( SVO ) duo to pancreatic diseases .

  14. 中华白海豚的解剖学和C6、T8、Lc2的组织学研究

    Studies on anatomy of the spinal cord and histology of C 6 , t 8 , lc 2 of the Indo Pacific hump backed Dolphin

  15. 结果初步完成了影像解剖学交互式多媒体网络课件的制作,在校园网及Internet等网络环境下运行良好,使用方便。

    Results Multimedia didactic courseware of imaging anatomy with friendly interface for network environment had been completed . Reliable , stable , and flexible operation in campus network and Internet environment was achieved .

  16. 目的利用16层CT血管造影(CTA)研究评价肋间支气管动脉(ICBA)三维影像解剖学特征。

    Purpose : To investigate the angiographic anatomy of intercostal bronchial arteries ( ICBA ) using 16-slices CT .

  17. 目的:为腹腔镜胰十二指肠切除术(laparoscopicpancreatoduodenectomy,LPD)中探查、显露、分离肠系膜上血管提供解剖学依据。

    Objective : To provide anatomic data of superior mesenteric vessels for laparoscopic pancreatoduodenectomy ( LPD ) .

  18. 每个元素或属性名都和一个名称空间联系,这样就能把解剖学上的“head”和XHTML“head”区分开来。

    Each element or attribute name can be connected to one namespace , and in this way you could distinguish the anatomical " head " from the XHTML " head " .

  19. 避免Tipss术中并发症的应用解剖学研究

    Applied Anatomical Studies on Avoidance of Complications Tipss

  20. 作为根性修复的一种方法,我们采用C3、4转位修复C5、6根性撕脱伤,并对其作了解剖学观察、实验研究及临床应用。

    As a method of " root reconstruction ", we adopted C3 , 4 transferring for reconstruction of C5,6 root avulsion .

  21. 目的探讨肾下盏解剖学因素对ESWL后结石排空的影响。

    Objective To investigate the anatomical factors influencing stone clearance in the lower calyx after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy ( ESWL ) .

  22. 在胸部断层标本上观察MPIS在原位解剖学的特征。

    The features of the MPIS in-situ-dissection were observed in thoracic section .

  23. 目的探讨山羊和家猪心脏冠状窦和Marshall静脉肌桥的解剖学特征及其血管壁的组织学构造和亚微结构特点。

    Objective To probe the morphological character of muscular bridge on coronary sinus and Marshall vein in goat and pig heart , to probe the histological structure and ultrastructure of vessel wall .

  24. 目的观测牛心左束支及Purkinje纤维网的结构和分布,为比较解剖学积累资料。

    Objective To observe the structure and distribution of the left bundle branch and Purkinje fiber networks in bovine heart and accumulate data for comparative anatomy .

  25. 目的在解剖学仿真动脉模型上对2种零点充填(zero-fillinginterpolation,ZIP)技术进行比较研究。

    Objective Zero-filling interpolation ( ZIP ) technique allows for high-resolution angiography in less scan time . The purpose of this study was to compare two ZIP techniques in anatomical phantoms of arteries .

  26. 目的报告特发性全层黄斑裂孔(IFMH)施行平坦部玻璃体切除(PPV)手术后的解剖学结果与视力预后。

    Objective To report the anatomical and functional results after pars plana vitrectomy ( PPV ) for idiopathic full-thickness macular holes ( IFMH ) .

  27. 目的:为下腰椎微创极外侧椎体间融合术(XLIF)提供解剖学依据。

    Objective : To provide anatomic data for lower lumbar spine interbody fusion through the extreme lateral approach ( XLIF ) .

  28. 目的:探讨三叉神经感觉根(TNSR)的解剖学结构,及其表层神经纤维束切断术治疗三叉神经痛(TN)的可行性。

    Objective : To explore the detailed clinical anatomy of trigeminal nerve sensory root ( TNSR ) in order to establish a new tractotomy for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia ( TN ) .

  29. 目的:通过解剖学研究寻求健侧C7神经根移位治疗全臂丛神经根性撕脱伤手术中尺神经与桡神经的最佳吻合部位,并观察该手术方法在临床上应用的可行性。

    AIM : To seek for the best anastomosis site of the ulnar and radial nerve to improve the contralateral C7 transfer operation by anatomy study , and to observe the application feasibility of the new method in clinic .

  30. 目的探讨Guyon管以远尺神经深支卡压征的解剖学基础。

    Objective To explore the entrapment to the deep branch of the ulnar nerve at the wrist , to assist the surgeon in diagnosis and treatment of Guyon canal syndrome .