
jiě jué fānɡ fǎ
  • resolvent;fix;remedy;means of settlement;methods of resolution;Rx
  1. 高速走丝线切割机床断丝原因与解决方法

    Causes of Filament Break during Working Process of High Speed Wire Cutting Machine and Methods of Resolution

  2. 明摆着的解决方法是取消聚会。

    The obvious answer would be to cancel the party .

  3. 设法让那名雇员站到你这边,然后你们共同找出解决方法。

    Get that employee on your side and then work together towards a solution

  4. 对于越来越多的财政问题,贷款只是权宜之计,不是解决方法。

    The loan was a palliative , not a cure , for ever-increasing financial troubles

  5. 但是这还谈不上是最后的胜利;而是长期、艰难地寻找解决方法的过程。

    But there must be no talk of final victory ; rather , the long , hard slog to a solution

  6. 这本书与英格兰乡村保护委员会合作出版,就节约水资源这个长期问题提供了全新的解决方法。

    Published in association with the Council for the Protection of Rural England , the book provides refreshing solutions to the long-term problem of water conservation .

  7. 政府需要一个可行的解决方法。

    The government needs a practical solution .

  8. 既来之,则安之,你必须多动脑子,想出个新的解决方法来。

    You would take things as they came . All you had to do was think a little harder and come up with a new solution .

  9. 这是个和平的解决方法。

    It 's a peaceful solution .

  10. 杜布拉瓦茨在美国消费者技术协会工作,该协会每年都会举办技术展,他说这种向着寻找解决方法的转变在他对2016年的预测做研究时表现尤为明显。

    DuBravac works for CTA -- which puts on the show each year -- and said that this shift to a search for solutions has been noticeable as he researched his predictions for 2016 .

  11. 为了应对肥胖,需要一种混合式的解决方法——包括重新设计配方,征税和调整各成分的含量。

    To deal with obesity , mixture of approaches -- including reformulation , taxation and adjusting portion sizes -- will be needed . There is no silver bullet .

  12. 那么解决方法是什么?

    So what 's the solution ?

  13. 近年来针对此问题提出了不同的解决方法,其中基于共同鉴别矢量(DCV)的方法成功克服了已有各种方法存在的缺点,有较好的数值稳定性和较低的计算复杂度。

    The Discriminative Common Vector ( DCV ) successfully overcomes this problem for FLDA .

  14. 现在,由遗传学主导的潜在解决方法就近在咫尺。

    Now the possibility of a genetics-led solution is at hand .

  15. 尽量想想不同寻常的、巧妙的解决方法。

    Try to think of unusual and ingenious solutions .

  16. 只有找出贸易摩擦的根源,才能更加冷静地面对这一困扰,找出最佳的解决方法

    We could face imperturbably the and find out the best countermeasure only iffind the real origin .

  17. 因为这些环境的解决方法。这些朱莉在她的家,她的工作室和她的学校就可以实施的解决方法。对生活在他周围的每一个人产生了影响。

    Because these environmental solutions that Julie can make in her home , her workplace and her school are impacting everyone that lives around her .

  18. 因为这些解决方法都是天然的,这些解决方法都是可持续的,这些解决方法是种长期的投资。我们为了我们这一代人以及未来的人做的长期投资。

    Because these solutions are natural , these solutions are sustainable , and these solutions are long-term investments -- long-term investments that we 're making for our generation and for future generations .

  19. 诺贝尔奖得主屠呦呦周一宣布,她的团队提出青蒿素抗药性问题的解决方法,证明青蒿素仍是治疗疟疾的“最好武器”。

    Nobel Laureate Tu Youyou announced Monday that her team has proposed solutions to the problem of artemisinin resistance , giving new proofs that artemisinin is still " the best weapon " against malaria .

  20. 分析了Multi-agentSystem的主要理论,并对车间调度问题的现有解决方法进行了总结。

    The theory of Multi-Agent System is analyzed and the current solution of Job shop schedule is summarized .

  21. 影响GPS定位精度的因素及解决方法

    Factors Affecting GPS Positioning Accuracy and Methods of Improving Accuracy

  22. IP地址盗用及解决方法研究

    The Study of Stealing IP Address and Its Solutions

  23. 高速DSP系统调试中的干扰问题及其解决方法

    Disturbances in Debugging High Speed DSP Systems and its Solutions

  24. IP地址不足的解决方法

    A Solution to IP Address 's Insufficiency

  25. 非对称信道对TCP性能的影响及其解决方法

    The Effects of Asymmetric Links on TCP Performance and Its Solutions

  26. CCD摄像机用于测量中存在的问题及解决方法

    Problems and solutions of CCD camera in measurement

  27. 客户端连接Oracle数据库及故障解决方法

    The Client 's Side Links the Oracle Database and Solution to the Failure

  28. 终止子进程的解决方法就是使用kill命令进行显式终止。

    The solution to the problem of non-terminating child processes is to explicitly terminate them using the kill command .

  29. FRP薄壁圆筒卷压成型时存在的问题及其解决方法

    The defects and their solving methods in roll pressing the FRP thin wall cylinder

  30. 提出的一种解决方法是专门为描述SOAP数据模型创建一种简单的新语言。

    One proposed solution is that a new simple language be created for describing SOAP data models explicitly .