
  • 网络Anatomical studies;anatomy;anatomical research;Anatomy Research
  1. LeFortⅠ型截骨术定位平面的应用解剖学研究

    The Applied Anatomy Research of LeFort I Osteotomy Reference Plane

  2. 肉苁蓉营养器官的比较解剖学研究

    The Comparative Anatomy Research on Vegetative Organs of Cistanche deserticola

  3. 正常腰椎峡部CT解剖学研究

    Anatomical Study of Normal Isthmian Part of Lumbar Vertebral Arch via CT

  4. 翼腭窝区的多层螺旋CT解剖学研究

    Multislice spiral CT anatomical study of pterygopalatine fossa region

  5. 小脑幕的CT解剖学研究

    CT and anatomical studies on the tentorium cerebelli

  6. CT三维成像观察正常寰枢关节功能位的解剖学研究

    Anatomic study on normal atlanto-axial joint in the functional position by using CT three-dimensional imaging method

  7. 目的通过对跟骨关节内骨折的病理解剖学研究,探讨其CT分型与疗法的改进。

    Objective : To explore the CT typing and internal fixation of the intra articular fracture of calcaneus through substantially study on it 's pathologic anatomy .

  8. TCD检测脑血管病的应用解剖学研究

    Applied Anatomical Study on Transcranial Doppler ( TCD ) Examination of Cerebro-vascular Disease

  9. 颈部SPR术中脊神经后根节段定位的临床解剖学研究

    Applied anatomy of segmental identification of posterior roots in SPR

  10. 目的探讨螺旋CT曲面重建图像对面神经管解剖学研究的参考价值。

    Objective To explore the usability of curved plane reconstruction techniques with spiral CT in the image anatomic study of facial nerve canal ( FNC ) among healthy adults .

  11. 山丹(liliumpumilum)的组织培养和再生鳞茎的形态解剖学研究

    Tissue Culture and Morphology of Regenerative Bulb in Lilium Pumilum

  12. 避免Tipss术中并发症的应用解剖学研究

    Applied Anatomical Studies on Avoidance of Complications Tipss

  13. 柏科四种植物次生韧皮部的比较解剖四合木(TetraenaMongolicaMaxim)叶片的比较解剖学研究

    Comparative Anatomy of the Secondary Phloem in Four Species of Cupressaceae Comparative Anatomy Study on Leaves of Tetraena mongolica Maxim

  14. 根据子叶节区理论对向日葵(Helianthusannuus)幼苗初生维管系统进行了解剖学研究。

    Based on the cotyledon node zone theory , the seedling of primary vascular system of Helianthus annuus was studied .

  15. 经皮穿刺L5~S1间盘髓核摘除术后外侧入路应用解剖学研究

    Applied Anatomy of the Resection of Nucleus Pulposus of L_5 ~ S_1 Intervertebral Disc by Percutaneous Puncture at the Posterolateral Approach

  16. 方法:对17具成人固定尸体中C1~C8颈神经后支进行解剖学研究。

    Methods : Anatomical study was done on 34 sides of 17 adult embalmed cadavers . C 1 ~ C 8 dorsal rami were carefully dissected and observed .

  17. 瓦松(Orostachysfimbriatus)的形态解剖学研究

    Anatomical studies on orostachys fimbriatus from Crassulaceae

  18. 丹参雄性不育系Sh-B的鉴定与花粉发育过程的解剖学研究

    Identification and Pollen Development Anatomy of the Male Sterility Line Sh-B in Salvia miltiorrhiza

  19. 目的:通过解剖学研究寻求健侧C7神经根移位治疗全臂丛神经根性撕脱伤手术中尺神经与桡神经的最佳吻合部位,并观察该手术方法在临床上应用的可行性。

    AIM : To seek for the best anastomosis site of the ulnar and radial nerve to improve the contralateral C7 transfer operation by anatomy study , and to observe the application feasibility of the new method in clinic .

  20. 结论:1.解剖学研究显示健侧C7神经经改良椎体前通路转移至对侧是可行的,该通路能有效避免损伤健侧角状间隙前面的血管神经,且缩短神经吻合长度。

    Contralateral C7 nerve transfer through modified prespinal route is feasible , which can avoid impairing significant vascular and nerve on the anterior surface of angular interval at donor side , and shorten the length of nerve neurotization . 2 .

  21. 儿童寰枢椎旋转畸形发病机制的解剖学研究

    Anatomical study of pathological mechanism of atlantoaxial rotatory deformity in children

  22. 经鼻-蝶窦入路的内镜鞍周解剖学研究

    Anatomy Study around Saddle of Extended Transsphenoidal Approach under the Endoscope

  23. 小灵猫肺段支气管及支气管肺段的解剖学研究

    Anatomic study on segmental bronchi and bronchopulmonary segments of Viverricula indica

  24. 经内镜颈前微创入路颈椎手术的解剖学研究

    Anatomic study of anterior cervical spine surgery with minimally invasive technique

  25. 游离大网膜颅内移植术的应用解剖学研究

    An Applied Anatomy Study of Intracranial Transplantation with Free Omentum Majus

  26. 骶髂螺钉固定在骶髂关节脱位中的应用解剖学研究

    Applied anatomic study on iliosacral screw fixation for iliosacral joint disruption

  27. 国人肝静脉妊娠女性盆部的断面解剖学研究


  28. 右侧支气管动脉和肋间后动脉的应用解剖学研究

    An Applied Anatomy Study on Bronchial Artery and Posterior Intercostal Artery

  29. 家兔左心室壁内动脉胸廓内动脉组织学和应用解剖学研究

    The intramural arteries in the left ventricle of the rabbit heart

  30. 后盆腔组织的解剖学研究和临床应用

    Anatomy study and clinic application to the second half pelvic tissue