
Zhào Yuánrèn
  • better known as YR. Chao;internationally known linguist;author of a monumental grammar of Mandarin, and chief creator of Gwoyeu Romatzyh
  1. 博大精深的艺术造诣学贯中西的文化修养&析赵元任艺术歌曲创作特色

    Analysis on the features of Zhao yuan-ren 's composition of artistic songs

  2. 赵元任与中国艺术歌曲的创作

    ZHAO Yuan - ren and the Creation of Artistic Songs of China

  3. 中国钢琴音乐的先行者&赵元任

    The Pioneer of Chinese Piano Music & Zhao Yuan ren

  4. 赵元任对认知语言学的理论贡献

    Zhao Yuan-ren 's Contribution to Theory of Cognitive Linguistics

  5. 现代汉语研究奠基人&记学术大师赵元任

    Zhao Yuanren : Founder of Modern Chinese Language Study

  6. 赵元任与中国符号学研究

    Zhao Yuan-ren and China Semeiology Research

  7. 20世纪中国合唱创作的开山祖,当推萧友梅、赵元任两位。

    The founders of Chinese choral music in the20th century were Xiao Youmei and Zhao Yuanren .

  8. 在汉语语法方面,赵元任先生是第一个也是最成功地运用结构主义语言学的理论方法研究汉语语法的学者。

    He is the first scholar adopts theoretical methods of structural linguistics to study Chinese grammar successfully .

  9. 语音形式的句法研究价值&赵元任《中国话的文法》的启示

    The Value of Syntax Research to Sound Type ── Enlightenments of Mr. ZHAO-Yuan-ren 's Book the Grammar of Chinese

  10. 赵元任在他的《中国话的文法》中列举了句尾助词了的七种用法。

    Yuan Ren Chao in his A Grammar of Spoken Chinese exemplifies seven kinds of usages of sentence-final particle le .

  11. 语音的研究,也就是现代汉语标准音的研究,是赵元任先生语音研究的重要内容之一。

    Phonetics that also refers to research in standard pronunciation of modern Chinese is one of the most important parts of his research .

  12. 关于汉语史研究现状的若干感性认识与理性思考&为赵元任诞辰110周年学术研讨会而作

    Some Perceptive Knowing and Rational Thinking on Actual Research of the Chinese Language History & For Learned Meeting of Zhao Yuan-ren 's Birthday of 110 Years

  13. 赵元任的生平按照年代和生活阶段,分为家庭背景、求学时期、教学生涯、美满婚姻四个方面,并侧重于对赵元任音乐生活的介绍;

    As to his lifetime , the thesis introduces Zhao 's familial backdrop , schooling , teaching , his marriage and emphasizes on his music life .

  14. 赵元任对青少年时期成功习得英语的自我情感评价突显了兴趣,而这正是他在语言研究上取得成功的重要因素。

    As for the evaluation about his self-sentiment as a teenager , the writer highlighted interest which is an important factor of his great linguistic achievements .

  15. 两千余年的汉语语法研究史可以概括为三大传统:小学传统、马建忠传统和赵元任传统。

    The over two thousand year study of Chinese grammar can be generalized into three traditions : philological tradition , Ma Jianzhong Tradition and Zhao Yuanren Tradition .

  16. 赵元任先生是我国五四时期新音乐的代表人物,他所创作的艺术歌曲成为21世纪艺术歌曲的经典之作。

    Mr Zhao Yuan-ren was a representative of New Music in May the Fourth Movement and his artistic songs have become classics of artistic songs in the twenty-first century .

  17. 本文通过两位作曲家的个性差异来比较研究赵元任与黄自创作的艺术歌曲,重点分析比较他们艺术歌曲的创造特征和演唱风格。

    This paper is designed to compare the works of Zhao and Huang from the differences between them . The key points are put on the creating characters and singing styles .

  18. 虽然赵元任一生的大多时间都居住国外,但他始终用自己的行动和创作业绩时刻在关注着祖国的繁荣与发展。

    Although Mr. Zhao lived aboard in the most of his life , he always concerned about the prosperity and development of his motherland by his action and outstanding achievement in composing .

  19. 打油诗的翻译也是如此,赵元任的译本舍弃了部分内容的忠实,再现了韵脚,增加了节奏感,使之朗朗上口,比原文更胜一筹。

    Chao reproduces feet at the cost of the loyalty to part of the content , thus adding meter to the translated verse and making it superior to the source text in readability .

  20. 赵元任成为举世公认的语言学大师自然与他的语言天赋分不开,但更重要的是,他遵循语言习得的普遍规律。

    That he became an universally recognized master of linguistics is naturally inseparable from his gift for languages , but the more important reason is that he followed the universal principles of language acquisition .

  21. 此时回顾赵元任在汉语国际教育上的贡献和影响,无疑为我们解决存在的问题提供了正确的方向。

    Under such a circumstances , to review and consult the contribution and influence Mr Zhao has made on chinese international education , it will undoubtedly point out the right direction for resolving existing problems .

  22. 合则双美,离则两伤:语法研究应与韵律结合&赵元任《汉语口语语法》读后

    " Combined , Both are Beautiful ; Separated , Both are Broken ": Grammar Study Should Attach Importance to the Combination of Rhythm & On the Book : A Grammar of Spoken Chinese , Written by Mr. Zhao Yuan-ren