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  1. 同时,杂家“杂取各家”的包容性特征也成为《隋书·经籍志》以后目录学著作中杂家涵义讹变的主要原因。

    Meanwhile , the inclusive quality of the Eclectics also became the main reasons why the meanings of Eclectics transformed in the bibliographical works after the Book of Sui : Record of Classic Works .

  2. 《汉书·艺文志》与《隋书·经籍志》之比较&从六经的角度看两者的不同

    A Comparison Between The History of the Han Dynasty · Yiwen Records and The History of the Sui Dynasty · Jingji Records & on the differences of the two from the angle of the six scriptures

  3. 《隋书·经籍志》与《汉书·艺文志》之比较天下之大,书籍之多,众生芸芸,人不同,书也不同。

    The Comparison of " Hanshu Yiwenzhi " and " Suishu Jingjizhi "; The land under heaven is large , there are many works , all living things , people are different , books are also different .

  4. 《隋书•经籍志》的相关记载并不能成为《礼记》并非戴圣所纂集的证据;

    The content in the " Jingji Zhi ( Treatise on the Classics and Writings ), Sui Shu ( History of the Sui Dynasty )" cannot prove that The Book of Rites was not collected by Dai Sheng .

  5. 后来的《隋书·经籍志》、《旧唐书·艺文志》、《新唐书·艺文志》等史书都把《山海经》列入史部地理类。

    Later , Sui Shu Jing Ji Zhi , Old Tang book Yi Wen Zhi , new book of Tang Yi Wen Zhi and other historical books , all ranked shanhaiching as the history of the Department of geography .

  6. 清代学者对正史艺文(经籍)志的增补

    The Supplement to Literature and Art Records of Official History by the Scholars of Qing Dynasty

  7. 介绍正史中艺文(经籍)志的现状及清代的补志情况,并对其特点及不足之处进行分析探讨。

    Introduces the supplement to literature and art records of official history in Qing Dynasty , and then analyzes its characteristics and deficiencies .