
  • 网络Economic diplomacy
  1. 反过来,在TPP以及更广泛的国际经济外交方面,我们在那些直接影响中产阶级生活水准的领域动用我们拥有的强大影响力是合适的。

    Conversely , it is appropriate in TPP , and our international economic diplomacy more generally , that we use the substantial leverage we possess in areas that do bear directly on middle-class living standards .

  2. 从道威斯计划看20世纪20年代美国经济外交

    Understanding Economic Diplomacy of U.S.A from Dawes Plan in the 1920s

  3. 日本政治经济外交形势及政策取向

    Japan : Political , Economic and Diplomatic Situation and Policy Orientation

  4. 战略机遇期与经济外交

    The Period of the Strategic of Opportunity and the Economic Diplomacy

  5. 本质上来说,经济外交是为日本国家利益服务的。

    In essence , the economic serviced for the national interests .

  6. 经济外交&中国总体外交的重要组成部分

    Economic diplomacy & an important part of china 's overall diplomatic strategy

  7. 冷战后中日经济外交的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Sino-Japanese Economic Diplomacy after Cold War

  8. 论二战后日本对东南亚的经济外交

    Japan 's Economic Diplomacy Towards Southeast Asia after the Second World War

  9. 试论冷战后的中国经济外交

    A Tentative Study on China 's Economic Diplomacy in Post-Cold War Period

  10. 这是国际经济外交面临的巨大挑战。

    This is a huge challenge for international economic diplomacy .

  11. 海外客家人的认同归属与中国民间经济外交

    The Self-identity Adscription and Chinese Economic Diplomacy Between Citizens

  12. 中国经济外交路线图

    " Route map " of the Chinese economic diplomacy

  13. 欧洲经济外交的规制主义分析

    An Analysis of Institutionalism in European Economic Diplomacy

  14. 国务卿在演讲中敦促,要求取得更多经济外交成果。

    The Secretary in her speech called for a more economically literate diplomatic corps .

  15. 经济外交面临的机遇和挑战&经济外交概念研究

    The Opportunities and Challenges of Economic Diplomacy & A Conceptual Study of Economic Diplomacy

  16. 鲍尔森称,由于缺乏协调,美国的经济外交已经受损。

    He said US economic diplomacy had been undermined by a lack of co-ordination .

  17. 入世后中国经济外交的战略转型与政策调整

    The Strategic Transformation and Policy Change of China 's Economic Diplomacy after WTO Accession

  18. 他必须依靠共和党的支持来挽救其经济外交的核心议程。

    He must rely on Republican support to salvage the centrepiece of his economic diplomacy .

  19. 经济外交取得新进展。

    Progress was made in economic diplomacy .

  20. 但是经济外交却更灵活。

    But the economic diplomacy was deft .

  21. 第二章深入分析了中美经济外交的背景和内在动因。

    Chapter ⅱ: It analyses deeply the background and the internal reasons of Sino-American economic diplomacy .

  22. 21世纪的中国应将北非作为经济外交中的重要一环。

    China should regard North Africa as an important link in economic diplomacy in 21st century .

  23. 而中国采用一个聪明的经济外交和文化战略来实现其目标。

    Rather China has adopted a clever economic diplomatic and cultural strategy to achieve its goals .

  24. 两次世界大战之间美国对欧的经济外交&以政府中心型现实主义为中心的分析

    On American Economic Diplomacy toward Europe during the Two World Wars Period by Government-central Realism Theory

  25. 经济外交与经济全球化&机遇与挑战、竞争与合作

    Economic Diplomacy and Economic Globalization

  26. 冷战后印度经济外交与世界大国的追求

    The " Economic Diplomacy " of India and Its Pursuit of Great Power after the Cold War

  27. 并对中国经济外交的进一步完善提出自己的见解和政策建议。

    Furthermore , I put forward my suggestion on that China how to utilize perfect economic diplomacy .

  28. 对东南亚的赔偿外交是战后日本经济外交的起步点。

    The Japanese compensation diplomacy aimed at Southeast Asia became the starting point of its economy diplomacy .

  29. 中国的经济外交

    Economic Diplomacy of China

  30. 我们的经济外交自然而然地侧重于东亚和太平洋地区。

    Now , naturally , much of our economic diplomacy is focused on East Asia and the Pacific .