
  1. 这次湘台经贸洽谈会在衡阳举办,就是对我们这座城市影响力的肯定和期待。

    This current of Hunan-Taiwan Economic and Trade Fair chose Hengyang as host city , which suggest its recognition and expectation for Hengyang .

  2. 博览会期间举行了加中经贸洽谈会、环球商机和跨国采购国际论坛等一系列活动。

    A series of activities , such as the Canada-China Economic Match-Maker Meeting and the International Forum on Global Business Opportunities ( 2007 ) etc. were held during the Expo .

  3. 参加中阿经贸协会组织的中国与阿拉伯各国的经贸洽谈会活动;

    To participate in Sino-Arab economic and trade association of China and the Arab countries Economic and Trade Fair activities ;