
  1. 本市实行旅行社经营许可制度。

    This Municipality shall institute a permit system for the business of travel agencies .

  2. 为了我国彩票业的健康持续发展,应建立彩票经营许可制度,适时调整玩法和规则,创新营销战略,丰富销售渠道。

    To develop continuously lottery industry of our country , operation permission of lottery system should be set up in the future , playing method and rule should be adjusted , marketing strategy should be innovated and the marketing channel should enriched .

  3. 应该对润滑油的生产和经营实行许可制度,加大市场产品质量监督力度。

    The license system should be adopted for the production and marketing of lubricants so as to enhance product quality .

  4. 在此基础上,提出了加快建设区域性危险废物集中处置设施,并通过强化监管力度,积极推行危险废物联单制度和危险废物经营许可证制度,以达到安全处理处置危险废物的目的。

    On this basis , putting forward some countermeasures of regional hazardous waste concentrated disposal facilities , enhancement of management and supervision , carrying out hazardous waste transfer manifest system and license system to achieve hazardous waste disposal safely .

  5. 在陕西省实行野生动物及其产品经营、加工许可证制度有关问题的探讨

    A Discussion on the Problems Existed in Implementing Wildlife Trade and Process Permit in Shaanxi Province