
  1. 在讨论进入时,传统的方法是讨论在位企业如何使用规模经济或绝对成本优势或产品差异优势或资本要求等来阻止潜在进入企业进入市场。

    While discusses enter , the traditional method is a discussion to reign how the enterprise use the scale economy or absolute cost advantage or the product difference advantages or capitalists to request to obstruct latent entrant to enter the market .

  2. 论获取产品差异竞争优势的基本策略

    Basic Strategies to Gain the Advantages of the Difference between Products

  3. 第四部分论述了集群企业竞争优势的三大表现:成本优势、产品差异化优势和创新优势。

    Enterprises in cluster should make use of the advantages of the cluster and build up its own competitive superiority in Cost , Diversity and Innovation .

  4. 前者包括生产成本优势、基于质量基础的产品差异化优势、区域营销优势、市场竞争优势四个方面;

    The former includes advantage of production cost , advantage of product 's differentiation based on its quality , advantage of regional marketing and competitive advantage in market ;

  5. 形成的体育产业集群具有明显的竞争优势,包括规模的外部经济、信息搜索成本的节约和劳动力市场的有效供给等方面体现出来的生产成本优势、产品差异化优势、区域品牌优势和创新优势等。

    Sports industry cluster has obvious competitive advantages as production cost advantage reflected in large-scale external economy and information search cost savings and the effective supply of labor market , product differentiation advantages , regional brands advantage and innovation advantages .

  6. 由一些高科技中小企业各自贡献其核心能力而形成的高技术虚拟企业,可以满足现代市场的新要求,形成了具有速度性和产品差异化优势的规模经济。

    Such kinds of hi-tech virtual enterprises are able to meet the new demands of modern market and to form the advantages in rapidity and scale economics of product differentiation , which are composed of hi-tech small and middle-size enterprises with core competitive power .

  7. 绿色壁垒还能够带来环境信誉,环境信誉使发达国家的农产品形成差异化优势。

    Green barrier can bring environment credit and make agricultural products of advanced countries have differential advantage .

  8. 新产品开发是企业通过产品差异化建立竞争优势的基础,新产品开发中知识管理的核心内涵是挖掘开发团队成员头脑中的缄默知识,使其转化为企业持续竞争优势的源泉。

    New product development is the base of competitive advantage by product difference . Knowledge management in NPD aims at digging the tacit knowledge of the NPD teams and transfering it to the source of sustainable competitive advantage .

  9. 因此,本文试图在营销管理的框架下,从营销组合要素的角度,对产品竞争策略进行初步的探索,即如何通过有效的产品差异化实现竞争优势。

    Therefore , according to the framework of market management , this thesis tries to explore preliminary tactics on product competition through differentiation .