
  • 网络product agent
  1. 是1998年在香港注册的公司,是一家专业的国际名牌公司产品代理商。

    Are1998 companies registered in Hong Kong , is a professional agent of international famous brand products .

  2. 本公司诚招各区域产品代理商,望各地区有实力的销售商与我公司联系。

    This company honest move of various regions product business agent , looks at various areas to have the strength seller to relate with Our company .

  3. 华为能够由一个产品代理商,发展到今天可以与思科、朗讯、贝尔、北方电讯等全球通讯行业的顶尖公司在市场上直接竞争抢占国际市场,最根本的原因是华为拥有非常有竞争力的产品。

    Beginning with a products agent , HUAWEI can become one company , which has abilities to compete with global Top Enterprises of telecom such as Cisco , Lucent , Bell and Northern Telecom in the international market ; the essential reasons are that HUAWEI owns the competitive products .

  4. 我们感觉倾向同意你作为我们产品的代理商。

    We feel inclined to agree with your agency of our products .

  5. 亚洲最大之电脑软件、硬件、打印机与网络产品的代理商。

    Asia 's Leading Distribution of Computers Systems Software , Networks and Peripherals .

  6. 抱歉,我们已经有几个我们产品的代理商在你的地区。

    Sorry , we have already several representatives of our products in your district .

  7. DIC成为麦当劳玩具等产品全球授权代理商

    DIC Became Mcdonald 's Global Authorized Agent of Toy Products

  8. 无论是新产品发布、代理商会议还是技术交流,都能找到最佳场所。

    The most appropriate rooms will be available for new product release , agents meetings or technical seminars .

  9. 该系统可以实现互联网在线的产品、广告、代理商、增值业务订购关系、以及佣金结算和报表提取等相关功能。

    The system can achieve Internet online products , advertising , agents , value-added services ordered relationship , billing commissions and reporting features extraction .

  10. 经甲方对乙方提出的产品代理申请进行考察,同意接收乙方为甲方的产品代理商。

    Party A agrees to accept Party B as the agent of Party A 's products after Party A reviews product agency applications proposed by Party B.

  11. 企业生产出来的产品是由营销部门进行销售,但营销部门不完全是直接与消费者进行交换,而是把一部分产品委托给代理商进行销售。

    The product of firm was sold by its sale department , and the sale department entrusted an agent with a part of the product .