
  1. 该县政府所在地结古镇,大部分建筑遭到损坏或是完全摧毁。

    Most of the buildings in the county seat , Jiegu , were damaged or destroyed .

  2. 结古镇一名政府官员表示,有关部门急需帐篷、医务人员和医疗器械。

    A government official in Jiegu said the authorities were in urgent need of tents , medical personnel and equipment .

  3. 在接下来的几天里,结古镇的天气以大风晴朗为主,这为开展救援提供了有利条件。

    The town would see strong winds and sunny weather in the coming days , providing favorable conditions for rescue operation .

  4. 震中位于中国西北部青海省玉树县结古镇的7.1级地震对当地学校造成了较大影响。

    The7.1 magnitude earthquake which struck near the town of Jiegu in northwest China , took a heavy toll on schools .

  5. 在结古镇团结村,救援人员在当地的寺院中分发毛毯,但他们表示,高海拔的地形限制了他们空投食物的能力。

    In Tuanjie village , outside Gyegu , relief workers distributed blankets at the local monastery but said the high altitude is limiting their ability to fly in food .

  6. 在受灾最严重的结古镇,完全小学严重损毁,校方有学生被埋在废墟下,救援人员正努力营救。

    At the badly damaged No.3 Wanquan Primary School in the hard-hit town of Jiegu , rescuers were trying to reach a large number of students thought by school officials to be buried in the rubble .