
  1. 快快行了结婚手续完事。

    Better to get the marriage procedures over with as quickly as possible .

  2. 在热比汗即将临产之前,斯迪克才与原妻离婚并与热比汗办了结婚手续。

    Only when Rabiehan was close to giving birth did Stick divorce his wife and marry Rabiehan .

  3. 在自己的国家结婚手续繁琐,那么在外国呢?

    A lot of steps are required in order to get married in your own country -- but what about in a foreign country ?

  4. 今年十一期间,我办理了结婚手续,希望婚后能回沈阳和家人生活在一起,希望辞去数据中心经理职务。

    During this October holiday , I made the marriage registration . I hope to stay with my family after marriage , so I would like to quit my job as IT Manager .

  5. 亲戚们告诉《赞斯维尔时代录音机》,在约会几年后,两个年轻人就私奔去了肯塔基州的一家法院,口袋里只带了5美元,刚够付2美元的结婚手续费。

    Relatives told the Zanesville Times Recorder that after a few years of dating the young couple snuck off to a court house in Kentucky to elope with $ 5 in their pocket , enough to pay the $ 2 marriage fee .

  6. 27岁的互联网公司雇员孙文林请求法院推翻当地民政局拒绝为他和他在网上结识的伴侣、一名37岁的保安办理结婚登记手续的决定。

    Sun Wenlin , a 27-year-old employee of an internet firm , asked the court to overrule a local authority which denied him the right to marry his partner , a 37-year-old security guard he met online .

  7. 好在她的未婚夫——同为职业乒乓球运动员的唐鹏原谅了她,两人在赛后办理了结婚登记手续。2012年7月,这对乒乓伉俪将奔赴伦敦,迎接他们运动生涯中最重大的考验:奥运会。

    and fellow professional ping-pong player-Tang Peng forgave her , they signed the marriage papers , and this month , the duo are headed to London for one of the biggest tests of their careers : the Olympics .

  8. 北京市民政局近日宣布,如果有人穿短裤、体恤衫或是其他休闲服饰到民政局办理结婚登记手续,将不予颁发结婚证书。

    The city 's Civil Affairs Bureau has announced a new rule stipulating that couples won 't be issued a licence to wed if they show up in shorts , T-shirts or other casual wear , the state newspaper Beijing Daily reports .

  9. 伴随《婚姻法》和《婚姻登记工作暂行规范》出台,结婚和离婚手续简化了,“试婚”和“试离婚”却再次悄然流行起来。

    According to 《 Marriage Law 》 and 《 Divorce check in work norn 》 appearing on the stage , the formalities of marriage and divorce are simplified .