
  • 网络crystallization;SPC;Recrystallization;layer crystallization
  1. 采用分步结晶法及重结晶法对晶体Ⅱ进行进一步分离和纯化得到6个晶体&晶体A-F。

    Crystal ⅱ was further isolated and purified by fractional crystallization and recrystallization , six crystals A-F were obtained .

  2. 本文通过理论分析,确定了结晶法分离铅锑合金的可行性。

    In this article , the separation feasibility of Pb-Sb alloy through crystallization was discussed by theoretical analysis .

  3. 溶剂结晶法纯化头孢菌素C钠盐

    Purification of cephalosporin C sodium by solvent crystallization

  4. H2O2氧化-水热结晶法合成纳米WO3的研究

    Preparation of Nano-Sized WO_3 by H_2O_2 Oxidation Hydrothermal Crystallization Combined Method

  5. 真空液相重结晶法改善InSb薄膜的组织和性能

    Improving Structure and Electrical Properties of InSb Films by Vacuum Recrystallization

  6. 溶剂结晶法直接制备HMX粒度分级产品

    The Preparing of Size-grading products of HMX by Crystallizing in Solvent

  7. Li~+,Mg~(2+)//CI~-&H2O体系结晶法分离研究

    Study on the Separation Processes of the Li ~ + , Mg ~( 2 + ) / / CI ~ - & H_2O System by Crystallization Method

  8. 对MAP结晶法处理煤气化废水中的氨氮进行小试实验时,P/N和Mg/N摩尔比是最重要的反应参数。

    The molar ratio of P / N and Mg / N were most important reaction parameters when the MAP process was used to remove and recover ammonia from Coal gasification wastewater .

  9. 本论文用有机物(蔗糖)作为辅助剂,尝试采用液相共结晶法和溶胶-凝胶法制备多孔γ-Al2O3粉体。

    This paper describes the preparation of porous γ - Al_2O_3 by two novel and simple methods : Liquid state co-crystallization process and Sol-gel process .

  10. 控制结晶法合成表面富含钴的尖晶石LiMn(2-x)CoxO4

    Synthesis of spinel LiMn_ ( 2-x ) Co_xO_4 with high cobalt content at surface by controlled crystallization

  11. 控制结晶法合成球形正极材料LiNi(0.8)Co(0.2)O2及其电化学性能

    Synthesize and properties of spherical cathode materials LiNi_ ( 0.8 ) Co_ ( 0.2 ) O_2 by controlled crystallization method

  12. 重结晶法级配六硝基茋(HNS)的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Gradation of HNS by Recrystallization

  13. 采用直接结晶法提取阿维菌素B1,并在30t发酵罐上进行了中试生产。

    Direct crystallization process has been used in extraction of avermectin B , , and 30t pilot production was completed .

  14. 为了获得不同条件下的RDX晶体粒度,本文通过溶析结晶法进行了研究。

    In order to obtain the crystal size of RDX at the different conditions , the drowning-out crystallization was used in the present work .

  15. 用层式熔融结晶法提纯人造麝香DDHI

    Purification of artificial musk DDHI by layer melt crystallization

  16. 设计低温结晶法,从鱼油脂肪酸中富集EPA和DHA。经鱼油强化或海水小球藻二次培养后脂类含量明显升高。

    The Contents of EPA and DHA were enriched from fish oil by lower temperature crystallization . After enriched with fish oil or cultured twice for the seawater Chlorella spp.

  17. 实验结果表明,DPC在以上溶剂中的溶解度都随温度的升高而增大,所以可以采用冷却结晶法对DPC进行精制。

    As the result of experiments , cooling crystallization can be used to refine DPC because the solubility of DPC increases as the temperature ascends .

  18. 从厌氧养猪废水中去除和回收磷(P)元素,对该废水的污染控制和资源化利用具有重要意义,其中磷酸钙(calciumphosphate,CP)结晶法是一种主要的工艺。

    Phosphorus ( P ) removal and recovery from anaerobic swine wastewater is very important for the pollution control and utilization of this kind of wastewater , and the crystallization of calcium phosphate ( CP ) is a main process for this purpose .

  19. 通过控制结晶法,在一定的搅拌强度、一定的Co2+浓度、一定的pH值和惰性气体保护的条件下合成出高纯度和高结晶度的β-Co(OH)2的片晶细粉。

    Form cobalt hydroxides were synthesized through a controlled crystallization process under the certain mixing intensity , Co 2 + concentration , pH value and the protect of the inert gas and the products was fine platelet powder with high purity and high crystallinity .

  20. 采取甲醇多步结晶法,从海星(Asteriasamurensis)中分离精制了海星甾醇。利用高效液相色谱,对海星甾醇中的胆甾醇含量进行了测定。

    Multilevel fractional crystallization was used to separate sterols from Starfish ( Asterias amurensis ), and the content of cholesterol was determined by HPLC .

  21. 狗舌草生物碱的分离、纯化与鉴定通过柱层析、制备性TLC及重结晶法,对狗舌草生物碱进行分离、纯化,通过MS、IR和NMR对分离到的单体化合物进行结构鉴定。

    Isolation , purification and determination of the alkaloids from T. kirilowii The alkaloids from T. kirilowii were isolated and purified by column chromatography , preparative TLC and recrystallization , and the isolated compounds were determined structurally by MS , IR and NMR .

  22. 在9-[2-(二乙基膦酰甲氧基)乙基]腺嘌呤合成过程中以NaH代替叔丁醇钠为催化剂低温反应,阿德福韦精制中采用控制pH值重结晶法,代替文献中的离子交换柱层析。

    NaH was replaced by sodium tert-butyl alcohol as catalyst , reacting at low temperature in the synthesis of ( 9 - ( 2-phosphonyl methoxyethyl ) ethyl ) adenine . Adjustment of pH and re-crystallize took the place of ion-exchange chromato-graphy in the synthesis of adefovir .

  23. 蜂王浆中10-HDA的提取方法有乙醚萃取法、乙醇提取法、溶液沉淀结晶法、醇中沉淀结晶法及从发酵液中提取法等。

    The extraction methods of 10-HAD from royal jelly covers ether process , alcohol extracting method , liquid precipitate crystallization process , precipitate in alcohol crystallization process , and fermenting liquid extracting method .

  24. 将AZT溶于干燥二氯甲烷中,与棕榈酰氯在室温下经酯化反应制得AZTP,硅胶柱层析将产物分离,并以重结晶法精制,其纯度在99%以上。

    The esterification of AZT was carried out in dry dichloromethane with palmityl chloride at room temperature . The product were chromatographed over silica gel columns and purified by means of recrystallization . The purity of product exceeded 99 % .

  25. 文章通过试验,在反浮选&冷结晶法工艺生产氯化钾中,确定QHS-2型氯化钠浮选药剂的最佳纯度范围、浮选浓度、使用量、浮选粒度,便于指导生产,创造良好效益。

    Through test , in the production of potassium chloride by reverse floatation and cold crystallization method , the optimum purity range , floatation concentration , utilization quantity and floatation grain size were determined . It is helpful to guide production and increase benefits .

  26. 以12-ADA的产品纯度与收率为目标函数,用有机溶剂重结晶法进行精制,考察了结晶工艺条件对精制效果的影响。

    On the basis of taking purity and yield of 12-ADA crystals as objective functions , influences of the changes of technological conditions of recrystallizing the hydrogenation product of 11-CUA in organic solvent on refining effect were investigated here .

  27. 诱导结晶法去除和回收废水中的重金属

    Removal and Recovery of Heavy Metals from Wastewater by Induced Crystallization

  28. 精馏&冷却结晶法分离薄荷油的研究

    Study on Separating Peppermint Oil by the Method of Rectifying-cooling Crystallization

  29. 熔体结晶法提纯工业萘的原理和方法

    Purification principle and method of technical naphthalene by melt crystal ization

  30. 粗产品用二次反应法和重结晶法相结合进行纯化。

    The crude product is purified by second conversion and recrystallization .