
  • 网络Structured Text;Structure Text
  1. 虽然JSON的应用靠近文档-数据谱系中的数据一端,也可用结构文本格式处理文档色彩较浓的微格式。

    While we 'll use JSON to approach from the data end of the document-to-data spectrum , you can use structured text formats to handle microformats with document-colored glasses on .

  2. 使用过程蓝图取代结构文本作为JAOKSON程序规格说明和最终目标源代码的中间表示,改进了传统的JACKSON结构化程序设计方法。

    Substituted for the JACKSON structure text as . an intermediate representation between the JACKSON program specification and the final code , the process blueprint improves the traditional JACKSON structured programming method .

  3. 通过算法理论分析和检验,改进后的算法、比较次数约为KMP算法60%。(2)根据非结构化文本数据的特点,设计了一套非结构文本数据分析检索系统。

    Through the inspection , the improved algorithm , compare the number of KMP algorithm is about 60 % . ( 2 ) According to the characteristics of unstructured text data to design a set of data analysis of non-structured text retrieval system .

  4. 从无结构文本中抽取信息是信息抽取的难点之一。

    The most difficult point of information extraction is to extract information from unstructured texts .

  5. 在这些信息中,非结构文本数据是使用最多的,因此就有了非结构化文本近似匹配系统。

    In these information , unstructured text data is used mostly , so the approximate matching system of unstructured text appears .

  6. 由于中文语法和语意的复杂性,使得中文的文本匹配变得异常困难,因此设计一个基于中文的高效、准确的非结构文本匹配系统具有广泛的现实意义。

    Because of the Chinese syntax and semantic complexity , Chinese text-matching is very difficult . Therefore , designing an efficient and accurate non-structural text-matching system based on Chinese has a wide range of practical significance .

  7. 音乐文本介入的形式包括:穿插歌曲名和歌词辅助叙述;重复使用同一歌曲标记类似场景;以同一歌曲结构文本。

    The forms of the intervention of musical text include interwoven song titles and lyrics to assist with narration , repetitive use of the same song to mark similar spots , the appearance of the same song to construct text .

  8. 信息抽取技术自动将无结构文本转化为有结构文本,既可以自成系统满足人们的强烈需求,同时还是其它应用如信息检索、文本分类、自动问题回答等的重要基础技术。

    Information Extraction Technology automatically transforms unstructured texts into structured ones , which not only forms a system to satisfy the strong request , but also affords a basis for other applications such as Information Retrieval , Text Category , Question Answering .

  9. 基于结构与文本关键词相关度的XML网页分类研究

    An Efficient XML Documents Classification Method Based on Structure and Keywords Frequency

  10. 下一节简要概述DB2的全文搜索功能,它允许对XML进行感知结构的文本搜索。

    The following section gives a brief overview of DB2 's full-text search functionality that makes structure-aware text search on XML possible .

  11. 在此基础之上提出源描述语言TDL,它结合文档结构和文本模式的描述,能很好地描述动态Web页面中的数据模式,能更好地适应页面的频繁变化。

    Then , a source description language , TDL , was designed . TDL combines the functionality of HTML structure pattern with text pattern , which means it is more suitable for dynamic web content , as it suits the frequent changing date sources .

  12. 是解构还是重构?&后结构主义文本理论评述

    Deconstruction or reconstruction & A theoretical review of the post-structural texts

  13. 叙事结构是文本自己的语法操作规则。

    Narrative structure is the grammar-operating rule of the text .

  14. 导航对信息搜索行为有指导作用,尤其对层次结构超文本有利;

    Navigation improved searching behavior , especially for hierarchical hypertext .

  15. 一种基于潜在语义结构的文本分类模型

    A Text Classification Model Based on the Latent Semantic Structure

  16. 目标包含结构的文本阅读中目标信息的激活

    Reactivation and Integration of Goal Information in Text Comprehension with Inclusive Relations

  17. 萧红通过情绪结构将文本整合成具有统一抒情品质的有机体。

    Xiao Hong made her texts lyrics entirety by the structure of emotion .

  18. 时间应激对不同结构超文本信息搜索绩效的影响

    The Influence of Time Stress on Search Performance for Information with Different Hypertext Structures

  19. 不定点填充又受制约于文本类型、文本结构、文本美学要求和意识形态。

    The constraints are text typology , text schematic structure , text aesthetic requirement and ideology .

  20. 本文主要研究文本观念、文本形态、文本类型。文本结构和文本的运作。

    This dissertation mainly studies the concept , form , type , structure and operation of texts .

  21. 更具体地说,时间应激对网状结构超文本搜索绩效的影响尤为明显。因此,在需对用户浏览时间进行控制的情况下,最好不要采用网状结构的超文本设计。

    Particularly , the search performance was impaired in the case of network hypertext under time stress .

  22. 第三,确认多层次立体结构的文本存在方式,意味着拓宽了文学批评方法可以介入的空间,为多种方法在文学作品的各层次间进行对话和交往,形成批评话语的间性创造了条件。

    And finally , the multilevel structure allows the dialogue between different methods and leaves new space for literary criticism .

  23. 近年来,室内异步显示应用已经从单一小型的单色文本信息发展成多种屏体结构、文本图形图像显示共存的信息发布。

    In recent years , LED panel screen has developed from displaying single text format information to showing mixed dynamic pictures .

  24. 我们将解释该编辑器如何基于源代码的结构对文本颜色及字体样式进行改变。

    We 'll explain how the editor changes text color and font style based on the structure of the source code .

  25. 对于简短文本语料,本文提出扩展特征项共现单元的修正方法,提高了图结构中文文本表示方法的普遍适用性。

    For short-length texts , an improved approach is applied by expending the feature co-occurrence unit to enhance applicability of the proposed model .

  26. 语言文化信息单位的语义结构在文本、读者与作者的对话中产生,在阐释中获得理解。

    The semantic structure emerges from the interaction among the text , the reader and the writer , and gets decoded through interpretation .

  27. 小说叙事结构的文本推进过程受到两种突出的语篇特征的阻碍:否定子世界和否定建构的矛盾语篇。

    Text processing in the narrative is impeded by two prominent discursive features : negation as a type of sub-world , and paradoxical state of affairs .

  28. 从民间主题来看,它是一部契合读者文化心理结构的文本,这是它所以为广大读者喜闻乐见的重要缘由;

    To the folk theme , it caters to the readers ' cultural psychological structure , which accounts for its attraction to the masses of readers .

  29. 你或许想更深一步,想通过等级标题结构把文本分成若干个段落,或者章回。

    You might want to go further , and want the text to be divided into paragraphs , or chapters according to a hierarchical heading structure .

  30. 莫言小说不仅在思想蕴含上体现出民间文学的狂欢化特质,而且在语言、结构、文本叙述层面上也体现出明显的狂欢化特征。

    The revel character of folk literature is embodied not only in the thoughts implication but also in the language , structure , and narrative layer of his novels .