
jié ɡuǒ bú yǔ
  • resultative complement/verb
  1. 动词做结果补语情况探析

    An Analysis of the Verbs as the Complement of Result

  2. 汉语带结果补语的述补结构在蒙古语中的表达形式

    Mongolian Equivalent to Chinese Verb - Complement Structure with the Resultative Complement

  3. 《洛阳伽蓝记》的结果补语

    Resultant Complements in Record of Buddhist Temples in Luoyang

  4. 此外汉英动结式还存在形容词结果补语的选择限制差异。

    Besides , Chinese and English resultatives have different selectional restrictions on resultative adjective .

  5. 作结果补语的“清楚”的词性及语义指向

    Part of Speech and Semantic Indication of " QingChu " Used as Resultant Complement

  6. 及物动词宾语和粘合结果补语同现的两种形式

    Two Forms of the Co-Occurrence of the Transitive - Verb Object and Cohesive Resultant Complement

  7. 对外汉语中结果补语的课堂教学

    A discussion on classroom instruction in resultant compliment in the course of teaching foreigners Chinese

  8. 语法研究者普遍认为,动词重叠后面不能带结果补语。

    The Chinese grammatical researchers generally think that there cannot be resultant complements after the reduplicated verbs .

  9. 由此一来,补语系统只包括结果补语、数量补语和程度补语三个小类。这样做既可行,又便利;

    As a result the complement system will only comprise three kinds : result-complement , amount-complement and degree-complement .

  10. 在对外汉语教学中,结果补语是所有教材都会涉及的一大重点内容。

    The complement of result is a major focus content of the books in teaching Chinese as a foreign language .

  11. 现代汉语的很多介词和相当一部分结果补语、趋向补语是由动词虚化而来的。

    Many prepositions and large quantities of complements of results and direction in modern Chinese results from the grammaticalization of verbs .

  12. 它们在充当结果补语与极性程度补语时意义是不同的,可以从不同的角度进行辨析。

    They used as complements the results with polarity degree when complement meaning is different , can from different Angle to discrimination .

  13. 据《现代汉语句型统计与研究》小组的统计,结果补语位于汉语使用者补语使用频率的第二位,仅次于趋向补语。

    According to Statistics and Research of Drills of Modern Chinese , the frequency the complement of result is the second in Chinese .

  14. 而能够满足谓词的程度性语义特征要求的程度补语、情态补语、由形容词充当的单纯结果补语也具有完句的作用。

    The degree complement , the modal complement and the result complement acting by adjective can meet the demand of the predication about degree .

  15. 本文从形式、语义、语用的角度区分“旱”作结果补语、状态补语、状语的异同。

    This paper attempts to discuss the similarities and differences of " zao " as complement of result , complement of stative and Adverbial .

  16. 结果补语的句法形式最丰富,结构最复杂,表义最精细。

    The syntactic forms of the result-complement pattern are most various , its structure is most complicated , and its expression of meaning is most precise .

  17. 到由行为动词演变为结果补语,并尝试探讨其语法化的特定语境及虚化机制。

    The word dao evolves from lexical verb to result complement , and we try to discuss the context and mechanism of grammaticalization about dao ( arrive ) .

  18. 我们还对叫喊类动词带补语的情况进行了分析,这类动词可以带数量补语、趋向补语、状态补语、结果补语等。

    We also analyzed the shouting verbs with complement , such verbs can take a number of complements , tend to complement status complement , the results complement .

  19. 虚化补语进一步分为虚化的结果补语和虚化的程度补语,实义补语进一步分为评价补语和状态补语;

    We further classify meaningless complement into meaningless result complement and meaningless degree complement . Meaningful complement is further classified into meaningful evaluation complement and meaningful state complement .

  20. 本文从跨语言的新角度对这一语言现象进行了英汉对比研究,有助于更深层地理解英汉结果补语结构,对进一步理解和解释结果补语结构都有一定的价值意义。

    From a cross-linguistic perspective , this thesis makes a through contrast between Chinese and English resultative constructions , which can help researchers better understand the intriguing linguistic phenomenon .

  21. 昆明话动词重叠之后能够带各种各样的补语成分,如:数量补语、结果补语、趋向补语及某些助词;

    There are some kinds of complements after the reduplicated verbs , such as quantitative complements , resultant complements , directional complements and some particles in the Kunming dialect .

  22. 在双音化趋势影响下,汉语中发展出各类补语,最有代表性的是四类补语:结果补语、时体标记、动量补语和趋向补语。

    Under the influence of di-syllabism , there have evolved in Chinese various complements , with four grammatical categories as their representatives : resultative , tense-aspect markers , verbal-quantifiers and directionals .

  23. 一个是数十年来语法学家,特别是研究汉语语法的研究者倍加关注的结果补语的语义指向问题;另一个则是结果补语的分布问题。

    The first one is about patterns of semantic orientation of resultatives which have been a major issue for decades in Chinese linguistics . And the other one concerns the distribution of resultative constructions .

  24. 好是现代汉语中比较常用的词,它作为结果补语,充当动结式的第二成分的时候,存在较为复杂的句法和语义关系。

    " hao " is a common word in Chinese . As a result complement , when it is used as Verb-Constructions second element , there are a lot of complex syntax and semantic relations .

  25. 新疆汉语方言的补语结构与普通话相比大同小异,但它在结果补语、度补语、态补语、向补语、量补语、能补语等几种类型中又呈现出自己独特的结构特征。

    The complement structures in xinjiang 's Mandarin dialects are quite similar to those of putonghua , but they bear their peculiar structural characteristics in indicating results , degree , condition , trends , quantity and possibility .

  26. 动结式是指动词带表示结果的补语组成的句法结构。

    VRC is a syntax structure consists of a verb and its resultative complement .

  27. 动结式也称述结式,它是指由动词带表示结果的补语所组成的句法结构。

    VRC is a syntax structure which consists of a verb and its resultative complement .

  28. 趋向补语是由趋向词构成,放在动词之后表示一种趋向结果状态的补语。

    Complement is a trend of words which , on the verb indicates a trend result s state complement .

  29. 然后对表达两个时间过程的VXC式结构中的补语进行了分析,无量补语表示评价、判断或客观结果;有量补语表示情状量。

    Then the complement in the VXC structure is analyzed , in which non-quantity complement indicates appraisal , judgment , objective results , and quantity complement indicates modal quantity .

  30. 根据以往的研究结果,汉语趋向补语起来在泰语中的表达情况是非常复杂的,不管是表示趋向意义、结果意义或者状态意义的起来,与其对应的泰语表达形式都不是一一对应关系。

    According to the previous research results , that the expressions of the Chinese tendency complement " qilai " are very complex in Thai . We can not find an exact counterpart in Thai , no matter it stands for trend meaning and consequence meaning or status meaning .