- 名resultative complement/verb

An Analysis of the Verbs as the Complement of Result
Mongolian Equivalent to Chinese Verb - Complement Structure with the Resultative Complement
Resultant Complements in Record of Buddhist Temples in Luoyang
Besides , Chinese and English resultatives have different selectional restrictions on resultative adjective .
Part of Speech and Semantic Indication of " QingChu " Used as Resultant Complement
Two Forms of the Co-Occurrence of the Transitive - Verb Object and Cohesive Resultant Complement
A discussion on classroom instruction in resultant compliment in the course of teaching foreigners Chinese
The Chinese grammatical researchers generally think that there cannot be resultant complements after the reduplicated verbs .
As a result the complement system will only comprise three kinds : result-complement , amount-complement and degree-complement .
The complement of result is a major focus content of the books in teaching Chinese as a foreign language .
Many prepositions and large quantities of complements of results and direction in modern Chinese results from the grammaticalization of verbs .
They used as complements the results with polarity degree when complement meaning is different , can from different Angle to discrimination .
According to Statistics and Research of Drills of Modern Chinese , the frequency the complement of result is the second in Chinese .
The degree complement , the modal complement and the result complement acting by adjective can meet the demand of the predication about degree .
This paper attempts to discuss the similarities and differences of " zao " as complement of result , complement of stative and Adverbial .
The syntactic forms of the result-complement pattern are most various , its structure is most complicated , and its expression of meaning is most precise .
The word dao evolves from lexical verb to result complement , and we try to discuss the context and mechanism of grammaticalization about dao ( arrive ) .
We also analyzed the shouting verbs with complement , such verbs can take a number of complements , tend to complement status complement , the results complement .
We further classify meaningless complement into meaningless result complement and meaningless degree complement . Meaningful complement is further classified into meaningful evaluation complement and meaningful state complement .
From a cross-linguistic perspective , this thesis makes a through contrast between Chinese and English resultative constructions , which can help researchers better understand the intriguing linguistic phenomenon .
There are some kinds of complements after the reduplicated verbs , such as quantitative complements , resultant complements , directional complements and some particles in the Kunming dialect .
Under the influence of di-syllabism , there have evolved in Chinese various complements , with four grammatical categories as their representatives : resultative , tense-aspect markers , verbal-quantifiers and directionals .
The first one is about patterns of semantic orientation of resultatives which have been a major issue for decades in Chinese linguistics . And the other one concerns the distribution of resultative constructions .
" hao " is a common word in Chinese . As a result complement , when it is used as Verb-Constructions second element , there are a lot of complex syntax and semantic relations .
The complement structures in xinjiang 's Mandarin dialects are quite similar to those of putonghua , but they bear their peculiar structural characteristics in indicating results , degree , condition , trends , quantity and possibility .
VRC is a syntax structure consists of a verb and its resultative complement .
VRC is a syntax structure which consists of a verb and its resultative complement .
Complement is a trend of words which , on the verb indicates a trend result s state complement .
Then the complement in the VXC structure is analyzed , in which non-quantity complement indicates appraisal , judgment , objective results , and quantity complement indicates modal quantity .
According to the previous research results , that the expressions of the Chinese tendency complement " qilai " are very complex in Thai . We can not find an exact counterpart in Thai , no matter it stands for trend meaning and consequence meaning or status meaning .