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  • grammaticalization
  1. Think持续不断的语法化经历了从主观性到交互主观性,从命题到交际再到语篇的发展历程。

    The continuous grammaticalization of think develops from subjective to intersubjective , from propositional to interpersonal and textual .

  2. 有些文章及论著以“语法化”作理据,大谈“x标记”,混淆了词和词组的界线。

    Some papers and treatises , on the basis of grammaticalization , discuss massively the " X " indicator and confuse the border between words and word phrases .

  3. 汉语或然性认识情态动词语法化研究英语情态动词的汉译:Will与Would

    Grammaticalization of Probability-Epistemic Modals in Chinese ; Realizations of Modal Auxiliaries in E-C Translation-With Will & Would in Focus

  4. 英汉语(第三人称)强势反身代词(IR)被认为是一种代词性反身代词,不同于真正的、语法化了的反身代词。

    The third-person intensive reflexives ( IRs ) in English and Chinese are normally taken to be'pronominal reflexives'unlike'real , grammaticalized'reflexives .

  5. 第二章回顾与探讨维吾尔语bilεn语法化的过程。

    Second chapter reviews and discusses the grammatical process .

  6. 标记-价值配置是对成人语言的多维象征空间中符号运动,或互现(redundancy)推进运动的语法化。

    Token-Value configuration grammaticalizes the coding process , or redundancy progression in the multi-dimensional semiotic space of adult language .

  7. 第一章介绍了bilεn语法化研究的意义、现状、方法、语料来源等内容。

    First chapter tells studying meaning , status , methods , sources of the contents of the corpus of grammaticalization .

  8. 汉语韵律句法研究的滥觞&从《马氏文通》看汉语韵律制约句法的现象汉语V成的句法语义研究及语法化考察

    Prosody-Syntax Study on Chinese & The Prosodic Constrained Syntax in Chinese From Ma s Grammar ; The Syntactic and Semantic Usage of ' V Cheng ' Pattern and Its Grammaticalization

  9. 通过对“性”和“X性”的历时平面的考察和共时平面的分析发现:(1)“性”的语法化路线为:实词→实语素→准后缀,焦点标记;

    The thesis first analyzes the diachronic and synchronic aspects of " Xing " and " X Xing " and finds the route of its grammatical process is : notional word notional morpheme parasuffix , focus sign .

  10. 在我清楚地添加超过一个gram时,我不想在我的DSL中语法化地形成像recipe.add2.gram.of(“flour”)那样笨拙的句子。

    I don 't want to form grammatically clumsy sentences like recipe . add2 . gram . of (" flour ") in my DSL when I 'm clearly adding more than one gram .

  11. 本文是在HopperTraugott(1993)以及马庆株(2001)等人讨论的基础上,以语法化的连续统观点来探讨音系变化的问题。

    Based on discussions by Hopper Traugott ( 1993 ) and Ma Qingzhu ( 2001 ), this paper discusses the phonological change in view of continuum .

  12. 本文还从“名动互含”的假设出发,探讨了VNN构块式的语法化过程,并从认知原则对这一构块作了初步的解释。

    The article also explores the grammaticalizational process of VNN construction , explaining the forming of VNN construction in line with cognitive principles .

  13. 对趋向动词起来及其语法化的研究

    A Study of Directional Verb " Qilai " and Its Grammaticalization

  14. 句法结构是语篇结构语法化的结果。

    A syntactic structure results of grammaticalization of a textual structure .

  15. 俄汉语空间关系词汇的语法化现象

    On Grammaticalization of Words in Chinese and Russian Denoting Spatial Relations

  16. 汉语语法化研究中的历时和共时

    Diachrony and Synchrony in the Study of Chinese Characters ' Grammaticalization

  17. 从量词的语法化过程看语言结构的内部调整

    On Interior Adjustment of Language Structure from the Grammaticalization of Classifiers

  18. 论性缀语法化进程及相关问题

    The Grammaticalization Process of the Affix Xing and Its Relevant Issues

  19. 从象征单位的固化看语法化和词汇化

    Grammaticalization and Lexicalization : A View of the Entrenchment of Symbolic Units

  20. 一般疑问句疑问标示的语法化

    A Syntactic Analysis of the Question Marker in General Question

  21. 英汉语人体隐喻词在空间关系中的语法化现象分析

    An Analysis of Grammaticalization between English and Chinese in Body Metaphorical Nouns

  22. 吸收是一种语法化机制。

    The absorption is one kind of mechanisms of grammaticalization .

  23. 俄语使役句与汉语兼语句之比较使、叫、让在现代汉语兼语句中的语法化

    A Valence Grammar Approach to Russian Causative Sentences and Chinese Pivotal Structures

  24. “问题是”作为篇章连接成分的演变属于共时语法化现象。

    The evolution of'wen-ti-shi'as a textual connective belongs to synchronous grammaticalizational phenomena .

  25. 像义动词到测度类语气副词的语法化

    The Grammaticalization from Liking Verb to Tone Adverb of Measure

  26. 英汉语附加疑问句语法化比较

    A Comparative Study of Grammaticalization of Tag Questions in English and Chinese

  27. 现代汉语词缀形成的语法化机制

    The Grammaticalization Mechanisms of Affix-Formation in the Modern Chinese Language

  28. 要不的语法化&语用机制及相关的形式变化

    The Grammaticalization of yaobu & Pragmatic Mechanism and the Changes of Form

  29. 语法化中,语义变化的路径是什么?

    What are the paths of semantic change in grammaticalization ?

  30. 我国国债问题的实证研究现代汉语中子的语法化分析

    A Case Study of the Grammaticalization of Zi in Chinese