
jǐ fù zhī sù
  • action of performance;action of prestation
  1. 首先,比较了关于给付之诉诉讼标的的诸多不同学说,并特别探讨了请求权竟合时诉讼标的的识别标准。

    Firstly , compares to some different theories about object of litigation and discernment criterion of action of performance , discuss especially discernment criterion of combination of petition rights .

  2. 其争议焦点主要围绕给付之诉的诉讼标的识别标准进行。

    The disputes among these theories focus on the identified standards of the object in the action of prestation .

  3. 身份权请求权在诉讼上表现为给付之诉。

    And the claim of paternity right is applicable for the action of performance .

  4. 第一章给付之诉的诉讼标的和识别标准及司法实践意义。

    Chapter one : Object of litigation and discernment criterion and justice practice signification of action of performance .

  5. 对于继承回复请求权,通过司法上的诉讼提起请求的情况很多,通常不是确认或者形成之诉而是给付之诉。

    Right of inheritance , judicial proceedings filed request is usually not recognized or the formation of the complaint but the payment claim .

  6. 第一部分从诉讼的不同性质入手,分析得出股东知情权诉讼的给付之诉、独立之诉的性质。

    The first part starting from the different nature of the proceedings , the right to know the proceedings of the shareholders obtained payment claim , the independent nature of the complaint .

  7. 从功能主义的视角观察,主观之诉与客观之诉,事后补救之诉与事前预防之诉,形成之诉、给付之诉与确认之诉构成了世界范围内行政诉讼类型化的基本模式。

    From the view of functionism , subjective lawsuit and objective lawsuit , remedy lawsuit and prevent lawsuit , shaped lawsuit , present lawsuit and affirm lawsuit , named lawsuit and anonymity lawsuit constitute the basic mode the type of the administration lawsuit in the world .

  8. 最后提出司法层面的完善建议,解决的主要措施有:扩大行政给付诉讼的受案范围;增设行政给付之诉,建立行政公益诉讼制度;把调解方式引入行政给付诉讼。

    Finally , in the judicial level , the comprehensive proposal to solve the key measures include : expand lawsuit range ; provide additional administrative payment lawsuit , establish public interest litigation system ; introduce mediation .