
jué duì zhǔ yì
  • absolutism;doctrine of absolute justice
  1. 论连带责任制度从绝对主义向相对主义的转变

    Joint and Several Liability : from Absolutism to Relativism

  2. 西方学术界关于欧洲绝对主义研究述要西方学者认为,绝对主义是由封建等级君主制向现代立宪君主制转变的过渡形态。

    Western Scholars on European Absolutism Absolutism derived from feudal societies in medieval Europe .

  3. 其中相对主义测度指标包括惯性率、亚惯性率、平均流动率、Shorrocks指数和M指数;绝对主义测度指标主要是指欧氏距离函数。

    Which relativism measures including inertia rate , and inertia rate , the average turnover , Shorrocks index and M index ; Absolute socialist measure index is mainly refers to the Euclidean distance functions .

  4. 二战后,儒学传统也中断了,但这种中断只是中断了它与带有封建专制特色的天皇制绝对主义政策的联系。

    Afterwards , the feudal autocracy tradition of Confucianism broke off .

  5. 第三章着重探讨构建普遍伦理的可能性思路。首先,在否定的意义上指出不能在道德相对主义和道德绝对主义的框架内建构普遍伦理及其原因;

    Chapter Three emphasizes on the possible construction of universal ethics .

  6. 绝对主义的政权为科学革命提供了有利的创新环境和制度保障;

    The absolute government provides innovative environment and system guarantee for science revolution ;

  7. 17世纪欧洲绝对主义国家和新古典主义美学之间存在着直接的联系。

    Th century European absolute state was directly related to neo - classical estheticism .

  8. 价值绝对主义冲突的表现及对策

    Manifestation and Solution of the Conflict of Value-Absolutism

  9. 因此,我们必须反对马克思主义哲学理解问题上的绝对主义和相对主义两种倾向。

    We must object to the relativistic and absolutistic tendency in the understanding of Marxist philosophy .

  10. 而绝对主义道德推理的代表是18世纪的德国哲学家康德。

    The most important philosopher of categorical moral reasoning is the18th century German philosopher Immanuel Kant .

  11. 相反,他们会求助于法律来实现这种专制制度、种绝对主义、种无限权威。

    Instead , they turn to the law for this despotism , this absolutism , this omnipotence .

  12. 非哲学以相对主义替代绝对主义,使其扭断了哲学发展链条中的必有环节。

    With its replacing absolutism by relativism , non-philosophy cuts off necessary link of philosophy development chain .

  13. 它既不是所谓的绝对主义,也不是什么神秘主义或虚无主义,它的论证形式充满了逻辑与辩证法的意味。

    It is neither absolutism nor mysticism , nor nihilism , but full of logics and dialectics .

  14. 但是,相对主义科学观却不是对绝对主义科学观的根本否定,而是绝对主义科学观的消极发展。

    However , relativism is not the fundamental denial of absolutism but the passive development of absolutism .

  15. 自然灾害的概念、等级西方学者认为,绝对主义是由封建等级君主制向现代立宪君主制转变的过渡形态。

    THE DEFINITION OF NATURAL DISASTER AND DISASTER GRADE SCALE Absolutism derived from feudal societies in medieval Europe .

  16. 例如,一个人可以关于自由是一个绝对主义者并且关于职业教育是一个相对主义者。

    One might , for example , be an Absolutist about liberal and a Relativist about vocational education .

  17. 更加讽刺的是,他们的绝对主义事实上正是信心的对立面

    Doubly ironic , in this case , because their absolutism is in fact the opposite of faith .

  18. 在追求普遍适用道德原则的过程中,绝对主义把这种原则看成亘古不变的教条,而相对主义则否定这种原则的存在。

    Absolutism see moral principle unchangeable dogma while relativism ignore it in the process of searching general moral principle .

  19. 就科学哲学而言,相对主义与绝对主义科学观都属于形而上学视野下的表象科学观。

    In philosophy of science , both absolutism and relativism are theory-dominated philosophy of science which belongs to metaphysics .

  20. 在坚持客观性立场时,又必须反对绝对主义的立场,贯彻理解问题上的辩证法。

    We , however , should oppose the standpoint of absolutism and carry out the dialectics in the comprehension .

  21. 本章测度代际内收入流动性的指标分为相对主义测度指标和绝对主义测度指标。

    This chapter intergenerational income mobility within the measure index into relativism measure index and absolute socialist measure index .

  22. 他们都提倡一种绝对主义伦理观,超越经验世界里的相对主义伦理观。

    They advocate a concept of absolutist ethics , beyond the experience of relativism in the world of ethics .

  23. 因此生存论哲学根本不同于形而上学,实践科学观根本不同于表象科学观,超越了绝对主义和相对主义的对立。

    Therefore , existentialism ultimately differs from metaphysics and practice-dominated philosophy of science ultimately differs from theory-dominated philosophy of science .

  24. 与此同时,王权也有意识地把游戏当成宣扬绝对主义意识形态的控制臣民思想的工具。

    Meanwhile , the French monarchy also consciously used games as a tool for preaching absolutism ideology and controlling the subjects .

  25. 文学本质研究所依持的是本质主义的思维方式、本质主义的知识建构原则,受本质主义的终极主义和绝对主义原则的制约。

    The research of literary essence is dependent on the mode of thinking of Essentialism and the knowledge principle of Essentialism .

  26. 从数学的发展来看,占主流的数学观已经由静态的、绝对主义的转变为动态的、辨证的。

    The principal view of mathematics has changed from motionlessness and absolutism to action and dialectics with the development of mathematics .

  27. 但无论是绝对主义的主观理性还是相对主义的客观理性,都具有实体性的特点,并存在着理性高于非理性以及二者的二元对立倾向。

    Both of them have their practical features and hold the conviction that rationalism is superior to non-rationalism as well as their dual opposites .

  28. 在科学哲学中,绝对主义和相对主义科学观也是交替出现,而且,近来相对主义科学观表现出旺盛的生命力,这促使我们承认,在表象科学观中,相对主义不可避免。

    Furthermore , recently relativism is showing strong vitality , which urges us to accept that relativism is unavoidable in theory-dominated philosophy of science .

  29. 本文认为黑格尔成功地避免了在知识问题上的这种两难选择&要么沦为绝对主义,要么选择相对主义。

    This paper believes that Hegel successfully avoid this dilemma of the knowledge issue & either reduced to absolutism , or choose to be relativism .

  30. 一种观点认为,黑格尔对知识问题持一种绝对主义的观点,自认在他的哲学中达到了普遍必然性的知识。

    One view is that Hegel holds that knowledge is absolute , and claims that he achieve the knowledge of universal necessity in his philosophy .