
  • 网络absolute power
  1. 权力导致腐败,绝对权力导致绝对腐败。这虽是老生常谈,但却是真理。

    Power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts . That 's the old hackneyed phrase , but it 's true .

  2. 它是那个腐败的权力和绝对权力的绝对腐败。

    It is that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely .

  3. 理论上欧洲有一个最高职位,一位真正的领袖可以在这个位置上施展权威,廓清迷雾,行使绝对权力&这个职位就是欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)主席一职。

    In theory , Europe has a spot at the top in which a real leader might sit and wield some gavel of authority , clarity , and resolute power & and that is the high office of President of the European Commission .

  4. 合法政府享有绝对权力的政治理论。

    Political theory that any legitimate government shall have absolute power .

  5. 它无条件地承认皇帝的绝对权力。

    It admits absolutely to the emperor 's power unconditionally .

  6. 持专利权的人享有实施这项专利的绝对权力。

    One who owns the patent right enjoys the exclusive right to exploit it .

  7. 在第二时期内,必须建立农民的绝对权力。

    In this period it was necessary to establish the absolute authority of the peasants .

  8. 因为只有这些领导人才有绝对权力救我命!

    Because only these leaders only then to have the absolute authority to rescue me to assign !

  9. 本人知悉电子核证服务有限公司有绝对权力根据核证作业准则批准或拒绝本人之申请。

    I acknowledge the absolute right of Digi-Sign to approve or reject my application pursuant to the CPS .

  10. 不过他们只有需要保持绝对权力时,才会这么做。

    But they tried to do that only when they needed to do so to keep their absolute control .

  11. 这是一种禁欲的信仰,顺从于安拉的绝对权力是该信仰的中心所在。

    It is an austere faith , with the central belief being the submission to the absolute power of Allah .

  12. 畸形地强调君权与父权,使之成为几乎不受任何限制的绝对权力。

    Overemphasis of the right of king and father is to make it absolute right not being controlled by anything .

  13. 毫无疑问,在过去的一百年中,出现过持续不断的专制政体,通过行使绝对权力而压迫天下百姓。

    Certainly in the past one hundred years there have been continuing dictatorships that have suppressed millions by wielding absolute authority .

  14. 氏族社会中长老的绝对权力,主要表现在对从邻近氏族掠夺来的妇女的占有上。

    The absolutist power of the father in clan society came mostly from the possession of women taken in forays against neighboring clans .

  15. 我们都知道绝对权力滋生腐败,但这些由创始人控制的上市公司对伦理道德的公然挑战依然令人震惊。

    We all know absolute power corrupts , but the apparent level of ethical challenge at these public , founder-controlled companies is mind-boggling .

  16. 著名的思想家阿克顿(英)有句名言:权力导致腐败,绝对权力导致绝对腐败。

    Acton , a well-known English thinker , has a famous saying : Power leads to corruption ; absolute power leads to absolute corruption .

  17. 根据美国宪法,国会拥有决定政府开支的绝对权力,535名国会议员都可以用手中握着的否决权来换取某种妥协。

    The US Constitution firmly locates spending authority in Congress , and indeed all 535 members of Congress use their potential veto power to extract concessions .

  18. 有人也许渴望传统银行经理人在地放借贷体系中拥有绝对权力,但规模贷款的效率和盈利能力并没有消失。

    Some may pine for the traditional bank manager tyrannising a local lending system , but the efficiency and profitability of scale lending is not going away .

  19. 在不断转变的政策背后,是一个不可妥协的条件:只要你们不质疑我们的绝对权力,我们就会给你们不断增长的繁荣。

    Beneath these shifting policies lies one inalienable understanding : We 'll give you growing prosperity , if you don 't question our right to absolute power .

  20. 尽管以色列的行为引起了国际社会的批评,拜登此前曾辩护称,他所说的是以色列拥有保卫安全利益的绝对权力。

    Although the action drew international criticism , Mr Biden had previously defended what he said was Israel 's absolute right to deal with its security interest .

  21. 于是出现了看似是绝对权力导致绝对欲望,绝对欲望导致绝对灭亡的现象。

    So the phenomenon looks like absolute power leading to absolute desire , absolute desire resulting in absolute ruin in the male world of the family clan novel .

  22. 在土家家法中,族规是宗族的法典;族长是家族的首领,拥有绝对权力;家法实施的范围和家谱的范围一致。

    According to the family law of Tujia nationality , the clan regulation is the code . Shaikh is the leader of whole family and has absolute power .

  23. 作为力拓驻华铁矿石销售主管,胡士泰并没有随意划拨大量铁矿石的绝对权力。

    Mr Hu , Rio 's head iron ore salesman in China , did not have absolute power to allocate tonnes of iron ore to anyone he chose .

  24. 如此,将帅便具有绝对权力,也能够使用有智谋之士的策略,让勇猛顽强的人效命于沙场。

    From then on , the commander-in-chief will have absolute authority over the troops and he can use the wise to plan strategies and the brave to fight battles .

  25. 葛兰西和福柯都区分了,绝对权力和,葛兰西所谓的霸权,或福柯所谓的权力/知识。

    Both Gramsci and Foucault make the distinction between absolute power and , as Gramsci calls it , hegemony and , as Foucault calls it , power / knowledge .

  26. 美国律师协会则有滥用的绝对权力赋予我们的政府,并已被蒙蔽州最高法院接受其决定谁可以坐在酒吧的支配。

    The ABA has misused the absolute power granted it by our government and has beguiled state supreme courts to accept its dictates in determining who can sit for the bar .

  27. 对一个有鉴赏力的人来说,一个更严重的问题却是他在人类事务中所处的显要位置使他面临谎言和奉承的危险,这是拥有几乎绝对权力的人必然会遭到的处境。

    A problem more serious ( for a man of taste ) is a position of eminence in human affairs , with the risks from adulation and lies which are inherent in the possession of almost absolute power .

  28. 作为物种的人类在自身生存遭到严重威胁的状况下,终于被迫推翻绝对权力的统治,用完整的理性(生态理性)重建生态社会,该生态社会的性质则为生态社会主义。

    When encountered the severe threat , the mankind as one kind of species would be forced to overthrow the governance of the absolute power , and rebuild the ecosystem society with the integrated rationality ( the ecosystem rationality ) . The nature of the ecosystem society then is eco-socialism .

  29. 罗马的家庭也被归在这种类型以内,因此,家长的绝对权力,其它家庭成员对家长的无权地位,近来是受到很大怀疑的。

    The Roman family is now also considered to have originated from this type , and consequently the absolute power of the father of the house , and the complete absence of rights among the other members of the family in relation to him , have recently been strongly questioned .

  30. 具体包括确立环境保护部在环境管理中的绝对权力、设立农村环境司、环保机构实行垂直管理、加强基层环境管理机构建设、加强农村环境监测和统计工作体系建设,等。

    Including the establishment of the absolute power of the Environmental Protection Department in environmental management , setting up a " Rural Environment Division ," vertical management of environmental protection institutions , strengthening grass-roots institution-building in environmental management and environmental monitoring and rural statistics system job , and so on .