
  • 网络absolute reference frame
  1. 如果承认存在绝对参考系,按斐兹杰惹-洛伦兹长度收缩效应和洛奇-洛伦兹时间延缓效应,就可以消除滑落悖论。

    If the absolute reference frame is admitted , in accordance with FitzGerald-Lorentz length contraction effect and Lodge-Lorentz time dilation effect , the slide down paradox can be eliminated .

  2. 关于绝对惯性参考系

    On Absolute Reference System of Inertia

  3. 两者既能克服古典力学绝对化运动概念而要求绝对惯性参考系的局限性,又能兼容与统一古典力学的全部理论。

    The former has variation function , the latter is used generally , both not only can overcome classical mechanical one limitation of absolutism motion concept with absolute inertia reference system , but also include and unify all theory of classical mechanics .