
jué duì duō shù
  • absolute majority;overwhelming majority
  1. 如果今年晚些时候意大利举行另一轮选举,该政党领导人贝佩??格里洛(BeppeGrillo)很可能会赢得绝对多数选票。

    There is a good chance that its leader , Beppe Grillo , could end up with an absolute majority if Italy were to hold another round of elections later this year .

  2. 非配额移民在其间每一年都占绝对多数。

    Non-quota immigrants were an absolute majority in every single year .

  3. 没有任何政党可望获得绝对多数。

    No one party is expected to gain an outright majority .

  4. 他的联盟也许会占绝对多数,但这种优势可能会很快丧失。

    His coalition may hold a clear majority but this could quickly fall away

  5. 从大多数民意调查的结果来看,他很有可能以绝对多数票胜出。

    According to most opinion polls , he is set to win a clear majority

  6. 下议院以绝对多数否决了对谋杀罪恢复死刑的要求。

    The House of Commons has overwhelmingly rejected demands to bring back the death penalty for murder

  7. 由于IMF理事会决议需要85%的绝对多数投票,因此,美国享有事实上的否决权。

    Since IMF board decisions require a super-majority of 85 per cent the US therefore has veto powers .

  8. 目前IMF的重要决定需要得到85%的绝对多数投票,而美国拥有17%的投票权重。

    Currently important decisions require a supermajority of 85 per cent of votes , and the US has a 17 per cent share .

  9. 欧洲国家合起来在IMF董事会上拥有大约30%的投票权重,这意味着,若按照德国的提议,将绝对多数票门槛降低至大约75%,它们仍将能够行使否决权。

    European countries collectively hold about 30 per cent of the votes on the board , meaning that a reduction of the supermajority threshold to around 75 per cent , as suggested by Germany , would still allow them to block votes .

  10. 朔伊布勒表示,作为交换,“我们应当考虑降低适用于imf最重要决定的绝对多数票要求,以便我们在未来不致面对一个国家或一小批国家的少数否决”。

    Mr Schuble said that in return , " we should consider lowering the special voting majorities for the most important IMF decisions so that in the future we can do without a blocking minority for a single country or a very small group of countries " .

  11. 没有一个候选人获得绝对多数。因此必须进行决胜选举。

    Neither candidate won a clear majority , forcing a runoff .

  12. 她不可能在第一次投票选举中赢得绝对多数票。

    She may not win an overall majority on the first ballot .

  13. 议案获绝对多数票通过。

    The bill was passed by a clear majority .

  14. 目前,这些决议需要85%的股东的绝对多数投票才能生效。

    Currently some decisions require a super-majority of 85 per cent of shareholders .

  15. 只有在参院得到60票的绝对多数票时,才能推翻进行补偿的要求。

    Only a super-majority of60 Senate votes can override the need for offsets .

  16. 政府没有获得绝对多数票。

    The government does not have an overall majority .

  17. 两个党派都距离成为绝对多数所需的326个席位相差甚远。

    Both are far short of the326 seats needed for an absolute majority .

  18. 如果她的这种势头继续下去,那么她甚至可能以绝对多数胜出。

    If her momentum continues , she may even win an outright majority .

  19. 他以绝对多数票当选。

    He was elected by a large majority .

  20. 工党刚刚以绝对多数赢得了大选。

    The Labour Party had just won a general election with an overwhelming majority .

  21. 在这种体制下,政府一般会获得议会绝对多数票的支持。

    Under such a system , governments are typically backed by a strong legislative majority .

  22. 首相一年前刚以议会绝对多数重新当选。

    The prime minister was re-elected only a year ago with a thumping parliamentary majority .

  23. 在汉语史各个时期,名词的数量始终占据绝对多数。

    Different periods in Chinese history , the number of nouns always takes an absolute majority .

  24. 这个程序会继续,直至有一名候选人获得绝对多数票为止。

    The process will continue until one candidate obtains an absolute majority over other remaining candidates .

  25. 国大党领导的联盟离赢得议会人民院的绝对多数还差不到12个席位。

    The Congress-led alliance is less than a dozen seats short of an outright majority in parliament .

  26. 由指定的绝对多数人作出的决策,将可集中所有手段,并对各方形成约束。

    Decisions , by a specified super-majority , would aggregate across instruments and be binding on all .

  27. 任何党派只要获得不少于326个席位的绝对多数,就可以组建政府。

    Any party that wins an outright majority of 326 or more seats can form a government . 2 .

  28. 目前绝对多数节水灌溉控制系统不仅功能单一,而且在控制方式上主要以有线控制为主。

    At present , most water-saving irrigation control system have singal function , and which mainly employ wired control mode .

  29. 结果:(1)中药复方研究中,治疗应用类的文献数量居绝对多数;

    Results : ( 1 ) Literature of clinical application is absolute majority in the studies of TCM 's compounds ;

  30. 上周日的选举中,这个秉持保守主义立场的政党获得了压倒性胜利,在众议院获得绝对多数席位。

    The party won a resounding victory on Sunday , claiming an absolute majority in the lower house of Parliament .