
  • 网络Absolute holding;majority shareholder
  1. 应从制度上规定AMC对债转股企业的绝对控股权。

    And it should be stipulated that AMC should have the absolute right to control the debt-to-equity swap enterprises .

  2. 尽快解决占绝对控股地位国有股、法人股的流通问题,推一西安理工大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文一动上市公司建立有效的法人治理结构和激励约束机制;

    Immediately resolve the currencies of state-owned stock and corporation-owned stock which occupy absolute control status in almost all issued companies , impulse to set up effective companies ' father framework and emotion-restriction mechanism .

  3. JZ公司成立于2008年,是由香港CS集团公司与四川FL公司投资组建的中外全资公司,并由香港CS集团绝对控股。

    The JZ Company is founded in 2008 , which is invested by Hong Kong CS Group and Sichuan FL Company . It is a joint-venture company , been held absolutely by Hong Kong CS Group .

  4. 第一大股东不宜绝对控股。

    It is not suitable for the first major shareholder to hold absolutely .

  5. 目前我国证券市场只为企业解决了资金问题,在国家股占绝对控股地位且非流通股占总股本70%还多的情况下,不可能对企业治理结构产生根本的影响。

    Now , Chinese stock markets only provide the enterprises with funds but not change their governing organizations .

  6. 上市公司股权结构过于集中,非流通股占绝对控股地位;

    Centralization stock structure of listed companies , non - circulating stocks takes up the absolute control position ;

  7. 由于股权分散的状态是指企业既不存在绝对控股性的大股东,也不存在相对控股性的大股东。

    The equity decentralizations mean that there are no absolute holding big shareholders or relative holding big shareholders in companies .

  8. 在坚持坚持国家绝对控股的同时,我们要努力改善银行的产权结构。

    While keeping a controlling share in the State 's hands , we will work to improve the banks'ownership structure .

  9. 当其控制权达到绝对控股时,其动机越明显,其越不需要有效的监督。

    When they have absolute control , they have more obvious motive , which does not require the more effective supervision .

  10. 产权改革的目标模式应是:国家绝对控股→国家相对控股→公众上市银行。

    The goal of property reformation should be public listed banks through state absolutely holding banks and state relatively holding banks .

  11. 当然,当外资取得绝对控股后,外资银行将对东道国政治经济带来不确定性的负面影响。

    Of course , it will take negative impact on the host country political and economic when foreign banks obtain absolute control .

  12. 只有当第一大股东的持股比例在达到绝对控股之后的局部区域,盈利信息的质量才是较好的。

    And only when the holding percentage of the largest shareholder gets to absolute controlling shares , the earning information quality is better .

  13. 二是应当在未来构建多元化的产权主体,但应保证政府绝对控股;

    Second , they should construct pluralistic main part of property right in the future , but should guarantee the government controls of interest definitely ;

  14. 股权结构呈现多元化,形成了国有股、法人股和公众股,其中国有股处于绝对控股的地位。

    Ownership structure appears diversification , and formed state-owned share , enterprise share and the public share , which state-owned shares is in a holding position .

  15. 首先应适当减持国有股比例,减轻国有绝对控股对公司绩效带来的负面的影响。

    First , reduce the proportion of the state-owned shares appropriately , to alleviate the negative impact of the absolute state-owned holding to the company performance .

  16. 在股东人数达到一定标准或存在绝对控股股东的情况下,或者公司规模较大时,应当强制监事会必须选任法人监事。

    Supervision committee must select corporate supervisors while the number of shareholders reach a certain standard , there are absolute controlling shareholders , or a larger company .

  17. 本文的研究结果表明,在中国特定的背景下,拥有绝对控股地位的控股股东分配现金股利不一定是保护中小投资者利益的反映,反而是代理问题没有得到解决的产物。

    The findings suggest that under the special background , the cash dividend policy of the absolute controlling shareholders is not necessary to protect the minority shareholders .

  18. 瑞银集团申请将其在瑞银证券的持股比例从25%增加到51%,以实现对瑞银证券的绝对控股。

    UBS is applying to raise its shareholding in UBS Securities from 25 % up to 51 % , giving it a controlling interest in the company .

  19. 但在国有绝对控股的上市公司中,企业投资支出对于负债水平不敏感,并且,随着国有股权比例的上升,企业投资支出对债务杠杆的敏感度逐渐下降。

    The authors find that there is a negative relationship between investment and leverage , but not for the absolute state-controlling firms whose corporate investment is insensitive to debt leverage .

  20. 我国国有企业大多是国有独资或国资绝对控股,这种股权结构严重阻碍了现代企业制度的建设。

    Most of Chinese state-owned enterprises are wholly state-funded or absolutely state-controlling , and the share-holding structure has become a huge obstacle to the foundation of the modem enterprise system .

  21. 在国有绝对控股、董事会治理作用弱化的前提下,政府选择国有企业经营者已是应有之意。

    Because the government is the largest shareholder of SOE and board of directors ' governance function is weakening , it is reasonable for the government select manager in SOE .

  22. 但政府绝对控股并不代表社会主义优于资本主义,而是意味着面对资本主义的失灵,实用主义是必要的。

    But this government control of the commanding heights does not represent the triumph of socialism over capitalism , but the necessity of pragmatism in the face of failures of capitalism .

  23. 出于维护金融稳定、保证渐进式改革成功运行等方面的考虑,国家将在一个很长的时期内对商业银行保有相对,甚至绝对控股权。

    For the consideration of financial stability and progressive reform , the state will maintain a relative or even an absolute main share of votes over commercial banks in a very long period of time .

  24. 国有商业银行平均每家发起的村镇银行数最多,它们设立的村镇银行数和注册资本趋于稳定;大股东主要是绝对控股,合资对象主要是企业法人。

    Village banks launched by state-owned commercial banks averaged the most , the number and registered capital are stable ; all the largest shareholders gain the absolute control and the partners mainly targeted at business entity .

  25. 我国上市公司代理人问题产生的特殊原因在于公司治理结构的缺陷,国有股法人股的绝对控股地位及其非流通性直接导致了代理人问题的产生。

    The very cause of the problems of agents for listed companies in China lies in the deficiency in the companies ' administrative structure , the absolute holding role of fixed and corporate stocks and their non-circulation .

  26. 按股权结构分类,非国有企业的投资行为较为支持外部融资约束假说,国有绝对控股企业中代理问题较为严重。

    Taking the equity structure into account , the investing activities of non-state-owed companies tend to support external financing constraint assumption , while those of the absolute-state-owed companies tend to support free cash flow agency cost assumption .

  27. 尽管中国仍然欢迎外国资金和技术,尽管时常附加种种条件,但对那些冒然想拥有中国大企业绝对控股权的投资者来说,他们应该准备面对日益艰巨的控股权之争。

    Although the country continues to welcome money and technology from abroad , albeit often with strings attached , investors rash enough to seek outright control of established Chinese companies should be prepared for an increasingly tough struggle .

  28. 同时,石油企业作为国有绝对控股企业,必须以身作则,积极履行社会责任,树立负责任的企业形象,提高国际竞争能力。

    At the same time , Chinese oil enterprises as state-owned enterprises , must set an example by its own conduct and actively fulfill their social responsibilities to establish a responsible corporate image and enhance international competition ability .

  29. 实证结果表明,在非绝对控股的制造业上市公司中,随着第二大股东持股比例的增加,第一、二大股东持股份额差距的减小,公司的经营绩效显著提高。

    The results show that the corporate operating performance improve with the increase of the proportion of the shares of the second largest shareholder and the decrease of the gap of the first and second largest shareholders in the non-absolutely-holding listed companies apparently .

  30. 国有股在我国上市公司中处于绝对控股地位,而已有的研究表明,国有股权对于公司治理结构及公司业绩有着消极影响,这就要求国有股东要让渡出上市公司的控制权。

    The state-run stock right in listed companies is in the holding position , and some researches indicate the state-run stock rights have negative influences on company 's administration structure and company 's achievement , which requires state-run shareholders to transfer control power of listed companies .