
jué bǐ
  • last words written before one's death;last words written before one’s death;the last work of an author or painter;stop
绝笔 [jué bǐ]
  • (1) [last words written before one’s death]∶死前最后所写的文字或所作的字画

  • (2) [the last work of an author or painter]∶作者或画家的最后的作品

  • (3) [stop]∶停笔不再写下去

  • 《春秋》绝笔于鲁哀公十四年

绝笔[jué bǐ]
  1. 而且,swansong(最后的诗篇;绝笔;最后的功业)这种表达已在很长一段时间内都是英语的一部分。

    And , the expression swan song has long been a part of the English language .

  2. 这封信是他阵亡前的绝笔。

    The letter was the last one he sent home .

  3. 《暴风雨》是威廉·莎士比亚于1612年的绝笔之作。

    The Tempest was William Shakespeare 's swan song in1612 .

  4. 我的家人只会谈论到它们的价值,因为一些作品是艺术家们的绝笔。

    My family only talked about their value , because artists of posthumous fame created them .

  5. 《掠夺者》是福克纳的绝笔之作,出版于他坠马受伤后去世的同一年。

    The Reivers was Faulkner 's last novel , published in the year that he died after injuring himself in a fall from a horse .

  6. 这封信是他阵亡前的绝笔。在信里,他对父母送给他的生日礼物&一只手表、一些糖果和坚果,表示了感谢。

    In the letter , her brother thanked his parents for a wristwatch they had sent as a birthday gift , as well as some candy and nuts .

  7. 在英语里,作家、美术家和音乐家的绝笔,或演员、歌唱家的最后一次登台,常被称为“天鹅之歌”。

    In English , the last work produced by an artist , writer , or composer , or the last performance of an actor or singer it often called his or her swan song .