
jué yuán jiāo
  • Insulating adhesive;insulating paste
  1. F级绝缘胶的研究

    The Study of the Insulating Binders of Class F

  2. 本文系研究F级绝缘胶,并制成云母带用作电机主绝缘。

    The paper deals with the study of the insulating binders of Class F , which is applied to mica tape used in main insulation for electric machines .

  3. 纳米AlN/EP导热绝缘胶的制备及其性能研究

    Study on preparation and properties of Nano-AlN / EP thermally conductive insulating adhesive

  4. 电器绝缘胶的研究

    Study on insulating cement for electric appliance

  5. 绝缘胶粘合装置元件到待测结构上,使传感器与接地参考电位隔离。

    An insulating adhesive attaches the assembly to the structure under test and isolates the sensor from ground-referenced potentials .

  6. 试验发现导热绝缘胶的导热系数随着固化温度升高而降低,绍尔硬度随着固化温度的升高而升高。

    It is found that the thermal conductivity decreased and the shoreA hardness increased with the curing temperature increased .

  7. 结果表明:填加了粉石英改性粉体的乙丙绝缘胶的性能指标优于填加滑石粉的。

    The results showed that the property indexes of ethylene-propylene rubber added powdery quartz was better than the property indexes of ethylene-propylene rubber added talc .

  8. 试验中发现,在相同的试验条件下,各填料的导热绝缘胶的导热系数由高到低的排序为:氮化铝氧化铝氧化锌。

    It is found that the descending sequence of thermal conductivity of thermal insulate adhesive with different fillers is AlN , Al2O3 , ZnO in same conditions .

  9. 本文介绍一种高性能硅橡胶按键的制造方法和质量控制参数,详细叙述绝缘胶料和导电胶料的配方及性能;

    This paper introduces the manufacturing method and quality controlled parameters of a high property silicone rubber push button . The properties and formula of the insulating size material and the electrically conductive size material are related in detail .

  10. 产品构造:由绝缘材料胶壳、铜制端子、P数等组成。

    Speciality : Product structure : insulated gluey shell , coppery terminal , pin qty etc.

  11. 新型环氧树脂绝缘浸渍胶(WSK)在微特电机上的应用

    Application of the insulation varnishes of the new epoxy resin WSK in the micro electrical motors

  12. 本论文利用并用顺丁橡胶(BR)和添加增塑剂制备了耐寒性好高绝缘的CR胶料;

    In this study , the CR with low temperature resistance and high electrical insulation was prepared by blending Butadiene Rubber ( BR ) and adding plasticizing agent .

  13. 该漆不仅适用于中胶VPI绝缘,更适合少胶VPI绝缘结构,有利于实现中胶绝缘向少胶绝缘结构过渡,从而减薄绝缘厚度,提高了电机的技术指标。

    The varnish can be applied both to the medium-glue VPI insulation and to the litte-glue insulation construction , and can help the transition from the medium-glue insulation to the little-glue insulation , thus the thickness of insulation is lightened and the technical indices of motor are improved .

  14. 川西微晶白云母是白云母类矿物的一个新品种,绝缘性能较好,利用其配制绝缘灌注胶具有较好的应用前景。

    West Sichuan-type micro-crystal muscovite is a new kind of muscovite minerals , the preparation of insulating pouring sealant with micro-crystal muscovite which has good insulation properties has good application prospects .